Here is a simple method to apply a smooth, even coat of latex paint on the walls of your home. It allows you to get the job done quickly and eliminate common problems of light stains, roller marks and paint buildup.

Step 1. Buy professional quality tools; they will last much longer and only cost a few euros more than cheap kits
- Start with a good roller handle.
- To extend your range and have better control of the tool, screw a 1.2 meter wooden handle or telescopic rod to the handle of your roller.
- Invest in a good roller coating. It's easy to be tempted to grab a cheap one and throw it away as soon as you're done, but cheap coatings don't hold enough paint to do a good job. Use those with 1.2cm thick “fur” for painting walls and ceilings and 0.63cm ones for semi-gloss and satin paint. Read the “Tips” section for more information on how to take care of your tools.
- You will hardly see a professional house painter using a paint tray to paint large walls. A 19 liter bucket with a special screen attached to the edge works best because it is easier to soak the roller, it is easier to transport and you are less likely to trip over it. And if you need a break, just cover it with a wet rag to keep it from drying out.
- Roller trays are good for small areas like bedroom walls where four liters of paint is all you need. The cleaning phase is also easier with trays. Adding a liner to the tray makes cleaning even easier.

Step 2. Use a brush to make the edges first
Since the rollers do not reach the edges, the first thing to do is to use the brush on the ceiling, in the corners and on the moldings.

Step 3. Apply a coat of paint with continuous strokes
Start about 30 cm from the floor and about 15 cm from the edges and roll the roller up and down with light pressure. Stop a few inches from the ceiling. Now roll the roller up and down near the corner to quickly spread the paint. You may leave roller marks and paint buildup at this point, but don't worry about doing a perfect job just yet.

Step 4. Reload the paint roller and repeat the process in the adjacent space, working towards the area already painted
Keep the edges wet. This is a crucial step in any paint job, whether you're painting a door, lacquering a cabinet or whitewashing a wall. The concept is to plan the job and apply the paint quickly enough to be able to go over the edges of the previous coat when it is still wet. If you stop for a mid-wall break, for example, and start painting again after the session has dried, you'll likely see roller marks between the two areas.

Step 5. Continue to pass the roller until the entire area is covered with an even coat
Do not reload the paint roller in this step. Apply gentle pressure. Roll up and down from floor to ceiling and move about three-quarters of a roll each time to overlap the passes. When you reach the corner, pass the roller as close as possible without touching the adjacent wall.

Step 6. Paint evenly across the ceiling in very long horizontal strokes without reloading the roller
This “cutting” process will leave marks different from those normally produced by the roller. For a better job it is good to cover with the roller as many marks as possible left by the brush. Do this by carefully rolling the roller as close as possible to the corners, moldings and ceiling. Turn it so that the open side faces the corner and remember not to use the roller fully loaded with paint. If you are smart enough to bring it within 2 cm of the ceiling while taking vertical passes, you can avoid this step.

Step 7. Remove any excess paint from the roller before washing it
Use a knife or, better yet, a special scraper that has a curved blade.

Step 8. Wash it with warm water and detergent
Apply the lather and rub the liner of the roller with your fingers as if you were washing a short-haired dog. The cleaner will remove a lot of residual paint and make the next step easier.

Step 9. Rinse the roller until the water runs clear
You can find a tool to wring the roller and brushes in paint shops and it simplifies these operations. Just repeatedly wet the roller and run it over the tool to squeeze it into an empty bucket until clean.
- High-quality wool coatings tend to become felted if you apply a lot of pressure when painting. Passing the roller requires a lot of delicacy. No matter what coating you are using, let the paint do the job. Always keep the roller loaded with paint and use only the pressure necessary to release and spread the paint. Squeezing the roller down to the last drop will only create problems. Start with a "V" or "W" movement and reload between passes. Make the pass even with up and down movements. Check for drops.
- If you notice any roller marks (vertical streaks), turn it in the other direction and go over the marks again (within 10 minutes if using latex paint).
- Keep a damp cloth in your pocket and remove any lumps on the wall if they form.
- Clean the surface of dirt and debris before starting.
- To minimize spatter, cover the new roller with masking tape and then remove it to remove any loose fibers. Repeat the process a couple of times. You can also use a lighter to burn any "lint" you can see.
- Filter the paint used to remove lumps. You can find 20-liter filters in paint shops.
- If you have to finish painting later or the next day, you can wrap the paintbrush full of paint in a plastic bag. You can also put it in the refrigerator. So you can immediately start painting again.
- A good way to avoid getting too dirty is to take a trash bag with resealable handles, turn it over and place it on the roller tray. Tie the resealable handles to the base of the tray when you're done for that day. You can also put the roller in the tray. If you do this correctly it will keep the paint fresh and moist and you can reuse it the next day along with the roller. It also means you don't have to do any cleaning for the tray.
- There are plastic liners for painter's trays in paint shops and they cost less than a euro. Buy a dozen and simply throw them away at the end of the day for super easy cleaning.
- Cover the bucket with a damp cloth when not in use.
- If there is a partial pool of dry paint on the roller screen, remove and clean it.