How to Fix a Volatile Toilet Seat

How to Fix a Volatile Toilet Seat
How to Fix a Volatile Toilet Seat

Table of contents:


If the toilet seat has come loose, you need to tighten the screws. The seat is typically attached to the bowl with two long screws. Use a screwdriver to tighten the bolts, solving the problem in this way. If the part is badly damaged, you will need to consider purchasing a replacement.


Part 1 of 2: Tighten the Seat

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 1
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 1

Step 1. Find the screws and pry off the small cover

The back of the tablet is usually fixed to the ceramic with two long screws that go through its entire thickness. The screws are locked by two nuts at the bottom. Look for a small slot in the front of the tablet, which is intended to help you pry and detach the lid; then use a small screwdriver to proceed with the operation.

On cheaper models there are plastic screws. However, most toilets have steel screws, while more expensive seats have brass or stainless steel ones. Be very gentle with the plastic screws

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 2
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 2

Step 2. Place the seat in the center of the toilet

If the tablet is loose, it probably moves back and forth, misaligning itself with the rim of the ceramic cup. Straighten the seat so that it is perfectly centered on the toilet opening. Consider sitting down to test your comfort.

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 3
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 3

Step 3. Tighten the bolt

Turn the screwdriver clockwise to tighten the screws. Remember that "right: tight; left: slow". Typically, there is a wing nut to prevent it from rotating along with the bolt.

Decide which screwdriver is best suited. Make sure it is large enough to fit into the notches in the bolt head. If the tool is too small, you will not be able to turn the screw. Friction caused by the screwdriver blade continuing to lose grip will quickly ruin the bolt head, rendering it unusable

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 4
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 4

Step 4. Apply some tension

If the bolt continues to turn without tightening, lock the nut underneath with a pair of small pliers. Try to grab the end of the nut and hold it while you turn the screw. After turning the bolt several times, the butterfly shape of the nut should be enough to keep it from moving.

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 5
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 5

Step 5. Continue screwing until the seat is securely fastened

When it no longer has any play, lower the cover, you should hear a click.

Part 2 of 2: Replace the Seat

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 6
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 6

Step 1. Consider purchasing a new seat

If the bolts are damaged, you can just change these pieces and use the original tablet. If the seat body is in poor condition, it is worth buying a new one that will last a long time. Look for replacement parts in DIY, home and hardware stores.

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 7
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 7

Step 2. Check which model you need to purchase

There are two standard types: round and oval. The former are suitable for perfectly circular toilets, while the "elongated" ones are created for oval, egg-shaped cups. Buy the replacement suitable for your model.

If possible, look for a toilet seat made by the same company that makes the toilet. Generally, universal models are fine, but sometimes they may not fit perfectly

Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 8
Fix a Loose Toilet Seat Step 8

Step 3. Install the new seat

You have to unscrew the old one, put it aside and mount the new one on the toilet. Make sure it is well aligned with the edges of the ceramic and that it is straight.

Keep the bolts and nuts from the old tablet in case you need to replace a new one


  • If the original bolt is already broken, you can purchase a generic plastic one from a hardware store.
  • Make sure there is a groove to pry on. Most models allow you to do this in the front, some are equipped with small locking mechanisms recognizable by the notches on the covers.
  • If you want to completely replace the seat, remember that there are only two types: round and oval. Check if the front of the toilet is round or egg-shaped (elongated). The replacement packaging should clearly state the model.
