3 Ways to Gain More Elasticity

3 Ways to Gain More Elasticity
3 Ways to Gain More Elasticity

Table of contents:


What most people call "elasticity" includes the range of motion of the joints as well as the length of the ligaments and tendons that surround them. If your goal is to have a more flexible body, doing simple stretching exercises may not be enough. Try yoga or pilates to improve your muscle elasticity and your overall health. It also learns to cope with the body's daily needs for water and nutrients to become more flexible.


Method 1 of 3: Start Stretching Regularly

Become Flexible Step 01
Become Flexible Step 01

Step 1. Ask a personal trainer for directions

Before starting to stretch regularly, it is advisable to seek assistance from a fitness instructor. Even a single lesson or workshop will ensure you are performing the positions correctly.

  • A personal trainer can assess the flexibility and range of your movements and tell you which specific exercises you should do based on your personal needs and fitness level.
  • Consult with staff at a gym, martial arts center, or yoga or Pilates studio in your area of residence for an exercise program recommendation.
Become Flexible Step 02
Become Flexible Step 02

Step 2. Warm up your muscles before starting the stretching session

If you attempt to perform cold exercises, you risk straining a muscle or injuring yourself more severely. Ideally, stretch at the end of your daily training session.

  • Walk or jog for 5-10 minutes before stretching to get your blood flowing and warm up your entire muscle system.
  • You can also warm up your muscles by doing dynamic stretching exercises, such as lunges.
Become Flexible Step 03
Become Flexible Step 03

Step 3. Stretch your arm and shoulder muscles

Begin your stretching program by standing or sitting on the edge of a sturdy chair. If you prefer to work on your shoulder and arm muscles while sitting, make sure you maintain proper posture. Keep your back in a straight and neutral position, respecting the physiological curves of the spine, and bring your shoulder blades closer together.

  • Extend your right arm to the left, passing it in front of your torso, then gently push your elbow towards your chest with the other hand until you feel the muscles tense. Do not extend your right arm beyond its natural position. Stay in this position for about 5 seconds, breathing deeply, then relax and repeat the exercise with your left arm.
  • Raise your right arm above your head and bend your elbow, letting your hand fall behind your head. Try to grab the fingers of the right hand from below with those of the left hand. If you can't, place your left hand in front of your right elbow and gently push it back until you feel the triceps muscle strain. Stay in this position for about 5 seconds, then repeat the exercise with the other arm.
Become Flexible Step 04
Become Flexible Step 04

Step 4. Try bridging to stretch your back muscles

This position is a good stretch for the muscles of the whole body and especially for those of the back, chest, legs and core. Lie on the floor on your back, then bend your knees to 90 degrees and place the soles of your feet on the ground.

  • Push your arms and palms against the mat and lift your hips until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stay in the bridge position for 5-10 seconds, breathing deeply, then slowly bring your pelvis back to the ground. You can repeat the exercise 3-5 times.
  • If you want to try a more challenging version of the exercise, assume the bridge position and then lift one leg towards the ceiling. Return the foot to the ground and repeat the movement with the other leg.
Become Flexible Step 05
Become Flexible Step 05

Step 5. Do the cobbler yoga pose

This exercise allows you to effectively stretch the muscles of the buttocks and thighs and also to loosen those of the neck and back. Start by sitting on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.

  • Bend your knees to bring the soles of your feet together like in the image. Grab the backs of your feet with your hands and tilt your torso forward as you exhale deeply. Make sure you engage your core muscles and keep your spine in a neutral position. The shoulders are turned back and are not hunched.
  • Tilt your torso forward as far as you can without pain. Stay in this position for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes, breathing deeply.
Become Flexible Step 06
Become Flexible Step 06

Step 6. Do a torso twist while seated

Bring your legs straight back in front of you and gently press them against each other. Contract your abdominal muscles, roll your shoulders back and bring your shoulder blades closer to align with your spine. Keep your back straight.

  • Inhale and, as you exhale, twist your torso by turning it around your waist and bring your hands to the floor on the opposite side of your body. Maintain a neutral spine posture and make sure the twist is at waist height and that you are not twisting your hips.
  • Hold the twist position for 15-30 seconds, then return to center and repeat on the other side. You can do 2 to 4 repetitions of the exercise on each side.
Become Flexible Step 07
Become Flexible Step 07

Step 7. Do the swan pose

It is a variation of the yoga position of the cobra and serves to open the chest and simultaneously stretch the back and core muscles. To begin, lie on the floor on your stomach and keep your legs straight.

  • Bend your elbows to bring your palms next to your shoulders. Inhale and, exhaling, straighten your arms pressing your hands against the floor. Shoulders remain low and turned back, away from the ears.
  • Try to bring your shoulder blades together and not to take your hips off the ground. Feel how your chest muscles stretch. Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, then gradually bring your torso back to the ground. Repeat this exercise 3-5 times.
Become Flexible Step 08
Become Flexible Step 08

Step 8. Kneel to stretch the flexor muscles and quadriceps

This exercise is similar to a lunge, but straightening the back leg also stretches the flexor muscles in addition to the quadriceps and hamstring tendons of the knees. Kneel on the floor to start.

  • Bring one foot forward as if to step so that the knee forms a right angle. Step as long as you can without feeling pain, you will feel a tension in the opposite side. The tibia should be perpendicular to the ground and the knee aligned with the respective ankle.
  • Grab your front knee with both hands and push your pelvis forward as you breathe deeply. Stay in this position for 15-30 seconds, then slowly return to your knees and repeat on the other side.

