Here is a list of tricks for Windows 3D Pinball that really work!
Step 1. Open Windows 3D Pinball
write hidden test without quotes or capital letters.

- When you drag the mouse, the ball will follow your movements.
Time to collect the bonuses! Drag the ball into the hyperspace launch tube to collect many bonuses.
Cheat on Windows Pinball With Hidden Test Step 1Bullet2

Step 2. Earn points
Press "H" on your keyboard and add one billion points to your score.
When you do, you will not be able to enter the score at the top of the leaderboard, but you will be able to do so in all other positions.
Cheat on Windows Pinball With Hidden Test Step 2Bullet1
Step 3. Type "Incredible" or "Imax" to increase the field multiplier
The fifth time you hit the targets, your multiplier will hit x20. The sixth, x50. The seventh, x100! The eighth time it will remain active. This will work until the Fleet level is reached
Step 4. Try these commands:
- Press "r" or "rmax" to upgrade from Cadet to Fleet Admiral.
- Type "gmax" to activate the gravity well.
- Write "1max" for an extra ball.
- Write "bmax" for infinite balls.
- Type "y" to paint everything red.
- Type "m" to show Windows 3D Pinball memory usage.
- To activate a different cheat, you will need to restart the game.
- There is no field to write these tricks. Simply type them with your keyboard when the game starts.
- You can not activate two tricks at the same time.