Here's how to catch the three legendary mystical Pokemon of Rock, Ice, and Steel in Pokemon Emerald.

Step 1. Dive into the calm waters
Make sure you have Max Repellents to walk around the area without problems. The Sealed Chamber is a cavern located near Oceanopolis in the current of Route 134. To reach it you will need to stay at the bottom of the screen. You will see an area of still water with a darker spot where you can use SUB. Go to the inscriptions on the wall and press B. Make your way to the end of the path and use the Pit to get to the end of the tunnel and read another inscription. Put Relicanth as the last Pokemon in the group and Wailord as the first, then come back and read the inscription again to trigger an earthquake. If that didn't work, trade Relicanth with Wailord and try again. A message will appear informing you that a door has opened in a distant place. Remember to save before each fight!

Step 2. Regirock:
go to the desert above Violet City and look for a cave. Reach the lowest floor. At the end of the cave you should see a Braille inscription. You should be in the center of the wall. From that square, move 2 steps to the left and 2 steps down, then use Rock Smash.

Step 3. Regice:
fly to Petalopolis and go West. Use Surf and go southwest until you reach an island. Go through it and continue north to discover a cave. Enter and read the braille inscription. Walk counterclockwise along the walls of the entire room to open the door.

Step 4. Registeel:
flies to Porto Alghepoli. Go west as long as you can continue. You will see land for berries or earth. Climb the stairs you can see, pass the little trainer hiding, cross the grass, pass the hiker and enter the cave. Enter the Ancient Tomb Go to the exact center of the cave and use Flash. You will open the cave entrance. Go through the door and get ready to fight Registeel after saving
- It is not useful to use a Regi to capture others.
- To find a Royal Tomb, look for a large rock surrounded by six smaller rocks.
- Regirock is probably the strongest of the three..
- If you can, put the Regi to sleep. It will be easier to catch them while they are asleep.
- A Salamence with False Swipe can be very useful for capturing Registeel. This move leaves opposing Pokemon at least 1 HP.
- The Timer balls will be very useful for capturing the Regi. You can buy them in Iron City after talking to the Devon man on Route 116. Make sure you reduce the Regi's HP, then throw your Timer Balls after about 10 turns.
- If you have Pokemon Diamond or Pearl and have beaten the Pokemon League, you will be able to import Regi to those versions of the game. Then go to the Snowpoint Temple and on the lower floor you will find a very powerful legendary Pokemon called Regigigas. You will need all three Regi in your party or you will not be able to face him. Regigigas is level 70, so prepare well! (The best balls to catch are Timer balls and Shadow balls) In Pokemon Platinum Regigigas is level 1, so make sure you have a Pokemon with False Swipe and Hypnosis or Chant.
A useful Pokemon to use is Playful with Leftovers and that knows Sphere Force, Gigabsorption, Surf, Rain Dance.
This Pokemon is resistant to all Regi. Using Rain Dance will increase the strength of the Surf attack and heal your Pokemon. Rain Dishlvnfc, in addition to Leftovers, is a great way to regain life. If you need to regain life faster, you can try using Gigabsorption against Regirock. Seed Parasite / Toxic are better moves than Gigabsorption and Rain Dance, but if you're not careful you could defeat Regi. You may need to let in a Pokemon that can Paralyze or put the Reges to sleep before catching them, but Ludicolo will be able to deal with them on his own
- Always save before fighting the Regi so you can try again if you have to defeat them
- Be sure to take Relicanth and Wailord with you when diving.