The habit of picking the nose is widespread (if not universal). However, it is always considered unacceptable in public. In extreme cases, it can cause serious health problems, such as bacterial infections in the nose. If you want to lose it, you should start keeping your nose clean, change some behaviors and, if necessary, ask for help.
Part 1 of 4: Keep Your Nose Clean

Step 1. Clean your nose
Blow it regularly to get rid of mucus and debris. This way, you won't feel the irresistible urge to introduce your fingers. You can also use a saline or water-based solution, often in the form of a nasal spray.

Step 2. Treat any allergies
If you have any allergies, you need to treat them. Ask your doctor what medication you can take daily to combat this problem. If you happen to occasionally expose yourself to an allergen (such as your mother's cat's fur), take an antihistamine.
Don't forget to consult your doctor before taking any type of medication

Step 3. Remove the nose hair
When they are too many, they risk capturing the particles present in the air. Dust and pollen, for example, can get trapped and cause you to stick your fingers in your nostrils for a quick clean. In these cases, use a nose hair shortening device.
Part 2 of 4: Changing the Behavior

Step 1. Keep your hands busy
This will make it more difficult to stick your fingers in your nose, because by using them to do something else, you will not tend to indulge this habit. Write, scribble on a piece of paper, or get something to play with to keep them busy.

Step 2. Put on a pair of gloves
They can be a deterrent because they force you to free your fingers before bringing them close to your nose. By doing so, you will put a stop to this automatism. To keep it under control, you can also choose an elegant model to combine with a coat or a particular outfit.

Step 3. Consider the triggers
The act of picking the nose is often a reaction to anxiety or other emotions that may be aroused by the surrounding environment. Pay attention to the times and places where you automatically bring your hands closer to your face. If you notice a recurring pattern, try to avoid it.
For example, you might start rummaging in your nostrils when you are impatiently waiting for your turn in line. In this case, try to avoid the queues or keep your hands busy with something else

Step 4. Give yourself a reward
Reward yourself when you can resist the urge to pick your nose. Think of a system that rewards you when you spend a day, week, or longer period without touching your nose. Give yourself gratification when you deserve it.

Step 5. Be patient
Changing a behavior takes time and effort. You'll likely make a few mistakes along the way. Forgive yourself and move on. Over time, you will be able to lose this habit.
Part 3 of 4: Discourage this Habit in Children

Step 1. Have your child wash their hands every time they pick their nose
In addition to being a matter of hygiene, this strategy will be a deterrent. If the child has to stop playing to wash his hands, he will think twice before using them to rummage in the nostrils. That said, you need to be consistent around other people as well.

Step 2. Get him to keep his hands busy
Children often vent boredom on their nose. So, make sure your child has something to do with their hands. Coloring and drawing are great activities that he can fall back on. Also try to keep a toy close at hand to give it to him when he needs to sit still. This will keep your hands busy and, most importantly, away from your nose.

Step 3. See your doctor
This behavior could be induced by a health problem. Take your child to the pediatrician to find out if he has any allergies or dehydration. If your doctor sees any signs of a condition, they will tell you how you can manage it.

Step 4. Ignore it
Sometimes, children engage in certain behaviors just to get attention. If the pediatrician is not worried and no method seems to work, just ignore the gesture. Over time your child will lose interest and spontaneously stop once no one pays attention to him anymore.
Part 4 of 4: Seeking Help

Step 1. Confide in a close friend or family member
Revealing your problem to someone you trust will help you take responsibility for your behavior. If someone else knows that you are trying to quit, they may catch up on the situation by forcing you to be aware of your progress, but also tell you if the problem is serious or minor.

Step 2. Make an appointment with a psychologist
If you believe that there is an emotional or psychological problem behind this bad habit, you may want to consult a mental health professional. Ask your doctor who you can contact or simply make an appointment with a psychotherapist. Explain your behavior to him and develop a plan together to manage the situation.

Step 3. See your doctor
Sometimes, the movement of the fingers inside the nostrils can cause trauma to the skin tissue. In these cases, you should consult your doctor immediately so that he can examine you, examine your nasal passages and prescribe adequate treatment.