Although applications of bleach in anti-aging skin treatments are currently being studied (and have already shown some positive results), the home use of this substance for facial skin care is strongly discouraged by doctors. Proponents of the popular but dangerous "facial bleach" usually claim that this has a healing, rejuvenating effect and gives the skin a youthful glow. In any case, it is important to remember that bleach is a caustic substance and can ruin your skin if not used correctly. In this article, you will find some useful information about the origin of the custom of "facial bleach" and why you should avoid trying to apply it at home. You'll also find helpful tips on using some safer alternative systems, including prescription-free home remedies and illuminating products.
Method 1 of 3: Dangers of Using Bleach at Home

Step 1. Understand the searches
The recent trend in home use of bleach is believed to have started with a study conducted by the Stanford University School of Medicine. The researchers found that the diluted substance helped heal and renew the skin of lab rats suffering from dermatitis.
- The object of the study was to find a remedy for radiation dermatitis - an unpleasant skin disorder that often afflicts patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments. However, researchers are convinced that bleach may also become a key ingredient in the treatment of sun and age-induced skin problems in the future.
- Although this study indicates that this may be the answer to many skin disorders, it is important to remember that the study subjects were "mice", not people. Experimentation on humans has not yet been addressed.
- Additionally, the various applications of bleach as an ingredient in homemade beauty products require further study.

Step 2. Be aware that it is very difficult to obtain the correct dilution at home
Consider that the Stanford researchers used a specific degree of dilution in their studies -.0005, to be exact.
- Most household bleaches have a concentration between 5% and 8%, which makes them considerably more aggressive than the solution indicated as safe during the study.
- Even if you try to dilute the bleach yourself before use, it would be very difficult to reach a concentration of.0005 without the necessary knowledge of dilution methods and without the necessary tools.
- The effects of using a higher concentration solution have not been studied and this could have negative consequences for the skin.

Step 3. Please note that the use of bleach on the face is not recommended by doctors
Although medical researchers are currently looking at the possible applications of bleach in anti-aging and skin rejuvenation treatments, use at home as a facial cleansing product is not recommended by doctors.
- Indeed, many of them strongly advise against it. For example, Dr. Mona Gohara, a professor of dermatology in the Yale School of Medicine states, "Bleach is far too irritating and should not be used for face washing … if used incorrectly, this can cause extreme inflammation and dehydration".
- While Dr. Daniel Shapiro, a renowned Phoenix cosmetic surgeon said: "I would not recommend trying bleach on your face at home … I understand that bleach can be a potentially promising product for anti-aging treatments … but to get there still a lot of work ".

Step 4. Understand that bleach can burn and irritate the skin
This is a corrosive substance - in fact, at high concentrations it can even punch a hole through stainless steel. Furthermore, even in low concentrations, it can burn the skin, leaving it red, dry and irritated. So, if your purpose in applying it to your face is to lighten the skin and make it glow, you could most likely end up getting the opposite effect.

Step 5. If you decide to go ahead with bleaching your face, be sure to follow the appropriate precautions
First make sure that the substance is highly diluted. The dilution percentage used by the Stanford researchers had a lower concentration than that of water in a swimming pool.
- Since it is very difficult to work with such negligible amounts of bleach, it is easier and safer to use a large amount of water instead. For this, you should create the solution in your bathtub by mixing 1/4 cup of bleach with about 150 liters of warm water (or a full tub).
- When it's ready, transfer some of the solution to a plastic bottle or container where it can be stored for later use. Do not put the bottle in the freezer or any place where it could be confused with a drink.
- Be sure to test a small patch of skin before applying the solution all over your face. Use a cotton ball to apply some bleach to the skin under the chin profile. Before proceeding, wait 24 hours to see if any redness, dryness, or irritation occurs.
- If you do not feel any of these effects and decide to continue the treatment, apply only a thin layer of diluted bleach to the entire face (carefully avoiding the eyes, mouth and nostrils) and leave it for ten minutes maximum.
- Remove it thoroughly by rinsing your face with running water, then immediately apply a moisturizer. If irritation occurs, do not repeat the treatment.
- It is highly recommended that you consult with your doctor or dermatologist before using bleach on your skin. There are many safer methods, many more effective alternatives available if you want to lighten your skin or beat acne or the signs of aging.
Method 2 of 3: Use alternative skin lightening products

