Having a narrow waist, in proportion to the shape of one's body, is considered an attractive feature in women, as evidenced by the hourglass figures flaunted by several movie stars of bygone eras. Although a woman's waistline is determined by genetics, a tight waistline can be achieved through weight loss, targeted exercise, and strategic clothing selection.
Part 1 of 3: Changing the Diet

Step 1. Prepare to change your diet
To have a tight waist you will need to lose weight, and you cannot do it simply through exercise; you will need to eat a healthy diet and reduce your calorie intake to see results. You will need discipline and motivation. In addition to reducing your calorie intake, you can choose healthy foods that help reduce your waistline.
- For example, according to a scientific study, people who consume whole grains, five daily servings of fruits and vegetables, low-fat foods, lean meat, fish and poultry lose more belly fat than those who follow the same diet., but replacing whole grains with refined ones.
- Keep in mind that to lose one pound, you need to cut 3,500 calories from your diet. Specialists claim that the ideal weight to lose is at most half a kilo per week, so there is no point in starving or following drastic diets to lose weight faster.

Step 2. Start the day with a healthy breakfast; is the best thing to do if you are on a weight loss diet
By having breakfast, you activate your metabolism and, therefore, you will be able to burn more calories during the day. In addition, you will feel full for quite some time and will not feel like snacking during the morning and afternoon, which could cause you to exceed your calorie intake.
- Try a combination of bread or whole grains, eggs (high in protein) and fruit (high in vitamins) for a perfect balanced breakfast. If you are in a hurry, make a smoothie and eat a cereal bar, to still feel good throughout the day.
- You should also try drinking a glass of water before breakfast (and before each meal) so your body won't confuse hunger with thirst by avoiding overeating. Plus, you'll keep yourself hydrated, which is very important.

Step 3. Eat smaller meals, but more frequently
It is a very common thought among dieters to deprive themselves of eating between meals, with the result that, as soon as they find food in front of them, they eat more than they should. The secret to a successful diet is to eat more frequently by reducing portions during meals.
- By eating in this way you will avoid being too hungry between meals, risking to take in too many calories; you will also stimulate your metabolism, thus being able to burn more calories during the day.
- Get good fats. Many dieters think they need to avoid fat like the plague in order to lose weight; instead, eating a certain amount of good fats is essential for a balanced diet and can help you lose weight. Studies show that a diet that includes monounsaturated fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, soy and dark chocolate can prevent the accumulation of fat in the belly area. Bottom line, around 25-30% of your daily calorie intake should come from these good fats.

Step 4. Polyunsaturated fats (such as the Omega 3 fatty acids found in mackerel, salmon, herring, walnuts, canola oil and tofu) are also part of those good fats that should be included in your diet
They help lower cholesterol and are good for the brain.
- The trans fats, contained in margarine, pretzels, biscuits and everything that is produced with partially hydrogenated oils, cause a greater accumulation of fat on the stomach. So avoid them as much as you can.
- Get more fiber in your diet. High-fiber foods are an essential component of a healthy diet for many reasons. First, they help with intestinal balance by decreasing swelling and blockages. Plus, they make you feel full for a long time and need to be chewed for longer, thus preventing you from overeating. Plus, high-fiber foods tend to have fewer calories than other foods.

Step 5. Try to include a wide range of high-fiber foods in your diet to get the benefits of both soluble and insoluble fiber
Soluble fibers are oats, barley, peas and beans, apples, carrots and citrus fruits; the insoluble ones instead include wheat bran and products containing whole grains, nuts, beans and green vegetables.
- Soluble fiber, in particular, has been shown to lower insulin levels, which could speed up the fat burning process.
- Eliminate carbonated drinks. Basically they are extra calories in a can; eliminating them from the diet should be the first thing to do. Diet versions should also be eliminated, as they are full of artificial sweeteners that build up in your body as harmful toxins. Both versions (dietary and otherwise) cause bloating and is the last thing you need if you want to have a tight waist.
- Simple water is the best alternative; eliminates excess from the body, reduces swelling and keeps you hydrated. If you are tired of drinking water all the time, try flavoring it with mint, lemon or lime leaves, or try adding a couple of frozen raspberries or maybe create a new combination; be creative! Vitamin water and naturally sweetened iced teas can be a great alternative to sodas.
- Don't use straws; you should avoid them as you would suck a lot of air along with the drink, thus causing bloating and a bigger belly. Drink directly from the cup or glass.