Method 2 of 3: Gain More Flexibility By Practicing Yoga or Pilates

Become Flexible Step 09
Become Flexible Step 09

Step 1. Focus attention on the breath

Breathing is a fundamental element in both yoga and pilates. Before starting to perform the postures, take a few minutes to meditate on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose, pause, then gradually let the air out of your mouth.

Become Flexible Step 10
Become Flexible Step 10

Step 2. Choose locations that you can easily edit

The first few times you practice yoga or pilates you may not be able to perform the positions fully. Using a yoga block or a rolled-up blanket or towel will help you maintain correct posture and not overexert yourself at the risk of injury.

  • For example, the "uttanasana" posture (standing forward bend) improves the flexibility of the leg and back muscles. You may not initially be able to place your hands flat on the ground next to your feet. If so, you can place them on the yoga block after placing it on the floor in front of you.
  • Your body will change day by day. Try to be patient and do not get frustrated if you sometimes find that you are unable to deepen a position as in previous sessions.
Become Flexible Step 11
Become Flexible Step 11

Step 3. Stretch your back muscles thanks to the cat pose

This exercise is also suitable for beginners as it improves the flexibility of the back and core muscles, as well as relaxes the mind and body. To begin, put yourself in the yoga position of the four points.

  • Check that your wrists are aligned with your shoulders and your knees with your hips. Level your back so that it looks like the flat top of a coffee table and roll your shoulders back away from your ears. Keep your neck relaxed and breathe deeply.
  • As you inhale, arch your back as far as you can as you lift your head up, opening your chest. Take a break.
  • As you exhale, bend your back pushing it towards the ceiling, bring your chin closer to your chest and bring your shoulders slightly forward.
  • Repeat the same movements for 5-10 breathing cycles, maintaining coordination between the breath and the movements.
Become Flexible Step 12
Become Flexible Step 12

Step 4. Hold positions for several breaths

One of the aspects that allows you to improve flexibility while practicing yoga or pilates is to stay in the position taken and breathe deeply to further deepen the stretching. The muscles have the opportunity to relax and stretch even more.

As you inhale, think about consolidating your strength. With each exhalation, release any tension and try to deepen the stretch further

Become Flexible Step 13
Become Flexible Step 13

Step 5. Make smooth, continuous movements

Many yoga poses and pilates exercises can be performed in sequence by combining a movement with each breath. Switching from one asana to another without interruption helps to improve the flexibility of the muscles and, in addition, increases the flow of blood to the joints.

Remember to stay focused on your breathing. If you are out of breath or find that you are holding your breath instead of coordinating it with your movements, slow down

Become Flexible Step 14
Become Flexible Step 14

Step 6. Perform the sun salutation

The sun salutation is a vinyasa, which is a series of positions performed in sequence and combined with the inhalations and exhalations. The sun salutation consists of 12 positions to be practiced one after the other.

  • You will start by standing, in the position called the mountain. You will need to move from one asana to the next smoothly, coordinating each movement with your breath. At the end you will find yourself again in the mountain position ("tadasana" in Sanskrit).
  • The practice of the sun salutation is also a good cardiovascular workout, as well as a valid warm-up to prepare for more challenging positions or stretching exercises.
Become Flexible Step 15
Become Flexible Step 15

Step 7. Practice consistently and regularly

You won't get significant muscle flexibility benefits if you don't train consistently. It is not necessary to practice every day, but try to find time to do yoga or pilates no less than 3-4 times a week.

Start by practicing for 10-15 minutes, 3-4 times a week. If you find that you like it, chances are you'll want to spontaneously increase the frequency of your workouts. In any case, remember that consistency is essential

Method 3 of 3: Keep the Whole Body Healthy

Become Flexible Step 16
Become Flexible Step 16

Step 1. Feed yourself healthy and simple foods

While there are no specific foods that have been shown to improve body flexibility, a healthy diet is essential for strong, healthy muscles and bones. Keep track of what you eat in a food diary for a couple of weeks to fully realize what you are putting into your body.

  • Try to eat mostly fresh foods, rather than ready-made, frozen or fast-food dishes.
  • Plan meals to keep them balanced and control portion sizes.
Become Flexible Step 17
Become Flexible Step 17

Step 2. Drink lots of water

Flexibility requires muscles, ligaments and tendons in perfect shape. You cannot hope that your performance will be optimal if your muscular system is dehydrated. Drinking lots of water is more than general good practice, it can help you gain more elasticity.

  • Dehydration makes muscles hard and tight. Trying to stretch stiff muscles could cause you to be seriously injured.
  • You should drink 8-10 glasses of water a day and always remember to drink before and after training.
Become Flexible Step 18
Become Flexible Step 18

Step 3. Get a massage

Especially if you train hard or regularly, the massage will help eliminate the pains and contractures that can arise in the muscles when you overload them. Otherwise, over time, these problems could significantly limit your mobility.

  • You can also self-massage using a foam roller, especially at the end of the workout.
  • Get a massage from a qualified professional every 1-2 months. In addition to relaxing, it will also help you become more flexible.
Become Flexible Step 19
Become Flexible Step 19

Step 4. Find time to relax

During times of intense stress you can build up considerable tension in your muscles, which consequently become much less flexible. If you can't find the time to relax and "switch off", you will soon have to say goodbye to any progress made in terms of elasticity.

  • Try meditating regularly to relax your mind and body. Start with short sessions, 5-10 minutes per day, then gradually increase the duration. If you commit to meditating consistently, you will notice that the body will begin to be less tense and the mind more focused.
  • To relieve stress, in addition to meditating, you can go for a walk every morning or evening or read a book or listen to relaxing music in a comfortable position.
