7 Ways to Create a Minecraft Server for You and Your Friends

7 Ways to Create a Minecraft Server for You and Your Friends
7 Ways to Create a Minecraft Server for You and Your Friends

Table of contents:


Creating a Minecraft server for your friends is a great way to let everyone play together. You can decide all sorts of custom rules for your friends, from a world where you fight more or can only be built, to all possible in-between. The only requirement is that your computer must remain online for a long time. Also, servers work best when there are no other programs running, so try to create it on a dedicated computer. Follow this guide to find out how.


Method 1 of 7: Before You Begin

Step 1. Find the server files

You can download the Minecraft server program for free from the Minecraft website. You can run a Minecraft server without purchasing the game, but you won't be able to play it.

  • On Windows, click on the "Minecraft_Server.exe" link under the "Multiplayer server" heading.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 1Bullet1
  • For Mac OS X and Linux users, download minecraft_server.jar.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 1Bullet2
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 2
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 2

Step 2. Create a folder

The minecraft server runs directly from the program you downloaded from the website, and will install itself in the folder it opens in. Create a folder with a name like Minecraft Server, and download the server files into it.

Method 2 of 7: Create a Server on Windows

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 3
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 3

Step 1. Install the latest version of Java

First, you will need to check your Java version. On Windows XP / Vista / 7/8, press the Windows button and the R key to open the Run window. Type "cmd" in the field to open the command prompt. Type "java-version" and press Enter. Your Java version must be 1.7.

  • To download the latest version of Java, visit the Java downloads page.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 3Bullet1
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 4
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 4

Step 2. Start the Minecraft server

Open the folder that contains the Minecraf_server. Double click on the.exe file and a window will open showing the progress of the server build. The procedure is automatic. The server configuration files will be created automatically and placed in the folder.

  • At this point, you can access the Minecraft server from the local network, and do it online if you are not using a router. If you are using a router and want to make it accessible from the network, follow the steps in the Port Forwarding section.
  • If the server fails to load and you get a garbled screen of text, you need to start the server as an administrator. Right click on the program and select "Run as administrator". You will need the password, if any.

Method 3 of 7: Create a Server on Mac OS X

Step 1. Open your server folder

Open the folder that contains the minecraft_server.jar file. Create a new text file with TextEdit. Set the format to "Create plain text". Copy the following lines into the file:

#! / bin / bash

cd "$ (dirname" $ 0 ")"

exec java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar minecraft_server.jar

If you want to allocate more RAM to your server, change 1G to 2G, according to the capabilities of your system

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 6
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 6

Step 2. Save the file

Save it as "start.command". Open the Terminal from the Utilities folder. You will need to grant execute permission to the start.command file you just created. Type "chmod A + x" in the Terminal, then click and drag the start.command file into the Terminal window. This way you will get the exact path of the file. Press Enter to save the changes to the file.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 7
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 7

Step 3. Double click on the command file

Opening start.command will start the Minecraft server.

Method 4 of 7: Connect to Your Server

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 8
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 8

Step 1. Set up your operator privileges

When the server has been run for the first time, exit. Open the ops.txt file in the Minecraft Server folder. Add your username to this file to grant yourself administrator privileges. This will allow you to kick and ban players from within the game, as well as being able to change other settings.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 9
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 9

Step 2. Set up your access list

Add the usernames of your friends who play Minecrat to the white-list.txt file in the Minecraft Server folder. Only people with a username on this list will be able to connect to your server. This will prevent random people from ruining your game.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 10
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 10

Step 3. Get your external IP address

Type "my ip address" into Google and you will get your external (public) IP address as the first result. Have users type in this address who want to connect to your server.

If your internet service provider assigns you a dynamic IP address, check the "Set up Dynamic DNS" section at the bottom of the page to find a solution and set up a dynamic DNS that remains constant even when your IP address changes

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 11
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 11

Step 4. Distribute your address

Give your server IP address or host name to your friends. They will need this information to reach your server from the Minecraft Multiplayer menu.

