Have you always wanted a nice home in Sims 3, but are too afraid that a thief might come and steal your stuff? Now there is a way to stop worrying about robberies! Enjoy it!

Step 1. When creating your Sims, be sure to give them the "Lucky" trait
The likelihood of a thief appearing will be less. The Brave trait is also useful for trying to stop a thief caught in the act.

Step 2. Have your Sims go to bed around 1:30 am
When your Sims have turned off all the lights and are actually in bed, it will be 2:10 am. The thieves will usually arrive between 2 and 4. If you go to bed late, the thieves will not arrive, because they will not have enough time to prepare.

Step 3. Remember that thieves will only come if all family members are asleep
If your Sims are awake, they won't show up.

Step 4. Put lots of alarms out of the house to keep thieves out
The police will arrive right away and take the thief away before he may have stolen anything. Put at least one alarm next to each door.

Step 5. Make your Sims sleep heavily
Another trait to give to your Sims is "Heavy Sleep". If he sets the alarm outside, the thief will be caught and your Sims won't even wake up. Without this trait, your Sims will start screaming and have the "rude awakening" mood modifier, which will make their condition worse.
- Put alarms outside so thieves can't enter the house.
- You should put 2 alarms in the house, one outside and one inside.
- Keep looking around the house to notice the thieves.
- Locking the doors will not prevent a thief from entering.
- The alarm should be placed close to possible access points for a thief.