Before the singers of Kpop (Korean Pop, Korean pop) became famous, they were apprentices. These Kpop apprentices have been living, training and performing together since the age of 9 or 10 and it is all closely watched by their record company. Read the first step to learn how to become an apprentice and start your journey into the world of Kpop!

Step 1. Learn to sing
To become a Kpop apprentice you need to be able to sing well, as the most important part of your job will be making music and having a beautiful voice. If you already know how to sing very well it is even better. But if you don't think you're a good singer, go to a singing school, take private lessons and look for various exercises to do every day.
Knowing how to play a musical instrument is useful, but a good voice is essential

Step 2. Improve your dancing skills
If the audition is going to be for entertainment companies like Sm Town, JYP, or Yg, you'll also have to dance. If you can't dance be honest and say it right away. Some Kpop artists like Lee Hi don't dance at all. However, being a good dancer is always a plus, so if you have a natural talent for dance, perfect it with a teacher or on your own.
Step 3. Learn to act
Many Kpop stars become actors at some point in their careers - either in music videos or in actual "drama" (soap operas). While singing and dancing are the main skills, knowing how to act is an extra strong point that will be noticed during the audition. Think about taking private lessons or joining a local theater company to improve your acting skills.

Step 4. Learn Korean
Kpop singers often sing in English even if they don't speak the language, but the story is different for their native language. If you really want to become a Kpop star you need to know Korean at least to passable levels. This will take a lot of time and if you have to start from the beginning you will need a tutor, computer based educational programs or language courses. At first you will be able to "get by" knowing the basics of Korean and some songs.

Step 5. Choose a company to audition with
There are many Korean entertainment companies that have launched many Kpop stars, the most famous being: SM, JYP, YG, Cube, LOEN, Pledis, and Woolim. Each company has its own requirements: SM Entertainment, for example, is known for looking for beautiful people, JYP considers beauty and talent equally, and YG is all about talent. Consider these items before booking an audition.

Step 6. The audition
Believe it or not, but Kpop auditions take place all over the world! Most are classic auditions - performing in front of the judges - but you might also get noticed with auditioning on Youtube! In addition there are also talent shows for Kpop stars (a program where 3 judges choose the Kpop star) that you could participate in.

Step 7. Choose the right style for the audition
Presentation is everything! For the audition, avoid strange or discouraging clothes. For example, don't choose clothes suitable for a wild party. Instead, choose something elegant that flatters your physique and makes you look beautiful and dignified. Something as simple as jeans and a t-shirt can do it if they look good on you!
Use a little makeup. A little mascara and gloss are fine, but avoid too much makeup. Judges want to see your natural beauty, so don't overdo it

Step 8. Be persistent
Success can be elusive, but don't be discouraged! Keep auditioning until you are successful. Don't be discouraged by failures. Persistence will ultimately pay off.
- Don't cry if you don't pass the audition! Show that you are a strong person who will try again!
- Be respectful at the auditions!
- Exercise! Health is important and if you are overweight you need to lose some pounds. Judges usually want people who are thin and in great shape.
- Korean entertainment companies prefer kind and diligent people.
- The perfect age to audition is 15-16 years or less. If you are older that's fine too! You can do it!
- If you are Asian and speak Korean well, you have a better chance of passing the audition.
- If you pass the audition you will probably have to move to South Korea to do an apprenticeship.
- You probably won't have time to see family and friends anymore, so think twice.
- Your life will get very busy, you will have little time to sleep and the training will be very hard. Think carefully before making a choice.