How to Have Beautiful and Healthy Skin: 15 Steps

How to Have Beautiful and Healthy Skin: 15 Steps
How to Have Beautiful and Healthy Skin: 15 Steps

Table of contents:


Everyone wants to have an easy way to have clean, wrinkle-free and beautiful skin. However, it is difficult to find the right one. Both men and women can find themselves suffering from acne, blackheads and wrinkles, at any age. To have beautiful skin, you should first wash it regularly and use products that suit its needs.


Part 1 of 3: Creating a Maintenance Routine

Get Rid of Farmer's Tan Step 1
Get Rid of Farmer's Tan Step 1

Step 1. Try to consistently follow your routine

Whichever method you choose, it is vital that you don't give up. As with so many other treatments you reserve for your body, consistency matters more than anything else. What does it mean? If you feel better thanks to a shorter and simpler, but daily routine, it is better to avoid the more complex treatments done only every two weeks.

  • A routine that you are able to follow on a regular basis may be maintained despite the passage of time. Since long-term care is essential for beautiful skin, it is important to choose treatments that you will get used to.
  • This step is vital if your major skin problem is acne, a difficult ailment to overcome. In this case, washing the skin regularly is essential.
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 14
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 14

Step 2. Wash your face at least once a day

It is an essential step to be able to have beautiful skin. Over the course of the day, the skin accumulates dirt and bacteria, which can clog pores, cause redness, itching, and other problems. With cleansing, you remove these substances before they have a chance to damage your skin.

Start by rinsing your face with warm, clean water. Next, lather with a cleanser designed for your skin type. You may want to use oil-free soaps on your face, unless you have dryness problems. For the body, however, a moisturizing product is preferable. Gently scrub the skin using a sponge and following circular motions. Once you're done, rinse with clean fresh water

Use Crystals for Deodorant Step 6
Use Crystals for Deodorant Step 6

Step 3. Exfoliate your skin to get rid of dead skin cells and get rid of grayness

This will not only make you feel better, it will help your skin in several ways. Doing a scrub means using a product that removes dead cells, which occlude the healthy skin, located underneath. Most people only focus on the face, but it is best to do this step all over the body.

  • One of the greatest benefits of exfoliation is preparing the skin for hair removal, whether it be from the legs, face or any other part of the body. When you remove unwanted hair, the root can become out of alignment with the skin surface, causing ingrown hair to appear. By doing the scrub, you can realign the fur and prevent those annoying red dots from forming. Try doing it before and after hair removal.
  • You can buy exfoliating products at the supermarket or perfumery, usually you can find them near the creams and soaps. However, you can also make your own. For example, if you are looking for an easy method, make a baking soda solution. Mix it with a few drops of water, until it forms a paste. You can use it instead of soap in order to exfoliate the skin. It is especially ideal on the face. It is also possible to prepare a sugar-based scrub for the rest of the body at home.
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 11
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 11

Step 4. Dry your face properly to prevent further problems from appearing

Don't use just any towel or rub your skin - it spreads bacteria, which can cause discomfort. Instead, gently blot with a clean towel, which you will use only and exclusively for this area.

If you're battling acne, it's especially important to pat and use a clean towel

Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 10
Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 10

Step 5. Address skin problems instead of letting them get worse

The skin can have different ailments, but regardless of their nature, don't ignore them! The sooner you work hard to find a solution, the easier it will be to succeed. Isn't that possible for you? See a dermatologist: you may have a disorder that requires more effective products, to buy at the pharmacy.

  • Get rid of acne and blemishes. There are so many different ways to do this, and the right one will depend on the type of acne and skin you have. Experiment to find the one that's right for you.
  • Get rid of dry skin. Just like oiliness, dryness must be taken seriously. In fact, although its appearance is not as unpleasant or visible, the skin can crack; openings can attract bacteria, making room for infections and acne. Consequently, it is vital to do something. Moisturizers and more water consumption are a good place to start, and the same goes for regular exfoliation.
Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 3
Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 3

Step 6. In the winter, do extra treatments to prevent cracking and dryness

You will need to take extra steps to protect your skin in cold weather, just so you can look more beautiful. Low temperatures are harmful to the skin, drying it out and causing various types of ailments. Cover it as much as possible with clothes. Pay extra attention and hydrate more than normal, this will help your body compensate naturally.

Cold air has low humidity because water precipitates in the form of fog or snow. For this reason, it sucks the moisture out of the skin, drying it out

Part 2 of 3: Using Effective Products

Prevent Skin Darkening in the Sun Step 2
Prevent Skin Darkening in the Sun Step 2

Step 1. Use sunscreen

It's one of the most important steps you can take to take care of it, and we're not just referring to the face, but the whole body. UVA and UVB rays are particularly harmful, but lamps can also cause some deterioration. Apply sun lotion before going out and avoid tanning beds.

