Different social networks have different uses, strengths and advantages. Twitter could be defined as a social networking site in real time, a place to instantly share information, and communicate with other users in real time, with the ability to create lasting friendships and contacts.
Learning to use this fun, free and useful tool may seem difficult for a beginner, but don't be put off - with a little effort and a lot of learning in the field, you'll soon be able to use Twitter well - and you may even be able to become a "digital celebrity"!
Step 1. Go to Twitter and sign up for free
Do this by entering your name, email address, and password in the appropriate fields.
Method 1 of 4: Tweet and Get Followers
Step 1. Learn the jargon of Twitter and use it appropriately
- Tweet - a status update on Twitter, 140 characters in length, which can include @mentions from other users, hashtags, external links, or plain text.
- Retweet or "RT" - post a tweet from another user, automatically citing the source, so that those who follow you can see it. The original retweet style took a tweet and posted it with your account in the following format: "RT @ (username of the person who posted the tweet first): (content of the tweet)". The current system instead changed this format, and will simply post the tweet, quoting the source below, like this, "Retweeted by @username".
- TweetUps - use Twitter to meet with other users of the social network.
- Trends - "Trends" are a list of topics that users are talking about. When Twitter was recently created, "Trends" featured the most talked about topics over the previous week. The most recent algorithms, on the other hand, allow Twitter to identify trends in real time, and are always updated with the hottest topics. Currently, the "Trends" list contains topics discussed by thousands of people throughout Italy or around the world. When you click on a trend in the list, you will be able to see all the tweets that talk about that topic. For each of them there will be up to three "Top Tweets" highlighted - it is the tweets on the subject that have been retweeted at least 150 times. You can find the "Trends" in the right column of the home page.
- Lists - users can sort the people they follow into lists that group them according to criteria. For example, you might decide to include all nonprofits and charities on the same list to keep them tidy.
- Featured Tweets - A company or organization can pay to create a Trend, to get the attention of users around the world.
Step 2. Tweet
If you want to let those who follow you know what you are doing, write in the "Write a new Tweet" field and then click on the "Tweet" button. Note that tweets are limited to 140 characters or less; otherwise you will see a negative number appear next to the Tweet button.
As you type, you may notice a countdown that tells you how many characters you have left. The remaining characters are displayed in gray, the last 10 digits appear in red, and if you use more than 140 characters, a red minus will appear in front of the number
Step 3. Use hashtags
Putting "#" before a word will create a hashtag. A hashtag will make it easier to find a word.
- Some Trends will include a hashtag, making it easier for users to join the conversation on the topic.
- An example of the use of hashtags is the one promoted by Sky Sport 24 which asks viewers to tweet using a hashtag to easily find users' tweets and read them live.
Step 4. Gain followers
The use of Twitter can be as personal or as broad as you like. If your goal is to get a lot of followers, though, be sure to write interesting and current tweets. You shouldn't underestimate the usefulness of following others - often if you follow someone, they will follow you as well. Finally, express appreciation for your favorite followers. You can do this with a direct tweet, via your blog, or with the # FF mechanism. To do this you will need to tweet a short list of the people you want to suggest to your followers to follow and include the hashtag #FF. The name FF (Follow Friday, literally follow Friday) derives from the fact that these lists were usually published on that day of the week. Whoever you quote will likely do it too, and your name will circulate. But #FF is going out of style, and many critics question its usefulness. A simple retweet can be an equally effective way of attracting followers. Retweets express consent to someone else's statement in real time and are often rewarded with "follow".
Step 5. Check your followers' responses directed to you
Click @Mentions to see if there have been replies to your tweets. When you Tweet, using "@" followed by a username (without spaces) will send a mention to the user you entered. For example, "@username" will send a mention to "username", and the entire tweet will appear in its "@mentions" section.
Step 6. Decide on your style and times to tweet
Twitter, like many social networks, can be addictive and take up your time. Make a decision early on how much time to spend on Twitter and how big you want your "tribe" of followers to be. Don't worry about reaching a certain target of followers; Twitter is a means of communication and not a competition and if you use it in this way it will exhaust you. Instead, focus on quality relationships and sharing information, and don't be too angry if someone stops following you; it will happen and you won't be able to do anything. If you have the feeling that Twitter is overwhelming you, put it aside for a while, and resume using it later, with a more relaxed soul.
- Anthropological and sociological studies argue that we can feel part of a tribe of up to 150-200 people. In larger groups, we would feel confused and lose the intimacy of relationships. Keep this in mind when trying to attract too many followers!
- On the internet you can find many resources to prevent or counter a Twitter addiction.
Method 2 of 4: Find and Sort the People You Follow
Step 1. Decide who to follow
You will find that you know a lot of people on Twitter. Using the menus on your profile, click "Who to Follow", and you will find many ways to search for people on Twitter. Here they are explained:
- Use the "Find Friends" link to find people you know from your Gmail, MSN, Hotmail, and Yahoo accounts.
