Connections are the heart of every social network, but what makes LinkedIn different from other sites of this type is its attention to the world of work: it wants to make sure that your connections can say something about your work and the other way around. To write a report on LinkedIn, follow the instructions below.
Method 1 of 1: Write a Report

Step 1. Log in to LinkedIn, visit the profile of the person you want to report and click Report
You will then be asked to describe how you know this person (e.g. colleague, student).
Step 2. Start with a very short introduction to how you know this person
There is no need to be verbose as a user can look at your profile to find out more details about you.
Kelsey was my manager during my internship at Tyrell Corporation from 2008 to 2009. We worked together on a daily basis..
Step 3. Mention the qualities that employers care about
If you don't know exactly how this report will be used (or if your colleague will change jobs tomorrow), focus on the professional characteristics that all employers appreciate.
In this period she has proved extremely collaborative and expert. She has always had efficient strategies that have made everyone's job easier and has always been great at exposing her ideas to the rest of the team. I learned a lot from her even outside of our training sessions.
Some key areas include:
- Sincerity
- Integrity and reliability
- Pride and attention to detail
- Dedication and goal orientation
- Analytical and strategic thinking skills
- Efficiency, organization and ability to manage time
- Economic and budget management skills
- Ability to work in a team
Step 4. Tell a short success story
Stories make your report easier to remember, much more than just a list of statements like "Joe is an honest, dedicated, team-working person." Anyone can write a list, but only you are. be able to tell that story Make sure it reflects the person's professional ethics, not your professional relationship.
I will never forget that time she managed to catch up with a meeting with an investor who was taking a bad turn …….
Step 5. End your report decisively
Make sure the report ends with a sense of enthusiasm and determination. Readers should understand that the report has ended.
I warmly recommend Kelsey and would be very happy to work with her again.

Step 6. Click on the [view / edit] link
This link allows you to add a personal message to the notification email. Make sure you write that the report is still a draft and encourage the person to suggest improvements.
Insist that you gladly accept feedback! Since your friend probably won't let you know if they are sorry, you have to be you to ask for criticism. ("Kelsey, I quickly wrote this report and look forward to your suggestions.")

Step 7. Click Submit
The person you referred will receive a pleasant email saying that someone has reported him / her.

Step 8. If you still haven't received a response after a week, ask the person about the report
If they still don't answer you, you may not like the report. If this is the case, offer a friendly way to rewrite it. ("I'm sorry! Let me edit it to make it perfect.") After a few editing steps you will have written a very good report and will most likely receive one in return.
- The reports of today are much shorter than they used to be, but the length has been replaced by quantity: a person today has many more reports than could have been had in the twentieth century. In any case, do not write too short a report (it would seem that you are not interested). A story (read above) helps you with this because it is easy to remember and is told informally. In other words, you don't have to worry about style, just tell the story.
- Don't leave out relatives and friends. Personal recommendations are also important; in reality they are even more so because the opinions of someone who has known the candidate for ten years may be worth more than the opinions of someone who has only known him for the duration of a work project. However, you will need to tailor your report for this purpose (i.e. you will need to focus on the professional qualities that employers are looking for).
- LinkedIn re-orders the people who appear in search results based on the number of referrals received and keyword that contain. Make sure your report contains keywords related to your colleague's most likely future career opportunities. The best way to be sure is to talk directly to him / her.
- The best way to get a recommendation is to write a few for your current and former colleagues. People will be more likely to return the favor after receiving a referral. Email your colleague saying you'd like to write him / her a LinkedIn report. While your offer will be unlikely to be rejected, you may receive helpful suggestions as to particular areas of work or skills to focus on.
Remember, if your friend asks you to lie, don't. Remember, your report leads back to your profile! If you are looking for a job, a potential future employer is likely to find the recommendations you wrote and get an idea of you based on their content: the people you hang out with, the way you write and, above all, your sincerity.. In other words, did you lie for a friend? If the answer is yes, you won't make a good impression.
Also, your potential employer may chat with you about some common connection between you. Would you like to find yourself talking to him about the report you wrote for your friend and not remember what exactly you wrote because the report was totally made up?