A sore throat is an irritation or inflammation, caused by bacteria, a virus, or a wound. Many sore throats are associated with the common cold, and pass after a day or two of rest. Others are more persistent, and are signs of bacterial or viral infections, such as mononucleosis or strep. Read the steps below for some general advice, home remedies, and doctor-recommended procedures.
Part 1 of 4: Home Remedies to Relieve Sore Throat

Step 1. Gargle to reduce swelling and relieve discomfort
Mix a teaspoon of salt in a full glass of warm water. Bring the liquid to the back of your throat, gargle with your head tilted up, then spit out the water. Repeat every hour or so.
Optional: Put a tablespoon of lemon juice in the gargling mix. Do not to swallow.

Step 2. Use over-the-counter throat lozenges
There are many herbal pills you can buy that contain pain relievers like lemon and honey.
- Some throat lozenges, such as Iodosan or TantumVerde, are safe and effective, and contain a local anesthetic that numbs the throat to reduce pain.
- Try not to take anesthetic lozenges for more than three days, as the anesthetic may mask a serious bacterial infection such as strep, which requires medical attention.

Step 3. Use a pain reliever spray
Like lozenges, sprays help relieve pain by numbing the lining of the throat. Follow the instructions on the package to choose the appropriate dosage, and consult a doctor or pharmacist for information regarding use in conjunction with other drugs or remedies.

Step 4. Relieve throat pain with a warm compress
You can relieve the pain with a hot tea, lozenge or spray, but what if you want to attack the pain from the outside as well? Wrap a warm compress around your throat. You can use a warm heating pad, a hot water bottle, or a warm, damp piece of cloth.

Step 5. Make a chamomile compress
Make some chamomile tea. When the chamomile is warm enough to touch, soak a clean towel, wring it out, and apply it to your neck. Repeat as needed.

Step 6. Make a sea salt and water compress
Mix 2 cups of sea salt with 5 to 6 tablespoons of warm water to create a moist, but not wet, mixture. Put the salt in the center of a rag. Roll it along the longer side and wrap it around your neck. Cover the compress with a dry towel. Leave it on your throat for as long as you like.

Step 7. Use a humidifier or steam cure for pain relief
Warm or cool steam moving through a humidifier can help relieve pain, but make sure the room is cool and humid enough.
Use a steam treatment with warm water and a tea towel. Boil a pot of water and then remove it from the stove - optional: pour chamomile, ginger, or lemon tea into the water. Let it sit for about five minutes. Place your hand over the steam produced by the water to check that it is not too hot. Pour the water into a large bowl, place a clean cloth on your head, and place your head over the vapors coming from the bowl. Breathe deeply with your mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat as many times as necessary

Step 8. Take some acetaminophen or ibuprofen
To reduce pain, it is permissible to take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but avoid giving aspirin to children under 2 years old, because their consumption has been linked to a serious illness called Reye's syndrome. Follow the dosage instructions to the letter.
Part 2 of 4: General Medical Advice for Relieving Sore Throat

Step 1. Get plenty of rest
Try to sleep during the day if possible and stick to your night sleep habits. Try to get more sleep than you usually do, about 11-13 hours, until the symptoms go away.

Step 2. Wash or disinfect your hands often
It is no secret that our hands are a carrier for bacteria. We touch our face and other objects, increasing the likelihood of spreading bacteria. Wash your hands often if you have a sore throat or a cold, to prevent the transmission of bacteria as much as possible.

Step 3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water
Water can help secretions in the throat, hot liquids will relieve irritation. Moisturizing your body will help fight the infection and heal a sore throat quickly.
- Try to drink 3 liters of water a day if you are a man, 2, 2 liters if you are a woman;
- Drink warm chamomile tea or ginger tea to relieve a sore throat.
- Prepare a hot drink with Manuka honey, lemon and hot water. If you can't find Manuka honey, use regular honey;
- Drinking electrolyte-rich sports drinks, such as Gatorade, will help your body replenish the salts, sugars and minerals it needs to fight a sore throat.