- Use the "See suggestions" link for a wide range of possibilities that may suit your interests. (Twitter works continuously to update the list of contacts to follow, so keep an eye on it).
- Use "Browse Categories" to find people by category.
Step 2. Look for people from organizations you belong to or those who share a common interest
There are many businesses, companies, celebrities and non-profit organizations on Twitter, from Benedict XVI (@pontifex) to Greenpeace (@greenpeace).
Step 3. Create lists
If you follow a lot of people, it can be difficult to check all the tweets. To find them easier, you can sort the people you follow in a list. To add someone to a list, go to their profile. Then, click on the person's icon in the toolbar and choose "Add to List". A menu with your lists will appear; you can choose to create a new list or add someone to an existing one.
Method 3 of 4: Complete Your Profile
Step 1. Upload a profile photo
This image will be displayed on the site next to your name. It must be a JPG, GIF, or-p.webp
Step 2. Add your name, where you are and your website
Under your profile photo, you will be able to enter your full name. Adding your full name will allow you to look professional regardless of your username. You can also enter where you are to let people know where you are tweeting from and also links to your site or blog if you wish.
Step 3. Work on the "Bio" (Biography)
Make it catchy and interesting. If you write it well, it will help you get more followers; the people who will have to decide whether to follow you will read your bio to make a choice. Keep in mind that the bio can be up to 160 characters long, so you need to be concise and direct. Don't write your real name or website URL here - write them in the appropriate fields instead.
Step 4. Decide if you want your tweets to be posted on Facebook
This will allow you to have more visibility. If you want, click on "Post my tweets on Facebook" at the bottom of the profile page.
Step 5. Change your language and time zone
In the "Account" tab of the settings, you will be able to change the language and time zone of Twitter. You can do this by choosing your preferred settings from the drop-down menus. You can change your username and email address in this section if you wish.
Step 6. Check the box below the time zone to add your location to your tweets
This is a different setting than location on your profile - it will be specific to each tweet and may or may not be accurate according to the methods used to calculate your location. Even with this feature turned on, you can decide to hide the location for each tweet.
Step 7. Change your tweet privacy and media settings
You can find them in the Account tab of the settings. Check the boxes you want and press save.
Step 8. Change your password regularly
Protect your account by changing your password periodically. To do this, click on the "Password" tab in the settings. Enter your old password, then your new one twice. Press "Change" when done.
Step 9. Decide if you want to receive emails from Twitter
In the "Email notifications" tab you will find a series of actions. Check the boxes next to the actions you wish to receive an email for.
Step 10. Personalize your profile
Each profile will initially have the default background and color scheme. If you want, however, you can customize it. Click on the "Appearance" tab of the settings. You can choose one of the background images present, or upload your own by clicking on the "Change background" button. Then, click "Choose File" to upload an image from your computer. You can also try out new color schemes by clicking on the appropriate buttons.
Method 4 of 4: Other Features
Step 1. Send Direct Messages
Direct messages go directly to the people you send them to. The direct message feature uses an incoming and outgoing system, but you will still be limited to 140 characters; in addition, you can send direct messages only to users who follow you. Direct messages will not be visible to anyone but you and the recipient, and therefore are private. To send a direct message, go to your follower's page and click on the person's icon and then on Direct message.
Keep in mind that some people don't like direct messages on Twitter, because they use Twitter for its ability to ensure fast, public conversations, not as an excuse to send each other private messages. Furthermore, private messages are not appreciated when used for advertising or spam
Step 2. Use third party applications to share accounts and easily use Twitter on the go
Applications like TweetDeck and Twhirl (for PC), Twitter on iPhone (iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad), or Twidroid (Android) can help you better manage your accounts. If you have a lot of followers and follow a lot of people, and you can no longer manage everything from the official Twitter site, you could try more advanced programs, such as Hoot Suite or Blossome.
- Try to use only one tweet to express your thoughts. If you need more than one, you should rephrase what you mean.
- If privacy is a concern, Twitter offers the option to make your tweets visible only to followers you have approved (you can change this setting in Settings> Account> Tweet privacy).
- URL reducers are sites you will learn to love as a Twitter user; shortens the length of URLs to be able to tweet them of 140 characters.
- If you're looking to get lots of followers, find a niche for your Twitter account. Tweet about politics, basketball, fashion, or what you're passionate about.
- You can download Twitter on your smartphone.
- Search Twitter accounts on the sites you visit; this can help you follow people whose opinions truly interest you.
- Excessive tweeting (100 or more tweets in an hour or 1000 or more tweets in a day) can temporarily send you "to jail" for a few hours. When you are in "jail", you will be able to access your profile but you will not be able to tweet.
- As with any social network, pay attention to the information you share.