By exfoliating your skin, you get rid of dead skin cells trapped on the surface. Olive oil has natural antioxidant properties, and moisturizes and protects the skin. Sugar is a natural, and very inexpensive ingredient, two characteristics that make it a perfect exfoliant for the skin. This article will show you how to create a completely natural scrub using olive oil and sugar.
Make an Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub Step 1
Step 1. Gather the ingredients and arrange them on a hard surface
Make an Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub Step 2
Step 2. Blend the olive oil and sugar in a bowl
Stir until you get a uniform mixture.
Make an Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub Step 3
Step 3. Get into the shower or bathtub and completely moisten your skin
Then spread the scrub gently.
Make an Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub Step 4
Step 4. Let it sit for a minute
Make an Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub Step 5
Step 5. Rinse with cold water, the cold promotes the closing of the skin pores and improves blood circulation
Do you want to save some money and learn something about your beloved medium at the same time? Try changing the oil yourself. It's cheap, it's fun, and you don't need a lot of tools! Steps Step 1. Prepare the work station This is one of the most important steps.
This article will teach you how to build a smoke bomb. It's by far the best recipe, and even beginners will make smoke bombs in no time. Steps Step 1. Calculate 60 grams of potassium nitrate and 40 grams of sugar If you don't have a scale, don't worry - the ratio is 3 parts of potassium nitrate to every 2 parts of sugar, so you can use a teaspoon or something.
Why buy an expensive ready-made product when it is possible to create it at home at a minimal expense to say the least? Follow these simple steps, you can quickly prepare your sugar scrub, a real beauty treatment for feet, knees and elbows. Ingrediants 100 g of sugar Juice of 1 lemon 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil of your choice Steps Step 1.
The olive trees above all evoke vast fields in the Mediterranean area and a scorching sun that helps to ripen their fruits. Regardless, know that olive trees can grow in almost any mild climate, as long as the winter temperatures do not drop below freezing.
Does your hair need a moisturizing treatment? Eggs and olive oil, two inexpensive ingredients you most likely have in your pantry, can transform them from dull and dull to silky and bright after just one application. Nourish your hair once a week with this mask to keep it healthy and strong at any time of the year.