3 Ways to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Face

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3 Ways to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Face
3 Ways to Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil on the Face

Olive oil has been used as a beauty product for centuries and almost certainly one of the first used by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians. At the time, it was not yet known why it was able to make the skin smooth, supple and radiant, but scientists have since shed light on some of its many properties. In particular, it contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which protect the skin. Over the centuries, people have discovered many ways to use olive oil as part of daily face care.


Method 1 of 3: Select and Protect Olive Oil

Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 1
Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 1

Step 1. Choose the appropriate oil

There are numerous different varieties of olive oil available on supermarket shelves, labeled with distinct names, such as light, pure, virgin and extra virgin. These varieties differ in three ways: the process by which the oil is extracted, what is added to the oil before bottling it and the percentage of free oleic acid in the final product. For skin care, you should choose the extra virgin olive oil.

Refined olive oil may seem more suitable because it is odorless, but the reality is that only unrefined olive oil (such as extra virgin olive oil) contains the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that make it beneficial for the skin

Step 2. Make sure you buy real extra virgin olive oil

Studies have shown that up to 70% of what is presumed to be pure olive oil has been somewhat adulterated by the addition of low-quality oils, such as canola or refined sunflower oil.

  • To be sure that the product you are about to buy actually corresponds to the description on the label, check that the brand has the certification issued by the competent bodies.
  • In Italy virgin olive oils are classified in the following ways: extra virgin olive oil, virgin olive oil and lampante olive oil. What differentiates them is the degree of free acidity. There is also particular legislation regarding the production of organic oil and the DOP and IGP guarantee marks.

Step 3. Olive oil must be kept cool and protected from light

Both heat and light cause it to oxidize, compromising the beneficial elements of the oil.

Oxidation occurs gradually. When olive oil becomes rancid, the first to suffer is the taste, but also the quality of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins is significantly affected

Method 2 of 3: Cleanse Skin with Oil

Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 4
Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 4

Step 1. Use extra virgin olive oil to cleanse the skin of the face

While it might seem illogical at first glance, it is an excellent ally for eliminating grease and dirt. The reason is that, as a chemistry professor would say, "similar dissolves similar", so olive oil is able to dissolve dirt and sebum present on the surface of the skin more effectively than most cleansers in the world. trade, the main ingredient of which is water.

Olive oil is not comedogenic. This means that it does not cause pores to clog and can therefore be used without fear regardless of skin type

Step 2. Use it to remove make-up

Extra virgin olive oil can also be used to remove make-up from the face at the end of the day. If you want, you can mix it with a little lemon juice to prevent breakouts at the same time.

  • Lemon juice is effective against acne because it has disinfectant properties, so it kills the bacteria that cause pimples to form.
  • When your skin needs extra hydration, you can mix extra virgin olive oil with aloe vera water. If you have irritated skin, you can use this blend to remove makeup and soothe it at the same time.
  • Since it is less abrasive than make-up removers based on the action of chemicals, it is preferable to use extra virgin olive oil to remove make-up in case of sensitive skin or allergies to some ingredients usually contained in cosmetics.

Step 3. Use it as an exfoliant

Blend extra virgin olive oil with a small amount of sea salt or sugar to create a natural scrub. Mix a tablespoon of oil with half a teaspoon of salt or sugar, then massage them on your face and finally rinse your skin with warm water.

Sugar is less abrasive than salt, so it's better if you have sensitive skin. Brown sugar is even more delicate than granulated sugar, so it is also suitable for the most sensitive skin

Step 4. Use it to treat acne

Extra virgin olive oil has multiple properties that make it an effective treatment for getting rid of pimples and blackheads.

  • It is a natural antibacterial, so it prevents bacteria from aggravating acne conditions.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is indicated to reduce swelling and skin redness caused by acne.

Method 3 of 3: Improve Skin Health

Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 8
Use Olive Oil on Your Face Step 8

Step 1. Moisturize the facial skin with extra virgin olive oil

You will find that it is far more effective than many of the moisturizing cosmetics you can find on the market, the main ingredient of which is water.

  • You can massage it pure on the skin or you can mix it with other substances. For example, you can make it fragrant by adding a few drops of lavender, lemon or verbena essential oil or by mixing it with rose water.
  • You can also use extra virgin olive oil to treat the skin in case of more serious diseases, for example if it is suffering from eczema.

Step 2. Create a beauty mask based on extra virgin olive oil

You can mix it with a wide range of other natural products to make an absolutely effective face mask. The effects you can achieve vary based on the additional ingredients.

If you have dry skin, mix half a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with an egg yolk and a tablespoon of flour. If the result is too thick, add a little more oil. Spread the mask on your face and leave it on for twenty minutes so that the ingredients have time to work and moisturize the skin

Step 3. Reduce wrinkles with extra virgin olive oil

Since it can improve the elasticity of the skin, it can help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Tap it on the skin around your eyes before going to sleep in the evening or right after waking up in the morning. You can store it in the refrigerator so that it has a denser consistency and therefore more like that of a cream

Step 4. Extra virgin olive oil is also useful for reducing scars

The vitamins and minerals it contains promote the regeneration of skin cells.

  • If you need to lighten and reduce the visibility of a scar, massage it with extra virgin olive oil for five minutes, then leave it on for another ten before gently removing it with a tissue.
  • It may be helpful to add a little lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide, especially if the skin is hyperpigmented due to the scar. However, remember not to expose it to the sun after the treatment otherwise it could redden further.
