Staying home on a school day isn't easy. If you're going to fake illness, a "vacation" day from school requires preparation and good acting skills. Even if I had a good reason not to go to class, homework and texts to study would pile up. Some days, however, you can't do without a break! So here are some tips to convince your parents to let you stay at home, for real or imaginary reasons.
Method 1 of 4: Pretend

Step 1. Start the staging early
Your parents will be more likely to believe your illness if you start pretending from the previous night.
- The earlier you start acting, the longer your disease will have to progress. Try to look fatigued in the afternoon before the day of absence. For example, instead of running out to play when you get home from school, you stay in your room and look tired.
- When you are with your parents, try to appear apathetic. They should get the impression that you are tired or that something is wrong. In the evening, don't follow your normal habits. If you watch television, lie down and take on a disinterested and dejected appearance. You should go to bed earlier than usual, making sure your parents notice this.
- You can make your staging even more believable by eating little at dinner or faking stomach cramps after taking a bite. Explain that you are not feeling well and skip the dessert. You could ask your parents for hot tea, to "calm the stomach".
- Tell your parents that your schoolmate threw up in class or was absent. Make sure it's not a guy they know. This information should convince them that there is some contagious disease present at school.

Step 2. Show symptoms
Flashy external symptoms, such as skin irritations, are quite difficult to simulate, so focus on the visible manifestations of internal health problems.
- Frequent visits to the bathroom can give the impression that you have a gut virus. Run up and use the toilet several times to make your parents think you have diarrhea or food poisoning.
- If you decide to fake a migraine, you should appear sensitive to light and loud sounds, say that your head is throbbing and that you are nauseous. Avoid watching television or listening to music.
- To fake a sore throat, act as if you have difficulty swallowing and ask your parents for hot tea or cold foods. Eat some throat lozenges and avoid talking as much as possible, insisting that you feel pain when asked why you are so quiet. Consider giving a few fake coughs as well.
- Explain that your symptoms developed overnight. You should start coughing or going to the bathroom between midnight and six in the morning.

Step 3. Be discreet, but convincing
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is overdoing the staging. If you pretend to be sick too dramatically, your parents might eat the leaf.
- It is usually better to pretend that you have a simple illness than one that causes verifiable symptoms. Imitating the sound of gagging, for example, is a risky move, as your parents may catch you in the act while you pretend. For the same reason, sticking the thermometer into something hot can also be a bad idea.
- Don't complain too much if your parents suggest you should stay home from school. You may think that by being worried about missing classes, your staging sounds more convincing, or that willingly accepting a day off is suspicious, but if you feel really bad as you say, your parents probably shouldn't do much. struggles to convince you to stay at home. Hesitate before accepting, but don't act like you're worried about missing a school day, especially if absences have never been a problem for you.

Step 4. Don't recover too quickly
Never forget that your parents may drag you to school late if they think you are better off or if they find that your malaise was just a fiction. If you are going to stay home from school with a fake illness, you will have to pretend all day.
You should recover gradually over the course of the day. Take a rest and take your time on your schedule. In the afternoon, you should say that you are starting to feel better but that you don't feel quite right. Late in the evening, your recovery may be nearly complete

Step 5. Avoid pretending to be sick too often
If you lie very frequently about your health, your parents may not believe you when you are really sick and you really need to stay home.
Method 2 of 4: Don't Pretend

Step 1. Tell your parents that you are feeling bad
This is the most common reason students don't go to school. If you feel unwell or think you have some health problem, talk to your parents and ask to stay home.
- Many schools ask pupils to stay at home in case of illness or other contagious pathologies. Not going to school will help you recover your health and prevent the spread of diseases in the institution.
- Usually, you should stay home if you have a fever, chills, vomit, have diarrhea, nausea, sore throat, trouble swallowing, skin irritation, unusual blistering, unusual redness, earache, medium or severe headache, moderate muscle aches, body aches, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, red and burning eyes or lice.
- You may decide to stay home even if you cough, sneeze, or are congested.
- Stay home, if possible, until you have no more symptoms, without taking medication, for at least 24 hours.

Step 2. Stay home after a tragedy
If you recently lost a family member, friend, or other loved one, grief is a legitimate reason not to go to school. Be honest and tell your parents how much that person's disappearance affected you.
- If the tragedy has affected you but not your parents, you may be concerned that they do not understand your bereavement. Remember, though, that grief is a universal feeling and that most people understand that it takes some time to deal with it.
- Remember that, out of necessity, your bereavement period will have to end. Intense grief can last for a long time, and you may not be able to get over it on your own. If you are unable to go to school after a few days or a week, you should consider talking to a counselor who can help you cope with the pain.

Step 3. Be honest if bullying is the problem
If you are the victim of a bully or a group of bullies at school, talk to your parents or guardian. Explain how difficult school life has become for you due to bullying and ask to stay home for a day or two while the problem is resolved.
- Many students make the mistake of not reporting bullying. You may worry about appearing weak, being considered a spy, or making your situation worse by talking. Nothing will ever get better if you do nothing to stop bullying. As a teenager, asking your parents, teachers, or other adults close to you for help is the most effective action you can take to counter this threat.
- Bullying can cause long-term effects such as anxiety, depression and insomnia. Take care of your health by reporting bullying right away.

Step 4. Ask your parents to take a day off with you
Tell them you would like to have a special day all together and ask if they can stay home from work. This plan can work especially well if you are about to finish high school and are going out of town to attend college, or if the commitments you have at school and that your parents have at work are not important (for example, you have no homework at all. class or question and your parents don't have to meet deadlines).

