Personal Care & Style 2024, September

3 Ways to Erase the Ink of a Permanent Marker from the Skin

3 Ways to Erase the Ink of a Permanent Marker from the Skin

Whatever the situation, removing permanent ink stains is never a trivial matter. If your child got a tattoo with a permanent marker or if you accidentally stained yourself while writing, continue reading this article and find out how to get rid of ink in the easiest and fastest way possible using commonly used products that you most likely have.

4 Ways to Deeply Clean the Face

4 Ways to Deeply Clean the Face

Once in a while it is advisable to do a deep cleansing of the face. The reasons are numerous: you may want to get rid of blackheads, blemishes, or just want fresh, clean skin. There are several different methods to clean the face in a deep way.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Scars

3 Ways to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair Scars

Ingrown hairs can leave ugly scars that may make some people feel uncomfortable. Although most of the time their appearance decreases considerably over time, there are some precautions you can take to make them less noticeable. If you don't notice any improvement within a few months, see a dermatologist.

4 Ways to Make a Moisturizer at Home

4 Ways to Make a Moisturizer at Home

Regardless of the type of skin (dry, oily or combination), moisturizing it daily is a fundamental gesture that helps you take care of it. Generally creams formulated to moisturize the face and neck have a rich texture, while those for the body are less dense.

6 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Naturally (Sea Salt Method)

6 Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Naturally (Sea Salt Method)

Sea salt acne therapy is a balneological method used since ancient times. How sea salt works to eliminate pimples is not entirely clear, perhaps the high concentration of salt kills bacteria on the skin or perhaps the sea salt feeds the skin with minerals that help it heal.

How To Prevent Hair Dye From Staining Your Skin

How To Prevent Hair Dye From Staining Your Skin

Purple hair gives a great look, but a purple forehead doesn't! When you dye your hair at home, you can risk staining your fingers and hairline if you don't take proper precautions. While this is not a permanent problem, it is easier to prevent it from happening than to have to remove the dye.

How to Cleanse Skin Overnight: 14 Steps

How to Cleanse Skin Overnight: 14 Steps

Sometimes it can happen that a large pimple appears just the day before an important appointment; in those cases, our greatest wish is for it to disappear completely overnight. While results are not guaranteed for all types of acne or skin, there are effective remedies to cleanse the skin quickly.

3 ways to tan safely

3 ways to tan safely

Do you want to have a nice tan but at the same time don't want to increase the chances of developing wrinkles or skin cancer? Although there is no truly healthy and safe tan, it is possible to reduce the negative effects of sun exposure by taking some precautions.

How to Keep Your Face Clean: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Keep Your Face Clean: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Do you have a face that is not perfectly clean? It's not hard to keep it clean, and if you do, your skin will always look fresh and happy! Steps Part 1 of 2: Keep Your Face Clean Every Day Step 1. Determine what your skin type is Do you have dry, oily or normal skin?

3 ways to tan without sunburn

3 ways to tan without sunburn

A body with a tanned and golden complexion is beautiful to look at, sexy and attractive. At the same time, however, you must avoid getting burned and minimize the risks associated with tanning. This tutorial will give you some guidelines to naturally tan in the sun or with self-tanner products, so you can look gorgeous without sunburn.

How to Take Care of Pubic Hair: 7 Steps

How to Take Care of Pubic Hair: 7 Steps

Personal hygiene is extremely important to ensure you have a clean and healthy body. By taking care of your pubic hair, you can avoid and prevent discomfort, bacteria and germs in the genital area. Steps Method 1 of 2: Keep Pubic Hair Clean Step 1.

4 Ways to Quickly Cleanse the Skin

4 Ways to Quickly Cleanse the Skin

You can purify the skin with a wide range of localized treatments. Purifying the skin means freeing it from toxins and bacteria that accumulate daily on its surface. The best thing to do is to cleanse it thoroughly every day, incorporating a purifying treatment into your daily beauty routine.

4 Ways to Get Tanned Properly

4 Ways to Get Tanned Properly

Summer is upon us and you want to get a tan to show off tops and shorts, or do you have to get married in the middle of winter and want to have a nice healthy glow? Whatever the reason, getting a tan will make you feel good, giving you a vital and healthy look.

3 Ways to Use Olive Oil to Eliminate Scars

3 Ways to Use Olive Oil to Eliminate Scars

Olive oil is used in many home remedies. While there is no irrefutable evidence to support its topical use for improving skin condition, many people have found that it can reduce scarring. If you want to lessen the appearance of these blemishes using natural methods, it is worth giving it a try and seeing the results.

