If you think the class you are in now at school is not testing your potential, maybe you should skip a year.
Method 1 of 3: Find Out What Students Are Studying One Year Ahead

Step 1. Talk to students who are one year ahead of you
Ask them what they are studying. Their answer could change your mind about your intentions to skip a year or it could be confirmation that you are making the right decision.

Step 2. Find out what knowledge you would need to skip a year
Try to try your hand at homework and projects aimed at older students often, but continue to get good grades even doing the work that is required of you for your class. Before considering the possibility of skipping a year, make sure you are able to do the job.

Step 3. Make sure skipping a year is the best choice for you
Don't do this if you're not ready yet. Remember that changing classes can affect relationships with your current friends.
Method 2 of 3: Show Everyone You're Ready

Step 1. Try to improve your grades to the best of your ability
You must have excellent in all subjects, preferably also with honors. You will only be able to settle in your new class if you are able to excel in the current one.

Step 2. Pay attention to the teacher and take notes

Step 3. Submit school assignments and projects by the deadlines

Step 4. Try to study more than you think necessary to be ready for any eventuality
If you weren't prepared enough, that wouldn't be a good thing.

Step 5. Wait until about the middle of the year, and make sure you get good grades during this time
This is because you may decide to change your mind after engaging in some of the academic challenges of your current curriculum.

Step 6. If you begin to feel stressed, it is likely that you are attending the year that best suits your abilities
Hurrying up studies can be a bad idea if you can't lead a balanced life and enjoy this period of your life as both a student and a teenager. Try to do a conscience analysis to understand why it is so important for you to skip a year and where you would like to be in five or ten years.
Method 3 of 3: Apply to Skip a Year

Step 1. Talk to the school counselor
Tell him that you feel your skills are not being tested in your current class and ask him if you can skip a year.

Step 2. If the school or your parents do not agree, they will certainly have their good reasons
Keep trying and eventually you will be able to convince them.

Step 3. Consider studying at home as an alternative
Many students who study at home are able to skip one or more years because they can study at their own pace.
- Always try to learn.
- Take the time you need. If you think you need more than half a year, try to take things slow.
- Remember that you may be the smallest in the class.
- If you think you can do it, you will (and vice versa).
- If they agree to the request and make you miss a year, try to keep in touch with your current friends to avoid feeling alone in your new class. Try, of course, to make new friends among your new companions as well.
- You have to commit to doing your best to be able to keep up once they have blown you out of the year, so you can still maintain a good average for the rest of the academic year and also for the next one.
- If you decide to do it, you will never be able to go back! The only way will be to fail, which will not make a good impression when you apply to enter the university.
- Your new class resume may be too busy for you, so make sure you're up to the challenge.
- Don't brag. Other students may get jealous and no one wants to be friends with you anymore.
- Students studying at home need to organize themselves and be able to focus in order to succeed, even without the pressure they are normally subjected to in a traditional school environment.