How to Use the Google Calculator: 4 Steps

Table of contents:

How to Use the Google Calculator: 4 Steps
How to Use the Google Calculator: 4 Steps

One of the many features that Google offers is the calculator. You can use it to solve countless calculations and mathematical functions, as well as to solve simple equations.



Step 1. Log in to the Google site

Use the Google Calculator Step 2
Use the Google Calculator Step 2

Step 2. Inside the search bar, enter the problem to be solved

For example 10 * 5 * (3-sqrt (25)) which is equivalent to calculating the result of: 10 multiplied by 5 by 3 minus the square root of 25.

Use the Google Calculator Step 3
Use the Google Calculator Step 3

Step 3. Press the Enter key and Google will perform the calculation

Step 4. The Google calculator can also be used to convert units of measure and to perform compound operations

Try doing one of the following calculations:

  • 3 pound in kg.

    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet1
    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet1
  • 20 mph in kmh.

    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet2
    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet2
  • 16 C in F.

    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet3
    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet3
  • 7N / 16m ^ 2 in Pa.

    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet4
    Use the Google Calculator Step 4Bullet4


  • Symbols commonly used to use the calculator:

    • Addition: +
    • Subtraction: -
    • Multiplication: *
    • Division: /
    • Exponentiation: ^
    • Square root: sqrt (number )
  • Curiosities (Easter eggs):

    • In the Google search bar, type the following sentence in English "the answer to life, the universe and everything" or use the following link. This is a famous quote from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, in which the supercomputer Deep Thought, the second largest supercomputer in the galaxy, answers precisely with the number 42 to the fundamental question about the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
    • Similarly type the following sentence "number of horns on a unicorn" or use the following link.