How To Treat Irritated Skin: 12 Steps

How To Treat Irritated Skin: 12 Steps

A skin irritation may seem like a minor annoyance, but it can become quite a problem. The skin becomes inflamed when it constantly rubs itself or other materials, such as clothing. Over time, the friction causes the skin to peel or even bleed.

How to Improve the Appearance of Your Skin (for Teenagers)

How to Improve the Appearance of Your Skin (for Teenagers)

Adolescents are more prone to acne than adults, mainly due to the rapid hormonal changes they undergo; as a result, many teens are concerned about the appearance of their skin. However, it is possible to improve it, with due care and by making a few simple changes in your lifestyle.

How To Get Rid Of Sunburn Quickly

How To Get Rid Of Sunburn Quickly

A burn is more difficult to treat than to prevent, yet in the United States alone, half of the adult population between the ages of 18 and 29 report burns at least once a year. All burns can cause skin damage. Learn to treat and get rid of them as soon as possible, and also find out how to prevent them in the future.

How to Prepare and Apply a Honey and Coffee Facial Mask

How to Prepare and Apply a Honey and Coffee Facial Mask

Are you tired of shelling out large sums for the purchase of exfoliating products? This DIY mask is simple, inexpensive and perfect for taking care of your skin in your own home. By reusing coffee grounds, you will feel ingenious and achieve a radiant look.

How to Deal with Acne (with Pictures)

How to Deal with Acne (with Pictures)

Pimples, also known as acne, are caused by a complex interplay of many factors, such as bacteria, hormonal imbalances, and the clogging of the skin's follicles. Some types of bacteria can grow inside the follicles, causing inflammation. While you can try to prevent or get rid of pimples, people often have to learn how to deal with them throughout their life.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads When You Have Sensitive Skin

3 Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads When You Have Sensitive Skin

Acne affects many people and causes whiteheads, blackheads and pimples to form. Blackheads become visible when hair follicles, or pores, become clogged with residues and excess sebum, the oil naturally produced by the skin. They are called "

How To Make Homemade Egg Oil: 8 Steps

How To Make Homemade Egg Oil: 8 Steps

You can make egg oil at home for cosmetic use and use it for skin and hair care and beauty. Egg oil is effective in treating acne and preventing hair loss, graying and aging. It is a safer alternative to the direct use of egg yolks, which could be contaminated with salmonella bacteria and consequently cause severe inflammation.

How to Make a Sugar Scrub: 3 Steps

How to Make a Sugar Scrub: 3 Steps

Why buy an expensive ready-made product when it is possible to create it at home at a minimal expense to say the least? Follow these simple steps, you can quickly prepare your sugar scrub, a real beauty treatment for feet, knees and elbows. Ingrediants 100 g of sugar Juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil of your choice Steps Step 1.

How to Have a Defined Mandibular Arch (with Pictures)

How to Have a Defined Mandibular Arch (with Pictures)

The fact of being born with a pronounced jaw depends on several genetic factors. However, there are various solutions that allow it to be defined. For some this may mean shedding a few pounds in order to make the chin more noticeable; for others it means doing a bit of a diet and maybe changing the wardrobe.

How to Treat Dark Elbows: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Treat Dark Elbows: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Sun exposure and the accumulation of dead cells make the skin of the elbows darker than that of the rest of the body. This is certainly a nuisance during the summer because you are embarrassed to show them when you are wearing a t-shirt. Don't panic!

How to Heal Cracked Face Skin: 11 Steps

How to Heal Cracked Face Skin: 11 Steps

Of the whole skin of the body, that of the face is the most vulnerable to climatic factors, dehydrating substances present in cosmetics and irritating elements. Skin can become dry, cracked and flaky, so it's important to know how to treat it.

How to Rehydrate Skin: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Rehydrate Skin: 6 Steps (with Pictures)

If you have chapped, gray skin that tends to stretch after a shower, or if it just feels dry, it means you need to moisturize it. Read on to learn how to do this effectively. Steps Step 1. Drink enough water It is not necessary to drink the 8 glasses of water commonly recommended, but always start to keep a bottle of water at hand, preferably in metal, filling it several times during the day.