Step 1. Try the appropriate lightening creams
A much safer option than using bleach at home is to use lightening products made especially for the face. These can be purchased without a prescription and often contain ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide, which is a popular lightening agent.
- These creams are specially designed to make the skin brighter and hide unwanted hair. They should always be used according to the instructions on the package.
- However, you should avoid using these products if they irritate you.

Step 2. Consider using hydroquinone
Hydroquinone is an effective skin lightening cream that uses retinoids (acidic vitamin A) in place of bleach.
- It is mainly used to bleach the skin and against blackheads, as it reduces the rate of melanin in the skin. Hydroquinone creams should only be used at night, as they make the skin hyper-sensitive to UV rays.
- Although 2% of these creams are available in the United States without a prescription (4% with a prescription), it is important to be aware that products containing hydroquinone have been withdrawn by much of Asia and Europe due to their potential carcinogenic properties.
- Consequently, you should speak to your dermatologist before using any hydroquinone products.

Step 3. Use "brightening" creams
If you are simply looking to make your complexion brighter and get a fresher, more youthful look, then these creams are the way to go.
- They are available without a prescription and usually contain natural illuminating agents such as kojic acid, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acids, vitamin C, or arbutin.
- These ingredients also serve to inhibit melanin production and reduce skin pigmentation, but are safer than hydroquinone.

Step 4. Apply sunscreen every day
When it comes to skin blemishes, blackheads, and general signs of aging, the sun is a major culprit.
- In this regard, it is imperative that you protect your face from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen every day.
- Simply with its application, you can prevent your skin from darkening and prevent many of the problems associated with sun exposure, including skin cancer.
- You should apply one with a sun factor of at least 30, and wear a hat to protect your face from direct sunlight. Also, you should wear cream even in winter, as dangerous UV rays can penetrate the clouds and cause damage even when it's not hot.
Method 3 of 3: Using home remedies

Step 1. Use lemon
The citric acid contained in fresh lemon juice is an effective natural whitening agent and can be used to lighten the complexion and minimize skin discoloration and blackheads.
- Squeeze the juice of half a lemon diluted with twice as much water. Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and dab it on your face, focusing on the areas you want to be brighter.
- Leave the juice on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cold running water and apply a moisturizer (as lemon juice can dehydrate). Repeat several times a week for best results.
- A warning: never expose your skin to the sun when you still have the juice on your face. Citric acid makes your skin ultra-sensitive and increases the risk of damage from sun exposure.

Step 2. Try yogurt and turmeric
Turmeric has been used for skin care in India for hundreds of years, thanks to its softening, brightening, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties.
- To create a mask that won't stain your skin, mix one teaspoon of turmeric with two teaspoons of rice flour and three tablespoons of plain yogurt (or milk, or cream).
- Apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, until it hardens. Wash it off with warm water, scrubbing gently.

Step 3. Use aloe vera
Aloe vera is a delicate and soothing natural substance that relieves red and inflamed skin and helps clear spots disappear.
- To use, simply peel a leaf off the plant and squeeze it to extract clear, gel-like sap. Rub the lymph all over your face and let it rest on your skin for as long as you like.
- Aloe vera is extremely gentle and safe to use, so you can apply the extract as many times as you want.

Step 4. Try the raw potato
Due to its vitamin C content, potato juice is believed to act as a skin lightener. Vitamin C is used, in fact, in many special products.
- To experiment with this method, simply cut a well-washed potato in half, then rub the inside on the portion of the skin you want to brighten. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off.
- Finally, cucumbers and tomatoes are thought to have similar lightening properties, since they too contain large amounts of vitamin C.