The BRAT diet (from the English acronym corresponding to bananas, rice, apple puree and toast) has been followed for many years by people suffering from diarrhea or morning sickness. Although these are great foods for those with digestive problems, some recent studies have shown that sticking exclusively to this diet can actually delay the healing process, because it does not guarantee an adequate supply of proteins, calories and vitamins. Starting the BRAT diet and adding some easy-to-digest nutrients is the best way to get back in shape soon.
Part 1 of 2: Follow the BRAT Diet

Step 1. Eat bananas
They are easy to digest and rich in potassium, which is lost with vomiting and diarrhea; they also have a high content of amylase-resistant starches that are able to quickly stop diarrhea.
Some people have found that ripe bananas are lighter on the stomach than unripe ones; find the ones that work best for you

Step 2. Cook some white rice
It increases the rate of rehydration and reduces the duration of the disease. You can prepare it in several ways:
- Use a rice cooker.
- Bring 250 g of rice and 500 ml of water to a boil, then cover the pot, reduce the heat and let the cereal simmer; wait until the water is completely absorbed (this will take about 20 minutes).
- Boil the rice in boiling water until it is soft enough to eat and then drain the water.

Step 3. Purchase or make apple puree
It is low in fiber and helps make stool firmer. Raw fruit is difficult to digest, so opt for an apple mousse rather than eating a whole or sliced apple. Here's how to go about making it a puree:
- Place 6 peeled, cored, quartered apples in a large pot with 250ml of water and one tablespoon (15ml) of lemon juice.
- Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and let it simmer for half an hour.
- Use a potato masher, if necessary, to break up pieces of fruit.
- While stirring, add a teaspoon of sugar. You can also supplement the puree with a pinch of cinnamon if you wish, although it can sometimes create some stomach upset.
- If you buy a ready-made apple mousse, make sure it's without sweeteners or added sugar.

Step 4. Make a toast
It is another easy-to-digest food that is low in fiber and helps solidify the stool. To enrich it with nutrients, you can add a little jam to the bread, if you feel bad about it; however, avoid butter (including peanut butter), as it has a high fat content and is difficult to digest.
While whole grain toast is typically healthier than white flour toast, it is not a factor in this situation, as the high amount of fiber in whole grains can cause stomach upset
Part 2 of 2: Supplementing the BRAT Diet

Step 1. Drink lots of fluids
Do not eat solid foods if you vomit, but choose electrolyte-rich liquids, such as Pedialyte. When you no longer have episodes of vomiting, you can introduce broth, fruit juice diluted with water, non-caffeinated soft drinks or tea with honey; sip slowly and drink most fluids between meals.
Some people claim that sucking on an ice cube helps hydrate the body when nauseous

Step 2. Include simple carbohydrates in your diet, such as savory crackers, pasta, boiled potatoes, or cooked carrots
Be cautious with sauces or toppings on pasta, unless you are sure they do not cause digestive problems; also remove the peel from the potatoes.

Step 3. Eat chicken for protein
Chicken cooked in a simple, fat-free way is easy to digest and is a great source of protein, so it's important for healing.
Even eggs without seasonings or simple egg whites are very gentle on the digestive system and are an excellent source of protein

Step 4. Eat lots of yogurt
Probiotics ("good" bacteria) found in yogurt have been found to reduce the duration and intensity of diarrhea. Among the most useful strains of bacteria consider: Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Saccharomyces boulardii, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum.
Alternatively, you can take tablet or powder supplements that typically contain a wide range of beneficial bacteria strains

Step 5. Make yourself a cup of hot chocolate or eat some dark chocolate
Some research has shown that the ingredients present in cocoa act by specifically deactivating the proteins that induce the intestinal secretion of liquids; a little chocolate can then help solidify the stool. When making the cup of cocoa, add very little milk, as it is quite difficult to digest.

Step 6. Try powdered carob or psyllium seeds
A spoonful of powdered carob mixed with apple puree helps relieve stomach pain; 10-30 g of psyllium seeds taken daily makes the stool thicker, reducing the severity of diarrhea.

Step 7. Avoid foods that can upset the stomach or dehydrate
While it is important to get back to your regular diet as soon as possible, you should start with the simpler foods described in this article and add the others slowly. In particular, avoid:
- Fatty and greasy foods, especially fried foods.
- Other types of dairy products other than yogurt.
- Raw or dried fruits and vegetables and pure fruit juice.
- Alcohol and caffeinated drinks (these are diuretics and can dehydrate you).
- Sweets and candies (sugary foods are hard to digest).
- Salty foods (too much salt combined with a lack of water makes dehydration worse).
See your doctor if you experience:
- Diarrhea or vomiting lasting more than three days.
- Fever above 38.8 ° C.
- Dizziness.
- Little or no urination.
- Sunken cheeks or lack of tears.