Step 4. Take a shower every morning and every evening
Take heavy steam showers often. Taking a shower will cleanse your body, distract you, and allow the steam to relieve throat pain.

Step 5. Take Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an antioxidant and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are compounds formed when our body converts food into energy. Scientific evidence that vitamin C can help fight a sore throat is controversial, but it certainly won't hurt you. So take it without fear.
Other foods rich in antioxidants: green tea, blueberries and cranberries, beans, artichokes, plums, apples, pecans

Step 6. Make garlic tea
A remedy that can work, since garlic is a natural antibiotic.
- Cut a few cloves of garlic into medium-sized slices;
- Put the garlic slices in a cup. Fill with water;
- Put the cup in the microwave; boil water for two minutes;
- Remove the cup. While it is still hot, remove the garlic;
- Add a bag of your favorite tea (perhaps a flavored one to eliminate the smell of garlic);
- Add some honey or other sweetener (enough to make the drink pleasant);
- Drink, the sachet and the sweetener will make it a pleasant herbal tea.
Part 3 of 4: Foods to Avoid in the Presence of Symptoms

Step 1. Avoid dairy products, such as milk, butter or ice cream
For some people, dairy products promote mucus production.

Step 2. Avoid overly sugary foods like cakes or sweets
Sweet foods can irritate the throat. You can eat popsicles, especially sugar-free, to relieve throat pain.
- If you're craving something sweet, opt for a fruit smoothie. Try hot oats for breakfast;
- A warm broth or creamy soup will also help you feel better.

Step 3. Avoid cold foods and drinks
Don't let the coolness of the drinks fool you - you'll need to keep your body temperature high. Try to drink lukewarm water, even if it doesn't taste good.

Step 4. Avoid eating citrus fruits
Fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes and tomatoes can harm your throat further. Choose grapefruit or apple juice instead, which are pulpy and refreshing, but not acidic.
Part 4 of 4: When to See a Doctor

Step 1. See a doctor if your sore throat lasts for more than three days
It is better to be cautious than sorry. Your doctor can examine your throat, help treat symptoms, and perform tests that get you on the road to recovery as quickly as possible.

Step 2. Look for signs of a bacterial infection
Your sore throat is probably a simple sore throat. But there is a possibility that it is actually a potentially dangerous bacterial infection. Pay attention to these characteristic signs:
- Sudden intense sore throat without the usual cold symptoms (coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, etc.)
- Fever above 38 ° C. A lower fever probably indicates a viral and non-bacterial infection;
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
- White or yellow coatings or dots on the tonsils and in the throat
- Very red throat or dark red spots on the palate, closest to the throat
- Red spots in the neck area or other parts of the neck.

Step 3. Check for symptoms of mononucleosis
Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is usually associated with adolescents and young adults because most adults are immune to the virus. Symptoms of mononucleosis include:
- High fever, 38 - 40 ° C, with chills;
- Sore throat with white spots on the tonsils;
- Swollen tonsils and swollen lymph nodes throughout the body
- Headache, fatigue and lack of energy;
- Pain in the left upper abdomen, near the spleen. If your spleen hurts, seek immediate medical attention, as your spleen may be perforated.
- Use ibuprofen or equivalent as a temporary solution. Do not give this type of medication to children without first consulting a doctor.
- Avoid talking a lot. It can be additional stress for the voice as well.
- Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. They only make the situation worse.
- Take a hot shower. The heat of the water produces the steam that clears the airways, allowing them to heal, and relieves some of the pain.
- Eat cough pills from time to time.
- Eat some broth, it's always a great remedy when you're sick.
- Measure your temperature every 24 hours. If it reaches 38 ° C, see a doctor, as it could be a symptom of a bacterial or viral infection.
- Wear a scarf if you have to go out.
- Boil some lavender in the water. Then, add some honey. It smells good and relieves sore throats.
- Prepare an orange juice, add a pinch of salt and honey. Especially good in the morning.