3 Ways to Remove Age Spots

3 Ways to Remove Age Spots

Age spots are brown, black, or yellowish marks that usually appear on the neck, hands, or face. They are mainly caused by sun exposure and usually begin to appear once you are over 40. Age spots are not dangerous, so there are no medical reasons to take them off.

How to Improve Face Skin: 15 Steps

How to Improve Face Skin: 15 Steps

The skin is the largest organ in the human body. The skin of the face is the most delicate, as well as the most scrutinized, both by you and by others; for this very reason it is therefore important to keep it healthy. There are many ways to improve their appearance and health, so that you feel more comfortable every day.

6 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite on the Back of the Thighs

6 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite on the Back of the Thighs

Wrinkled and unpleasant cellulite is genetic and, unfortunately, there is very little that can be done for it to go away forever. However, you can wage a war against this blemish on the back of the thighs and be successful in making it go away temporarily, or making it look a little less visible.

3 Ways to Get Rid of Sunburn Spots (Dark Skin)

3 Ways to Get Rid of Sunburn Spots (Dark Skin)

Dermatologists have divided skin types into six categories based on several factors, such as ethnicity, eye color, and skin sensitivity. The first category - type 1 - includes the red-haired population, which has extremely sensitive skin to sunburn.

How to Make a Body Scrub (with Pictures)

How to Make a Body Scrub (with Pictures)

Body scrubs are great products for exfoliating and moisturizing the skin. Unfortunately, commercial scrubs can not only be expensive, but often contain unnecessary and potentially dangerous ingredients. Fortunately, you can also make excellent scrubs at home, the ingredients for the basic recipe are probably already in your pantry:

How To Make Vitamin E Oil: 12 Steps

How To Make Vitamin E Oil: 12 Steps

Vitamin E oil is effective in making hair and skin more beautiful. It can be used to moisturize the face, but you can also massage it into the scalp to invigorate the hair and use it to treat scars. Preparing it is easy and requires very few ingredients.

3 ways to thicken the skin

3 ways to thicken the skin

Over time, the skin tends to thin; therefore, it is important to take care of it to keep it supple and thick. Skin thinning occurs when the collagen level of the epidermis decreases, with the consequent loss of elasticity. Collagen is a protein found in the skin that helps nourish it and make it healthy.

How to Have a Younger Looking Face: 6 Steps

How to Have a Younger Looking Face: 6 Steps

There are hundreds and hundreds of chemicals on the market in the form of creams and moisturizers whose promise is to keep you or make you look younger. There are also other aggressive solutions, including cosmetic surgery and botulinum injections.

How To Use Vitamin E Oil: 9 Steps

How To Use Vitamin E Oil: 9 Steps

Together with D, A and K, vitamin E belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. Given this property, it is therefore thoroughly absorbed by the skin cells, rather than remaining on the surface. Numerous studies have shown that it is possible to use it to take care of the skin and hair in general, as it is excellent for moisturizing and protecting them naturally from the sun.

3 Ways To Remove Turmeric Stains From Skin

3 Ways To Remove Turmeric Stains From Skin

Turmeric is a yellow-colored spice usually used to make curry, but it also helps exfoliate the skin and prevent acne. However, the use of natural pigments can stain the skin, making it yellowish. If you accidentally stain your skin or nails during turmeric treatment, you can remove the pigment with commonly used products.

How to Make Skin Radiant: 6 Steps

How to Make Skin Radiant: 6 Steps

A fundamental rule of looking healthy, beautiful and happy is to make your skin show it. Generally, people are more attracted to those who visibly take care of themselves, so permanently get rid of dark circles and other blemishes by following these tips!

4 Ways to Eliminate Sun Spots

4 Ways to Eliminate Sun Spots

Sunspots are caused by prolonged and direct exposure to ultraviolet sunlight and appear on the surface of the skin making it brown. They can appear at any age and generally pose no health risk. In general, they occur more frequently in people with fair complexions, but not only.

How to whiten skin at home in a natural way

How to whiten skin at home in a natural way

Would you like to have lighter skin? Using natural products can whiten it a few tones, without the harmful side effects of using chemical whiteners. The simple habit of not exposing yourself to the sun is equally useful in preventing the skin from darkening.

3 Ways to Make Body Butter

3 Ways to Make Body Butter

If you're on a tight budget and think you can't afford luxury body creams and butters, rest assured, wikiHow has the answer for your needs. Forget about expensive products and learn how to make a nourishing body butter with all-natural ingredients and a heady scent in the comfort of your own kitchen.