  • Players connecting on a local network will need to enter the local IP; those connecting via the internet will have to use the external IP address or host name.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 11Bullet1

Method 5 of 7: Modify Your Server

Step 1. Install new plugins

There are thousands of user-created tweaks and plugins available for free that can change the way you play Minecraft. These plugins range from improvements to world building, or total economic changes and completely new game modes. Use plugins to add variety to your server and surprise your friends.

  • Bukkit is the most popular method of adding plugins to your server. You will need to download the CraftBukkit tool. This program completely replaces the Minecraft server; you will start a CraftBukkit server instead of the Minecraft one.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 12Bullet1
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 13
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 13

Step 2. Download and install the latest version of Bukkit

This program allows you to add custom plugins not supported by the regular Minecraft program.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 14
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 14

Step 3. Download new plugins

There are many plugin libraries available online. Find a plugin that sounds interesting to you and download it. Make sure you download from a trusted source.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 15
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 15

Step 4. Install the plugin

Unpack the.zip archive you downloaded. Inside you should find.jar files that contain the plugin data. Copy each.jar file into the PLUGINS folder inside your server folder.

  • Restart the server to install the plugin. You may need to re-adjust the server settings after installing a new plugin.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 15Bullet1
  • Make sure your whitelist is set up so that only your friends can connect.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 15Bullet2

Method 6 of 7: Set up Port Forwarding

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 16
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 16

Step 1. Enter your router's configuration menu

Each router has a different method of accessing the settings. You will be able to access most of them by typing their IP address into a browser, usually or

  • If you are unable to log into your router with one of these IPs, visit PortFoward.org and enter your router information. You will find the standard address used by your router.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 16Bullet1
  • Most routers require a username and password to access the setup menu. You will have chosen them when installing the router or they will be the default ones.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 16Bullet2
  • Typically, the default username is "admin" and the default password is "password" or "admin".
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 17
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 17

Step 2. Go to the "Port Forwarding" menu

You will usually find this option under Advanced Options. You may find this setting under another name, such as Virtual Servers, according to the router manufacturer.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 18
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 18

Step 3. Enter the port information

The default port of a Minecraft server is 25565. If your router requires a range of ports enter this value in both the "Start Port" and "End Port" fields.

  • Set the "Protocol" to "TCP".

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Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 19
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 19

Step 4. Enter the local IP address of your server

Make sure the IP address is the same as your server's IPv4 address. You can check on Windows by opening the command prompt and typing "ipconfig". Your IP address will be listed next to "IPv4 Address". You may have to scroll up to see it. If you are using a Mac, click on the Apple menu and select System Preferences and then Network. You will find your IP address in the lower right part of the window.

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 20
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 20

Step 5. Check the "Enable" box

Check your settings to make sure you've entered everything correctly.

Method 7 of 7: Set up a Dynamic DNS

Step 1. Find out if you have a dynamic IP address

Most private internet service providers assign dynamic IPs. This makes it more difficult to connect to your server, because you will have to communicate your new address to people every time it changes. Some providers will give you a dynamic IP, but they won't change it for long periods.

  • Type "my ip address" into Google and write it down for a few weeks. If you're giving your address to a few friends, you may not need to create a static address if your IP doesn't change very often.

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Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 22
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 22

Step 2. Set up dynamic DNS

A dynamic DNS will assign a domain name to your dynamic IP. This will give your friends a permanent address to connect to. Many services offer free accounts for single addresses.

Creating dynamic DNS requires a program running on your computer that will update your domain whenever your IP address changes

Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 23
Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 23

Step 3. Configure your router

You will need to set up your router to connect through dynamic DNS. Where to find this setting varies on each router, but typically you'll find it in the Advanced settings.

  • You will need to enter your host name, username and password.

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    Make a Minecraft Server for Your Friends and You Step 23Bullet1


  • Your server folder doesn't have to be on the desktop, but you should try to make it easy to access for when you need to change settings.
  • If you type "help" in the server's white box, you will be able to see a list of commands for the server.
  • Protect your server with a password to restrict access.
