The thought of picking up a girl might make you nervous, but to do it right you just need to have a little confidence and know how to get her attention. Once she has noticed you, make her feel special, make her feel comfortable and you'll be towing her in a second. If you want to know how, follow these tips.
Method 1 of 3: Get yourself noticed

Step 1. Flirt
If you want to pick up a girl, you have to flirt with her to start the games. To do this right, you need to let her know that you are interested, but without going too far. After eye contact, don't be afraid to approach and start a conversation. Here are some ways to flirt:
- Flirt with your body language. Look at her when you speak, turn your body towards her and bend a little to get closer.
- Make fun of her. Tease her good-naturedly about something from her cat to pink shoes, pointing out that you find her cute.
- Stay light. Keep the conversation light when you want to get to know her. If you talk about things that are too serious right away, they may think you are too intense.
- Remember to smile and laugh. Let her know that you like talking to her without telling her.
- Physical contact. If it's going well, touch her shoulder or arm.

Step 2. Make her feel special
Every girl wants to feel like the only one in the world, so you have to make her feel like a real, unique individual - even if you just want to pick her up. To make her feel special, you need to be a good listener, ask the right questions, and make her feel that everything she says is important.
- Ask her questions about her. Don't ask too deep - talk about family, musical tastes and what he loves to do on weekends.
- Listen to it. Don't look around when he speaks; put your phone away, and break eye contact just to smile and look down if things get too intense.
- Let her understand what makes her different from the others. You don't have to say I've never met someone like you, but you can say I've never heard such a good laugh. Let her know that she is unique.

Step 3. Charm her
Charming people can walk into a room, talk to anyone without feeling uncomfortable. To charm her, you need to exude confidence and show that you are comfortable with yourself, love talking to people and making them feel good.
- Maintain positivity. Charming people always find the bright side and emphasize the good things in life - that's why people like to have them around.
- Show her that you can talk to anyone. Even if you have to focus on her, if her friends are around, you should be able to charm them without losing her attention. This will show that you can socialize with anyone.
- Impress her with your personality. Don't just laugh if he makes a funny joke, respond in kind.

Step 4. Don't sound too helpful
Although it is important to capture a girl's attention, you have to play with your wits if you want her to be there. No girl wants to go out with the last one on the list; you must appear interested, but not desperate. There is a fine line between flirting and insistence, so be careful not to be too clingy.
- Compliment her, but don't tell her she's beautiful, gorgeous, and has a stunning body - she'll feel overwhelmed or suspect you're not being honest at all.
- Don't tell her that girls don't usually consider you and you're surprised someone like her is talking to you. You have to make her believe that girls like having you around, even if that's not true.
- Sometimes it helps to make her a little jealous. Be a little precious, mentioning another girl, flirting briefly with another or not seeming 100% involved in general will make her want you more. Obviously, if you jump on someone else in front of her, she will lose interest very quickly.

Step 5. Know when to stop
If the girl doesn't want to know about it, you'll understand right away. If you are playing all your cards, but she rolls her eyes, looks around and signals to her friends to be saved, then you better leave it alone. Don't hang around her if she doesn't want you, you'll just make a fool of yourself. If she doesn't want you, that's fine - move on and you'll find a girl who isn't immune to your charms.
If she clearly doesn't want you, greet her like a gentleman. Don't make things worse by saying Well, you obviously don't like me - instead, tell her it was a pleasure to meet her and walk away
Method 2 of 3: Make You Want

Step 1. If she's doing well, ask her out
You can't do anything with her if you don't go out with her, right? Tell her you had a great time with her and she would like to keep chatting over a drink or dinner. Or, if you are brave and have met her in a club, ask her to come home with you, but remember that this will make you look like a playboy if you just want to get to know her better. But if you just want to have fun, then ask her to come home with you.
If you really like her, then you should go out with her a few times before you really get to the point

Step 2. Create the environment
Once you are alone with her - whether it is the same evening or after a few outings, you need to prepare the environment before trying, so that it is more romantic for her. If he comes to your house, check that it is clean, that the lights are dim, and that you have food in the house - wine, cheese, chocolate or some other sexy food.
Be a gentleman when it comes to you. Take her coat off and hang it up and ask her if she wants something to drink or eat

Step 3. Compliment her
Don't overdo it though. Tell her that she is beautiful that night, that you like her earrings or that you like being with her. Make her feel special before you even make your first move.
Be honest. Tell her something nice that is genuine. She'll understand perfectly well if you're just trying to flatter her for ulterior motives

Step 4. Try some light stroking
If she seems receptive and you are sitting next to her, then you can try stroking her before kissing her. Put your arm around her shoulders, a hand on her knee, or you can even shake her hand to let her know you like her. You can stroke her hair and put a hand around her waist if you feel like daring.
- See how he reacts. If she likes your caresses, then she will approach, smile, and her hands will be on you too.
- Once the caresses have done their job, you can try kissing her.
Method 3 of 3: Getting to the Hard

Step 1. Kiss her
Kissing a girl for the first time doesn't have to be scary. Remember to be safe, take it easy, and know what to do with the rest of your body. Don't be anxious to give her a perfect first kiss, and concentrate on meeting your lips with hers for the first time. Here's how to do it:
- Look into her eyes and brush her hair away from her face. Let her know that you want to kiss her, but without telling her.
- Approach her with parted lips. Kiss her and see if she responds. You can pursue your lips for a few seconds or even longer if she pulls away.
- If she wants to continue the kiss, you can also try the French one after a few minutes; but don't put your tongue in her mouth right away or you'll catch her off guard.
- Put your hands on her waist or shoulders, but don't start groping her in inappropriate places or you'll make her uncomfortable.

Step 2. Touch her more intimately
Once she lets you know she's ready to take it to the next level, touch her more intimately as you kiss. If she sits on your lap and you're on top of her, then things get serious and hot. You can try running your hands all the way to her private parts once she is comfortable. This will turn her on and make her want to go further.
- If you've been kissing for a while and she's starting to touch you everywhere, then put your hands on her breasts, but carefully, to see how she reacts. If she lets you know she likes it, then keep going.
- Stroke her thighs and the space behind her thighs. Continue if she lets you know she likes it.
- You can start kissing her neck or behind her ears. You don't have to just kiss lips.

Step 3. Undress (optional)
For some, attacking a button means kissing, and once they have achieved their goal, they are happy with what they have achieved. But if you both want more, then it's time to go to the bedroom and take off your clothes. Help her undress, but don't rush.
- Don't take off all your clothes at once. When she undresses, you maintain the same level of relative nudity.
- Don't make her uncomfortable by stripping naked while she's still dressed, or by undressing her while you're still dressed.
- Unbutton her blouse and take it off her head. Then unhook her bra; don't make any inappropriate comments about how hard it is to untie. Relax and you'll be able to slip that off too.
- Don't be in a hurry to undress. Wait for her to pull off your shirt or start undoing your belt.
- Once she's undressed, tell her how beautiful she is.

Step 4. See if she is ready for more
If you want to have sex with this girl, make sure it's the same for her. You should both be sober, aware, and ready to have fun. And being ready for fun means you already have condoms and what it takes to have sex.
- Don't rush to have sex. Make sure that the girl agrees first of all, and that she is doing it because she really wants it and not because you are pressuring her.
- While it's clear that both of you want to have sex, you should give foreplay due weight so that both of you are aroused when the time comes.
- Don't be angry if a girl rejects your advances. Be sporty, apologize and walk away.
- Be confident and prepared.
- Don't use too much perfume - it becomes easily annoying.
- Try to figure out if you will see her again or not, and if so, say the right things.
- Know when you are exaggerating.