How to Remove a Black Spot from the Forehead: 6 Steps

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How to Remove a Black Spot from the Forehead: 6 Steps
How to Remove a Black Spot from the Forehead: 6 Steps

Blackheads appear on the forehead when sebum and bacteria contaminate the innermost layers of the skin and clog the pores with dead cells. There are various methods to remove them without leaving marks on the skin.


Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 1
Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 1

Step 1. Use an exfoliating or cleansing scrub

These products are designed to clear pores of impurities and remove dead skin cells, so they help prevent blackheads from appearing.

Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 2
Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 2

Step 2. Apply a chemical peel

Contains glycolic acid and is used on the skin following the peel manufacturer's instructions.

Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 3
Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 3

Step 3. Use adhesive pads to remove blackheads

The sebum and bacteria will stick to the patch when you pull it off your skin.

Before applying it, wash your face with warm water to open the pores

Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 4
Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 4

Step 4. Apply tea tree oil directly to the blackhead

Repeat this once a day before going to bed, after washing your face.

Step 5. Use the specific tool for removing blackheads

This special tweezers will help you extract the sebum and bacteria that have clogged the pore, causing the blackhead.

  • Open your pores by placing your face over a sink filled with hot water or use a steam machine to clean your face for 5 minutes.

    Get Rid of a Cold Without Medicine Step 3
    Get Rid of a Cold Without Medicine Step 3
  • Sterilize the blackhead remover by placing it in boiling water for 5 minutes.

    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet2
    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet2
  • Place the round part of the tool around the black point.

    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet3
    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet3
  • Press until all the oil comes out of the blackhead.

    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet4
    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet4
  • Cleanse your forehead using a toner or antiseptic cream after the operation.

    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet5
    Remove a Blackhead from Forehead Step 5Bullet5

Step 6. Go to your doctor to find out which medicines or cosmetic treatments can help you remove blackheads

  • Ask him if he can prescribe a retinoid cream to apply to the skin to reduce sebum secretion.
  • Ask a beautician about microdermabrasion, a cosmetic exfoliating procedure that removes all dead skin cells.


  • Use a light, oil-free moisturizer instead of a thick, creamy one that may clog pores.
  • Prevent blackheads by using mild soap or soap-free cleansers instead of harsh and antibacterial cleansers that may dry out the skin too much and thus increase sebum production.


  • If you use a retinoid medicinal cream, it may take several weeks for you to notice results.
  • Do not use the face scrub more than once a week as it may irritate the skin and cause redness.
  • Do not apply a chemical peel if you are already using a retinoid cream because used together they could damage the skin.
