Varicose veins are spider web-shaped red or blue veins that appear near the surface of the skin on the legs and ankles. Sun exposure, age, and hormonal changes can all contribute to varicose veins. Learn about varicose vein removal treatments and the steps you can take to prevent them from appearing.
Method 1 of 3: Medical Treatments

Step 1. Undergo sclerotherapy
In this medical procedure, a saline or detergent solution is inserted into the vein, causing it to irritate and collapse. Once the vein has collapsed, it will no longer be visible under the skin. You can expect an injection for 2.5 cm of varicose veins. The procedure is quick and usually not very painful - the needle prick is the only thing you will feel.
- Side effects include redness, burning, swelling, and bruising. These symptoms go away quickly and shouldn't stop you from doing your normal activities.
- The best time to undergo sclerotherapy is during the winter, when your veins are most visible and easier to protect. Summer sun tanned skin makes varicose veins harder to see and remove.
- The procedure permanently removes existing varicose veins, but new ones can develop over time. Other treatments may be needed to prevent varicose veins from returning.
- You can expect to spend between € 300 and € 1000, depending on the amount of varicose veins to be treated and whether both legs need therapy.

Step 2. Consider a surface laser treatment
If you are sensitive to needles or allergic to the saline solution used in sclerotherapy, you may prefer superficial laser treatment. Strong bursts of light will be sent through the skin onto the veins, which will vanish.
- Laser treatment is often painful due to the high temperature of the laser. After the treatment, which usually lasts for 20 minutes, a cooling agent is applied to the skin to relieve pain.
- Side effects can include redness and swelling, skin discoloration, and in extreme cases, scars and burns.
- People with skin of certain shades and of a certain texture should not resort to laser treatment, as this would risk permanent skin discoloration. Ask your doctor if you are a good candidate for treatment.
Method 2 of 3: Preventing Varicose Veins

Step 1. Do not inhibit circulation in the legs
The veins in the legs must work against gravity to bring blood back to the heart. Some habits can make this process more difficult for the veins, causing them to become tight and swollen, and therefore visible. Promote circulation in the legs with the following habits:
- Do not stay in the same position for long periods. Whether you sit at a desk all day or stand in front of a classroom for hours, staying in the same position inhibits circulation. Find time to change positions by taking a walk around the office or sitting between classes.
- Don't cross your legs. This would prevent circulation and put unnecessary stress on the veins. Sit with your feet flat on the ground to allow the veins in your legs to circulate blood unobstructed.

Step 2. Wear comfortable shoes
Your feet are an important part of circulation in your legs, and if you wear shoes that constrict or otherwise inhibit blood flow, it can lead to varicose veins.
- Avoid high heels. Heels put even more pressure on the legs and force the veins to work harder to bring blood back to the heart. Go for low heels or flat shoes.
- Avoid tight boots. Knee-high boots especially can tighten the legs and inhibit circulation.

Step 3. Put on compression tights
They are available in drugstores and other stores that come with medical devices, and offer extra support for the legs, to promote blood circulation and prevent weakening of the veins.
- Compression tights are not the same as support stockings and other stockings. Compression tights apply pressure to specific points to help circulation.
- Stronger compression tights are available by prescription, which must be custom made by a professional, and offer even more pressure than regular compression tights.
- Wear tights as often as possible, and not just when wearing a dress or skirt. Wear tights under your pants too.
- Compression tights can also help reduce swelling or burning from sclerotherapy or laser treatment.

Step 4. Take care of your skin
Keeping your skin healthy will help protect the veins beneath it and decrease the chances of varicose veins appearing. Take care of your skin in the following ways:
- Put on a sunscreen. The sun's rays damage and weaken the skin, making the veins beneath it more noticeable. Use it on your face to prevent varicose veins from appearing, and don't forget your ankles and legs.
- Moisturizes the skin. Preventing the skin from drying out helps improve its elasticity and appearance, making it less likely that varicose veins will appear.
Method 3 of 3: Changes to Your Lifestyle to Improve Circulation

Step 1. Eliminate foods that cause water retention from your diet
When your body stores too much water, it puts excessive pressure on the veins, which consequently become larger and more visible. Reduce consumption of the following foods, which cause water retention:
- Foods that contain a lot of salt. Fried foods, canned soups, and savory snacks are examples of foods that cause water retention. Try to reduce or eliminate the salt you use for cooking.
- Alcoholic beverages. A few beers or a few glasses of wine a week shouldn't cause any problems, but more alcohol can cause water retention and weakening of the veins.

Step 2. Eat more fiber
Constipation is another form of pressure that can lead to overly tight veins. Eating high-fiber foods helps your digestive system function properly and prevents this type of pressure from building up.
- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid juices, and eat whole fruits, which contain a lot of fiber. Try a whole product smoothie with spinach, blueberries, and bananas.
- Eat whole grains. Quinoa, oatmeal, oat bran, and other whole grains help relieve the pressure of constipation.
- Take fiber supplements if your system still needs fiber.

Step 3. Train every day
Regular physical activity keeps you moving and improves your circulation, as well as helping your body maintain a healthy weight by reducing the pressure on the leg veins.
- Focus on exercises that work your legs, such as running, swimming, or cycling.
- Daily walks are another great form of training. Try to do them during your lunch break or before and after work.