  • You will need a cream with an SPF of at least 15 to protect you. Apply it 30 minutes before going out in the sun so your skin can absorb it. Repeat 20 minutes after exiting. If you reapply it early enough, you will only have to rest it if you get wet, sweat a lot, or stay on the beach all day.
  • You shouldn't wear too much. Use approximately 2 finger lengths for the 11 areas of the body to be protected (face, shoulders, arms, chest, hips and legs).
  • If you have fair skin, you will need to choose a higher SPF and an even more effective formulation to protect it. The quantities to be used are the same, you can't spread less just because the sun protection factor is higher.
Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 6
Remove a Blackhead from Your Forehead Step 6

Step 2. Try retinoids to keep skin smooth

Vitamin A is a fundamental compound for healing and treating the skin. Nowadays, it is possible to buy special creams that allow it to absorb substances with a very similar chemical structure. They are some of the few products on the market that have been shown to improve, repair acne damage and smooth wrinkles.

Prescription retinoids will allow you to get better results, but you can also use over-the-counter retinol, which will still give you some benefit

Get Beautiful African American Skin Step 7
Get Beautiful African American Skin Step 7

Step 3. Use lanolin to retain natural moisture

It is a substance produced naturally by animals (especially sheep) that protects their skin and coat. Sure, you don't look good and don't eat weed, but lanolin is still good for you. Surely you have already heard of it because it is found in so many products aimed at treating split lips. Either way, you can buy it in larger quantities to use on your legs, face, and wherever your skin becomes dry or cracked. Look for an organic brand.

When you start using lanolin, you may want to apply it to the affected area one or more times a day depending on where the problem has arisen and how severe it is. After that, you should only apply it every four to five days to keep the skin soft

Buy a Blackhead Remover Step 10
Buy a Blackhead Remover Step 10

Step 4. Try face masks for even smoother skin

In movies or TV shows, have you ever seen someone with two slices of cucumber on their eyes and their face covered in a colored substance? Well, it is a mask, a creamy product that can be made with numerous ingredients.

  • Masks made with curcumin, activated charcoal, yogurt with active cultures, vitamin E and retinol / retinoids should benefit you. The effectiveness of these substances is actually backed up by science, so they will help you improve your skin.
  • Pay attention to the ingredients you use. An example of this is lemon juice, whose main role is to disinfect. However, it can cause even more skin problems for many people, so it's best to play it safe and avoid what will harm you.
  • The main ingredient of the mask should still respect the needs of the skin. Charcoal masks are good for oily skin, but can make dry skin worse. Vitamin E-based ones are ideal for dry skin, but can cause imperfections in naturally oily skin.

Part 3 of 3: Taking a Whole Body Approach

Get Pale Skin Step 5
Get Pale Skin Step 5

Step 1. Drink lots of water

It is important to do this to feel good in general, of course, but did you know that drinking fluids is essential for having soft and smooth skin? When you don't hydrate yourself enough, one of the first parts of the body to suffer from it is the skin. Drying it out due to dehydration can cause redness, itching, and a tight skin feeling, which is annoying. However, it is possible to solve the problem by drinking a few more glasses of water a day.

In general, you can tell if your body is absorbing the right amount of water if you have very clear urine. The darker it is, the more likely you are to be dehydrated

Treat Chin Acne Step 4
Treat Chin Acne Step 4

Step 2. Follow a proper diet to give your skin all the nutrients it needs

Just like any other part of the body, the skin requires specific substances to stay healthy. You can achieve long-term results thanks to a diet rich in everything your body needs. While the effects will not be immediate, you should see positive and noticeable changes over time. The main nutrients to take are vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega 3 fatty acids, zinc and selenium.

Salmon is a good source of several of these nutrients. Most fruits have a lot of vitamin C, while carrots have vitamin A

Grow Out Your Natural Hair Color Step 5
Grow Out Your Natural Hair Color Step 5

Step 3. Exercise for firm skin

You may never have thought about it before, but the skin is one of the many areas that benefits from exercise. Studies have shown that it can go a long way in making it appear healthy and smooth, reducing or reversing the signs of skin aging. If you don't move for now, you should give it a try and change your lifestyle.

  • Remember that there are no miracles. There is no magic exercise to improve the skin. You just need to be more active and move in general.
  • In order to embark on a lifestyle that will allow you to move, try taking brisk walks for half an hour a day, breaking them down into 15-minute segments.
Get a Chiseled Jawline Step 9
Get a Chiseled Jawline Step 9

Step 4. Get enough sleep

When the body rests, it recovers its energy to cleanse and repair everything that is wrong with the body, including the skin. If you don't sleep, it will circulate too much cortisol (which harms the skin and makes it look less smooth), while not enough human growth hormone (which usually repairs the skin) will be released. In short, sleep well to have beautiful skin.

Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. Each body is different. You should experiment with what is right for you, but also be able to feel fit and awake for most of the day, without the help of coffee

Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 22
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 22

Step 5. Balance hormone levels to prevent skin problems

Remember that hormones play a vital role in having beautiful skin. You know the pimply teen cliché? You suffer from this problem for a specific reason. Certain hormones can cause skin disorders, such as acne. Whenever they fluctuate, it could be affected. You can take action to protect yourself from these changes, but you should first be aware of their function. They are an integral part of your life, and being patient is often the best strategy you can implement.

  • Puberty, youth, pregnancy, and medications can negatively affect hormones, causing skin-damaging imbalances.
  • If it is really necessary, consider taking medicines to regulate hormones. It's easier for women and girls - the contraceptive pill will have direct control over their levels, which can significantly improve the skin.


  • If you have pimples, don't squeeze or touch them. Let them heal on their own.
  • Make face masks to cleanse the skin and give it a healthy look.
