How To Get Rid Of Wild Garlic: 5 Steps

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How To Get Rid Of Wild Garlic: 5 Steps
How To Get Rid Of Wild Garlic: 5 Steps

Wild garlic (Allium Triquetrum) has a sweet and delicate bell-shaped flower. Still, this seemingly beautiful plant is actually a stinking visitor to the garden. When it is squashed, or it grows in large numbers, it can cause an unpleasant odor.


Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 1
Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 1

Step 1. Try to understand the essentials of this herb

It is very invasive and multiplies through the division of the bulbs and also through the seed. This makes it a fast-growing and difficult plant to get rid of once it has taken hold in the garden.

Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 2
Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 2

Step 2. Mow the grass

Be consistent and keep mowing the grass. Eventually this depletes the bulbs and they die. However, you need to be consistent, regular and determined with your mowing.

Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 3
Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 3

Step 3. Dig the grass

Wild garlic often grows in places where no lawn mower will ever be able to go. This requires a determined gardener who wields the shovel and digs away the grass. This is no small thing and must only be done by those who know how to do it. Get help if that's not you. Unfortunately, digging can often disperse the bulbs or leave some in the ground, which will grow back next season. Don't be discouraged; insist.

Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 4
Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 4

Step 4. Cut

If you can't mow and digging is too tiring for you, try cutting wild garlic. Use long shears and keep repeating one more time. As with repeated mowing, the bulbs will eventually run out and stop growing.

Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 5
Get Rid of Onion Weed Step 5

Step 5. Spray on the spot or scrub

Ask your local garden store for a suitable spray or herbicide to scrub, and use them strictly according to the instructions. Many gardeners don't like to resort to sprays or chemical solutions, and with good reason. If you have decided to resort to this solution, ask for a spray or a herbicide that does not impact on human health, which can be sprayed on the spot directly on the grass, rather than on other plants (the herbicide to be rubbed on the grass is like that by definition) and that it is short-lived, so that its effects are very controlled. Always spray on a clear, non-windy, dry day.


  • The bulbs and leaves are edible. Save the bulbs for a version similar to pickled onions.
  • Recommended sprays for wild garlic include Roundup ™ (glyphosate) or Amitrole ™. Amitrole is a herbicide to be rubbed that reaches the bulbs through the leaves and moves between the bulbs. It has also been suggested that glyphosate is more effective when rubbed rather than sprayed.


  • Never let the seeds form! These spread wild garlic more than anything else.
  • Always wear garden gloves if you are using a scrub herbicide.