Step 6. Avoid processed foods
Even if you are carefully monitoring the amounts of food you eat and exercise regularly, your weight loss can be seriously impaired by continually consuming processed foods. This happens because these foods have a high content of sugars and starches, which limit weight loss and lead to the accumulation of harmful toxins.
- Be extra careful when you find foods labeled "non-fat", such as cheese, bread, yogurt, etc. These products may be low in fat, but are usually full of extra sugars and carbohydrates and have very little, if any, nutritional value. Some frozen organic meals aren't that bad if you read the labels carefully and check the ingredient list.
- You should also avoid processed foods with a high salt content, such as ready meals and frozen foods, as they lead to water retention and cause bloating. Choose fresh foods instead of prepackaged or frozen foods if possible.
Part 2 of 3: Add Specific Exercises to your Routine

Step 1. Make a commitment to exercise regularly; you will need it if you really want to tighten your waist
You can only get great results with dedication and commitment, so be prepared to make the right effort to lose weight. On the other hand, if you start training too rigorously, you will soon be disillusioned and discouraged and, therefore, more inclined to give up.
- To avoid losing motivation, try to make a training plan where you start with a more sensible session, gradually work your way up to a more intense exercise routine. Keep a log of the exercises you do from time to time and check your progress.
- Eventually you will find yourself exercising regularly without feeling too tired or disinterested and your life, weight and health will all benefit.

Step 2. Do lots of cardiovascular exercise
As mentioned before, losing weight is essential if you want to reduce your waistline. Unfortunately, there is no way to target weight loss on a specific area of your body, so losing weight overall is the only option. Cardiovascular exercise is the best way to burn calories, so it's essential to lose weight.
- Running, jumping rope, and biking are excellent options and don't even require a gym membership. Inexpensive but extremely effective, there's no excuse not to include a little cardio in your routine.
- All trainers recommend monitoring your heart rate during cardio activity. The best way to burn fat, for example, is to walk while keeping your heart rate at a medium-low level. Add this routine after a resistance training session to burn fat.
- You should try to do 30 minutes of cardio training, 4 or 5 times a week, for best results.

Step 3. Make sure you are training the right section of muscles
Many basic strengthening exercises focus on the oblique muscles, which are found along the sides of the stomach. While training these muscles will give you a toned and flat stomach, it will develop the muscle, making your waist appear wider than before. This is definitely not what you need if you dream of a tight waistline. In order to decrease the waist, you should focus on the oblique abdominals and the rectus abdominis muscle.
- The oblique abs work like a natural corset of your body; thus training this sector you could get a much smaller waist. Pilates focuses on these muscles and can be a great method.
- Remember to breathe as you do the exercises. Although it seems obvious, many people forget about it by exercising badly. Inhale and exhale, and if you find it difficult, learn to breathe by taking a yoga or Pilates class.

Step 4. Do specific exercises to shape the waist
While it is not possible to target weight loss around the waist, you can certainly perform exercises that tone the muscles in that area of your body.
- Do the "Hundred" exercise; you need to lie on your back and raise your legs to a 90 degree angle, lifting your shoulder blades off the ground. Bring your arms, which you will keep straight, to one side and repeat for 100 times. Alternate breathing between nose and mouth.
- Contract your stomach muscles throughout the day; while you are sitting at your desk, in the car or in the supermarket. You will train the stomach muscles and at the same time you will look leaner; in the long run you won't even notice you do it!
- Do sit-ups using a medium-sized solid object, such as a yoga ball or the arm of a sofa. Keep your hands crossed on your chest: this will not strain your neck and will make it easier for you to perform the exercise. Work out by doing 5 sets of situps, with 30 reps for each.
- Do oblique abs. Lie on your back and bend your knees, with your feet flat on the floor. The fingers of the hands will have to touch the ears. Slowly contract your abs and gradually lift your torso off the ground. When you feel like you can't lift your body any more, squeeze your side muscles and gently turn to your left side. Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the right. Do 10 repetitions.
- Make the bridge. Get in the same position as the push up / press up. Lean on your elbows, with your eyes facing the floor. Contract your abs, imagining that they are approaching your spine. As you do this, keep your butt down and your back straight. Try to hold this position for about a minute.
- Lean on your right side on a yoga mat. Lean on your right arm and extend your legs outward, placing your right foot over your left foot. In this position, slowly lift your pelvis off the floor. Continue to distribute your weight on your right forearm and feet. Try to hold the position for 10-15 seconds. Repeat 5 times on each side.