Step 5. Get permission for a day of mental health treatment
It is important to talk to your parents about stress and anxiety. While adults often forget how stressful school life can be, the truth is that it can get very hard. If you have to deal with the normal stress of school, the best solution is often to deal with it. If, on the other hand, stress, anxiety and depression become more serious problems, talk to your parents and ask for a day to unplug.
If you suspect that you have serious mental health problems, such as depression or anxiety disorders, ask your parents to make an appointment with your doctor. This way you will let them know the severity of your stress and, if you really have a problem, a visit to the doctor would help you to keep it under control

Step 6. Stay home if weather or environmental conditions require it
In the event of raging storms, severe flooding or other circumstances that make the journey to school dangerous, the municipality may decide to close schools. Even if your school doesn't close, you should still consider staying home if the environmental conditions are dangerous.
Usually, your parents or a guardian can help you decide if the condition is bad enough to warrant a day off, so persuasion shouldn't help in this case. If your parents stay home from work, they will be much more likely not to accompany you to school

Step 7. Consider other special circumstances
A family vacation or a visit from a distant relative may give you reason not to go to school; you should not, however, make too many absences for this reason. Evaluate what you would lose by staying at home and, in agreement with your parents, decide if a day of absence is acceptable.
- Note that many schools do not accept the above reasons as justifications. If your school also has a very strict policy in this area, your parents may need to phone the school to report truancy.
- Usually, if you know in advance that you will not be able to go to school, your parents or guardian should provide you with a written notice to take to the teacher a day or two before the absence. This way you will be able to receive assignments and reading that help you keep up with the work done in the classroom.
Method 3 of 4: Delay Intentionally

Step 1. Delay voluntarily
Take breaks in your daily routine to waste a few minutes and not be able to get to school on time.
- Dress very slowly. Pour your breakfast on yourself, to be forced to change. Get dressed again… very slowly.
- Pretend you can't find something you need, like a shoe or PE shorts. Finally, after five or ten minutes of searching, get them back.
- Complain loudly that this is a bad day; cry if necessary. If you're lucky, your parents may have compassion and let you stay home.
- Be aware that your delay affects other people, such as your parents, who must arrive at work within a certain time. You could be putting their careers at risk, so think carefully about whether a day off is worth it.

Step 2. You miss the bus
It could be an accident, or you could do it on purpose. However, missing the bus can allow you to skip school if your parents leave home early for work or if they don't have time to drive you.
- Arrive at the stop immediately after the bus leaves. Don't miss public transport too suspiciously. However, it takes a long time to walk home. If you're lucky, your parents won't have time to take you to school when you're back.
- If your parents aren't home when you miss the bus, let them know when they don't have time to go back and take you to school. Demonstrates a slight disappointment at having missed the lessons, so as not to arouse suspicion. For example, you might say that you are sorry that you are unable to witness the interesting experiment you were supposed to do in science class.
- If one of your parents is home after you miss the bus, they may offer to drive you to school. Respond by saying you're sorry to be late for work. Tell him that you are prepared for the consequences of being late, but that you don't want your delay to have a negative impact on him as well. Don't overdo it, though. Your parents are probably pretty good at knowing when you are lying.

Step 3. You lose something
You can't go to school without books or a homework notebook, right? Search everywhere to find what you have lost. The more cluttered the house, the easier it will be to prolong the search until it is too late.
- The smaller the object, the easier it is to "lose" it. For example, your mother may have a hard time believing that you have lost your backpack or laptop.
- The more important the item is, the more likely you are to stay home if you don't find it. For example, losing your glasses or a contact lens is more serious than losing a notebook, because without those items, your learning ability will be limited (if you have really poor eyesight, you may even risk tripping and hurting yourself).
- If you drive a car to school, you may lose your keys. Don't get into the habit of losing them, however, or you will risk serious consequences (your parents may decide to deny you the ability to use the car and force you to take the bus).
Method 4 of 4: Take care of the bureaucracy

Step 1. Get a parent or guardian to call the school
This is a common procedure. A parent must call the school and explain that you will not be there that day.
In most schools, parental permission is sufficient to justify an absence. Institutions that have stricter rules, on the other hand, require specific justifications, so check the rules in this regard. The purpose of this procedure is to minimize truancy and keep outbreaks under control

Step 2. Call the school yourself, if allowed
Many institutions require a parent or guardian of the pupil to call, regardless of the age of the student. Others, however, allow children who have reached the age of majority (18) to justify themselves.

Step 3. Get a certificate from the doctor
For periods of prolonged absence, the school requires a medical certificate upon return, which guarantees your full recovery from the illness.
A medical certificate is required if an illness continues beyond a certain time limit. The exact length of this period may vary, so you should check the rules in place in your institution. Usually, the threshold is between three and ten days
- Face the real problem. Ask yourself why you want to stay home from school. If you're trying to avoid a bully or other serious problem, seek help remedying the problem instead of running away from it. This allows you to live happier and healthier in the long run.
- Avoid skipping school. First use all the legitimate possibilities that the institution offers regarding absences. If you skip school without justification and your parents get an unexpected phone call from the institution about your absence, you could end up in serious trouble.
- Consider what you will be missing out on. Some lessons and classwork are more difficult to catch up than others. Before you stay home, think about how difficult it will be to catch up with the class when you return and decide if it is worth not going to school. This is especially important if you pretend to be sick or if you want to stay home for a not very serious reason.
- Consider the consequences. You may be staying at home for a legitimate reason, or you may be faking illness for no reason. However, by skipping school for a day or more, your life can get complicated in the long run.