3 Ways to Straighten Your Hair

3 Ways to Straighten Your Hair
3 Ways to Straighten Your Hair

Table of contents:


Do you need a hairdresser every time you want to straighten your hair? In reality, with the right products and a little technique, it's quick and easy to do it at home. The ceramic plates do not damage, or almost, the hair; the professional ones produce negative ions and generate infrared heat, which does not make you lose hydration during ironing. Here's how to get smooth hair that your hair stylist will envy and not cause damage to your shaft.


Part 1 of 3: Prepare Hair for Heat

Flat Iron Hair Step 1
Flat Iron Hair Step 1

Step 1. Use shampoos and conditioners formulated to smooth and / or moisturize your hair

It is not necessary to spend a lot; any product you find at the supermarket is fine.

You can look for even more specific products to create straight hair hairstyles (check the labels)

Flat Iron Hair Step 2
Flat Iron Hair Step 2

Step 2. Dab your hair right out of the shower

Use the towel to soak up the water by gently squeezing them one section at a time instead of ruffling them to dry. This will help prevent frizz that can occur after taking a shower.

Flat Iron Hair Step 3Bullet1
Flat Iron Hair Step 3Bullet1

Step 3. Smear a serum or treatment to protect them from the heat while they are still wet, so you can spread it out evenly without creating knots

Use a wide-toothed comb when the application is complete.

  • Opt for products containing Obliphica berry, Argan oil, Moroccan Oil and coconut oil, which will help your hair stay smooth throughout the day.
  • Even products containing silicones act for this purpose, but are not suitable for those who love eco-friendly.
Flat Iron Hair Step 4
Flat Iron Hair Step 4

Step 4. Dry your hair before straightening:

the final result will be better and you will not break the keg.

  • Point the blow dryer from top to bottom as you dry them, so they will stand up straight.
  • Set it to the lowest temperature. If you have particularly frizzy hair, drying it this way, and for longer, will prevent it from swelling.

Part 2 of 3: Learning the Technique

Flat Iron Hair Step 5
Flat Iron Hair Step 5

Step 1. Insert the plug of the plate into the socket and turn it on

Now, determine the temperature: the thicker and frizzier the hair, the higher it should be. If, on the other hand, they are thin and fragile, be sure to use the lower one to avoid damaging them.

Flat Iron Hair Step 6Bullet2
Flat Iron Hair Step 6Bullet2

Step 2. Separate the hair into different sections

Their number will depend on the thickness of the foliage. The key is to make strands 2.5-5 cm thick so that you can easily pass the plate.

  • Secure each strand of hair with clips or clips so they don't get in the way as you go along with the straightener.
  • An easy way to do this is to use pliers to clip the hair that you will straighten at the top of the head or behind the shoulders. Then, untie one section at a time and plate it.
Flat Iron Hair Step 7
Flat Iron Hair Step 7

Step 3. Bring the plate as close as possible to the roots of each section trying not to burn yourself

In general, you will need to start smoothing them about an inch from the scalp.

Go slowly to avoid getting burned

Flat Iron Hair Step 8
Flat Iron Hair Step 8

Step 4. Squeeze the straightener so its hot sides straighten the hair

But don't overtighten it, or it will create a small wave at the top of the strand. Also for this reason, don't hold it still in the same spot for too long.

Flat Iron Hair Step 9
Flat Iron Hair Step 9

Step 5. Slide the plate along the length of each section

Movement should be smooth and steady from root to tip. The important thing is not to leave it too long on only one part of the section: you could damage it and create very little aesthetic folds.

Flat Iron Hair Step 10
Flat Iron Hair Step 10

Step 6. Slide the plate over the section several times up to three times

Stop as soon as the hair is straight, but don't repeat more than 3 times, otherwise you will damage it. If you have thick hair, you will probably only need to do it once, otherwise you will have to repeat the movement.

  • Working on small strands will allow you to achieve the result in fewer strokes. Try to keep the sections no larger than about 1.5cm.
  • The temperature of the plate will also determine how many times you need to pass it over a single section.
  • The lower the temperature, the more times you will have to pass it over each strand.
  • Do not be alarmed if you see steam coming out of the plate: it occurs when the hot ceramic comes into contact with any residual water in the hair. Do you smell burnt? Turn it off immediately and wait for the hair to be completely dry.
Flat Iron Hair Step 11
Flat Iron Hair Step 11

Step 7. Untie one section at a time and smooth it out

It is better to follow a predetermined direction instead of grabbing strands randomly: it will be easier to separate the straight ones from the others. Before straightening your hair, brush it to loosen any knots that may have formed while it was tied.

  • If your hair is prone to curl, apply a spray or serum to each section immediately after straightening.
  • Do not spray any product on the sections of hair that have not yet been smoothed: it can negatively interfere in the process, damaging the shaft or the plate.

Part 3 of 3: Keeping Hair Straight

Flat Iron Hair Step 13
Flat Iron Hair Step 13

Step 1. Set the hair dryer to the lowest temperature and point it in the direction of your hair for another minute

If it has the function of cold air, use it for this purpose. You can also use a tightly bristled brush to better style them.

Flat Iron Hair Step 14
Flat Iron Hair Step 14

Step 2. Apply a special hairspray to set them all day

You can also choose an anti-frizz serum containing silicones.

Flat Iron Hair Step 15
Flat Iron Hair Step 15

Step 3. Bring an umbrella, especially if you live in a place where it rains often

Moisture causes hair to wrinkle, therefore, in addition to straightening it, use specific products to keep it straight.


  • Try not to touch your hair too much so it doesn't get dirty.
  • Make sure your hair is clean, dry and well brushed before straightening.
  • When you have acquired some practice, also hold a comb in your hand during the procedure, to be used on each strand between one pass of the plate and the other.
  • Undergo the final straightening if you love the smooth effect but do not have the time and patience to straighten your hair.


  • Always turn off the soleplate after using it: if you leave it on, it can break or cause damage.
  • The plates are very hot. Be careful not to burn yourself and keep it away from children and pets.
  • Be careful not to burn your neck and ears.
  • Don't stop it for long on just one part of a section - move it smoothly as you straighten your hair to prevent it from breaking or getting unsatisfactory results.
  • Brushing wet hair can cause split ends and damage them.