Step 5. Train your chest and shoulders
By emphasizing the upper curves, you can give the illusion that your waist is tighter; so you could include shoulder and chest exercises in your daily routine. Some examples of specific exercises can be:
- Bench press. This exercise trains your arms and shoulders and is performed using a gym bench or kitchen chair. To do this exercise, sit with your back straight on the edge of the bench or chair and stretch your legs out in front of you. Firmly grasp the edge of the bench or chair and slowly slide off the bench, lowering yourself to the floor. Keep your back straight and keep lowering yourself until your arms make a 90 degree angle. Give yourself a push to return to the starting position and repeat.
- Do push-ups. This classic exercise trains the chest muscles. You can do this by leaning on your toes (for a more advanced version) or on your knees (for a simpler version). To perform the exercise, keep your palms on the floor about as wide as the distance between the shoulders; then lift yourself up, using only the strength of your arms, until they are perfectly extended. Slowly lower your body until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Lift up again until your arms are straight and repeat.

Step 6. Try something different
Exercising can get repetitive and boring, making you lose the urge to do it regularly. That's why it's important to shake things up from time to time and try something new, whether it's a new exercise or just a new piece of equipment. Here are some tips to spice up your exercises, which can also help reduce your waistline:
- Use a hula-hoop. Your waist and hips will benefit from 10 minutes of daily hula-hooping and you … will be a child again!
- One way to keep your waist and body in shape is to dance! You don't have to attend a class, you can just turn on the radio or your iPod and dance around the house for 20-30 minutes a day. Try to move your whole body; dancing burns a lot of calories, will keep you entertained and afterwards you will feel great!
- Tone your back and neck muscles by lifting weights three times a week. The wider the hips and shoulders, the tighter the waist will appear.
- Try yoga or Pilates, two ideal activities for strengthening the abs that also allow you to relax and feel more motivated by participating in group classes.
- Train comfortably. Make sure you have a mat, suitable clothing, a bottle of water and everything you need to do the exercises comfortably. If you get bored, turn on the music; will give you the charge.
Part 3 of 3: Dressing the Right Way

Step 1. Wear high-waisted belts
Draw attention to your waistline by wearing belts that emphasize your upper torso. They can be wide, narrow, intertwined or embellished with jewels; as you prefer! Put them on dresses, long shirts and even winter coats, to get an hourglass figure that gives the illusion of a tighter waist.

Step 2. Wear A-line clothing; are those tight on the hips, which widen towards the bottom giving the illusion of a narrow waist
They look great on any body shape because they emphasize the waistline, taking the eye away from other small imperfections around the hips and thighs.

Step 3. Avoid low-rise jeans; they look very bad on anyone with a few extra pounds, creating a "muffin" effect
The high-waisted jeans, on the other hand, cover any imperfections on the hips, drawing attention to the waist. Worn with a shirt tucked inside, they can fit very well.

Step 4. Try wearing undergarments to shape your body
Choosing the right one can help you slim down your waistline.
- Try on containment clothing. Many quality lingerie brands offer clothing lines designed to soften and support the body shape.
Corsets. Worn as lingerie under dresses to enhance the figure in past centuries, the corset has come back into fashion in recent years, under dresses or even alone, to give sensuality. Steel boned ones (not as painful as they seem! Don't worry!) Are the best for decreasing the waist and, if used frequently, can permanently reduce the waist!
- If you have problems with bloating, see a doctor: you may be intolerant to certain foods, suffer from water retention or a chemical imbalance, or have another type of ailment. If this happens to you regularly, it is vital that you have a professional checkup. When you eat, try to understand if the swelling is caused by a particular food, this will help the doctor understand the cause.
- Get plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, perhaps from healthful food sources instead of supplements.
- Don't believe the myth that weight lifting makes you bloated - it's impossible for that to happen, unless that's your goal.
- Barbie's life is anatomically impossible to obtain, so don't have it as a reference point. In fact, if she were 180cm tall, she would have a waist of 50! Be realistic and try to shape a waist that fits your body shape. If you are not predisposed to having an hourglass figure, don't obsess and focus on enhancing your physique.
- Always consult a doctor before starting physical activity.