You've just witnessed a high-score match at a local pinball machine and wonder how this is possible. Do not be afraid! While it certainly takes a fair amount of skill to become a pinball wizard, with a few basic instructions you too can earn extra balls in no time.

Step 1. Listen and watch the game
In order to earn, operators must attract players. This means that the last thing producers want is for players to walk away from pinball machines confused and frustrated because they haven't figured out what to do. To avoid this problem, today's pinball machines give a lot of instructions to the players. Some beginners, however, do not understand it and therefore do not make the most of it. As you play, learn to observe and listen to the machine.
- "Observing" means above all looking at the display. Most players from 1990 onwards tell the player what to do next. Keep an eye on the lights on the board too - often if you don't know what to do, just hit a flashing target.
- "Listen" has the literal meaning. Pinball machines have been talking since the 1970s, and they tell players what happens in the game. Even the sound effects are meant to target the player. Start listening to the sounds of the game in combination with what happens and you will understand how the pinball machine works. It is not trivial: often the sounds will warn you that the ball is about to return quickly towards you.

Step 2. Learn the rules
The best players are not only distinguished by ball control and aiming. Modern pinball machines have complex rules and learning them is essential for getting high scores. Many pinball machines from the last decade, for example, contain features and other opportunities to earn points that can be activated at the same time. You can find the rules of the most modern titles at Pinball Archive.

Step 3. Master the basics of using the sticks
Although there are always elements of randomness in pinball, in truth, there are very few balls that fall totally out of the player's control. Control of the ball is crucial in determining a player's skill. There are many advanced techniques, but for now let's talk about the basic ones:
- Do not operate both levers. Operate only the lever you need to use. If you play both, you may accidentally lose the ball.
- After hitting, immediately lower the lever. Leaving it up will risk losing the ball.
- In general, do not raise the lever any more than is needed. As you will find out, you will need to do this less often than you imagine. Once you get the hang of it, you will notice that if you hold the stick up at the right time, you can stop the ball completely. Great! You have learned to "stop" the ball. This is very important for playing well. By stopping the ball you can think about which shot to take and try to aim carefully. This technique also allows other executions for advanced players which we will describe later. Even if you are a beginner, you can use this time to drink, smoke or answer the phone if you can pay attention.
Step 4. Some pinball machines have more than two sticks
Before you start, be sure to look around the machine to find all the sticks, so you are ready when the ball approaches one of them - some pinball machines even have more than two buttons. Others have an additional button on one side or both that have special functions that are useful at various times in the game. Others have buttons on the lock bar, which is the metal bar above the glass next to the player. Others have more than one ball. Others have a pistol or other type of firing mechanism that fires at specific times in the game. Make sure you notice all of these things, and be careful to use them at the right time.

Step 5. Improve the accuracy of your shots
You now have the ability to stop the ball and are learning what shots you should try. Excellent. Now you have to be able to make the shots you try. The most important rule for aiming is that the closer the ball is to the tip of the lever, the more its trajectory will be towards the opposite side. For example, let's say you are holding the ball steady with the left stick. You lower the lever and let the ball roll. If you pull the lever quickly, the ball will go to the left. The more you let the ball roll towards the tip, the more it will go to the right.
- From this point on, you won't be able to rely only on instructions, but you will also have to follow your instincts. While the rules described in this article are correct, in reality at this stage you will have to start "knowing" the machine - in what direction and how hard the ball moves when you hit it a certain way. Even two machines of the same model can behave very differently according to a variety of physical factors: the strength of the levers and their angle, the cleanliness of the machine, the slope, etc.
- To take aim it is therefore necessary to know both the basic physical rules of the pinball machine and those specific to the machine you are using. If you try to hit a ramp on a car of the same model as the one you always use, but the shot ends too soon, adjust the action on the stick accordingly. You are not playing against other players; you have to play against, and with, the machine.

Step 6. Hit and tilt the pinball machine
Don't be afraid: a few nudges are not considered irregular and if done correctly, can allow you to save an otherwise lost ball.
- Even more than knowing how to aim, when and how to move the pinball machine is an art form. Even among the experts, there are no two players who adopt the same technique. Some are aggressive, some passive, some very alert, some foolish. The most important thing to remember is that pinball machines have motion sensors, and if you throw them on tilt, you will not only lose the ball you are playing, but also any bonus points you may have accumulated; in some cases these bonuses can be very high.
- Most modern games warn you when you are moving the pinball too much. Obey these warnings. For the sensors to work, you may already be on tilt at the first warning, because it will continue to wobble. More often than not, however, you will receive warnings that do not indicate a tilt. By default you will be able to receive 2 or 3.
- Do not hit the coin mechanism. Do not ruin the car for any reason: these are expensive machines, which are not repaired very often. In addition, many games from the 80s and 90s have tilt sensors on the coin mechanism. If this sensor activated, the game would end immediately.

Step 7. Perfect your playing position
We talked about the game, but what position to take? What is the best position to take during the game? Again, there is no one technique that is better than the others. Many players simply stand with their backs straight, leaning slightly towards the game. Others lean forward. Others hold one leg forward than the other. Others cross their legs. Some even hold a Karate Kid stance and stand almost on one leg. Also some players use gloves to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Some play seated. The younger ones use a stool to get a better look at the pinball machine. Some play by listening to music on their iPod or smoking a cigarette. A player even always played with a miner's hat. These are the aspects you should consider when choosing the best position for you:
- The position must be comfortable even for long periods of time. A good match can last 15-20 minutes. An epic match can last for hours. Make sure you don't take a position that you will be forced to change after some time.
- Make sure you are centered on the pinball machine so that you can push it forward without losing your balance. A pinball machine weighs about 150 kg; pushing it with the right force requires more precision than you think.
- Finally, don't worry about what other people think about your style. Pinball is like bowling or golf in this sense. When the ball moves you can take any position you like, because a jackpot is always a jackpot.

Step 8. Join a pinball league
Pinball leagues and tournaments have been around for decades, although the media don't mention them. The websites that organize them are born and disappear. You can learn a lot by watching others play. There are also a lot of online communities; you can find them on almost all social networks. The best meeting place, however, is probably in the ancient land of Usenet, on the newsgroup.

Step 9. Enjoy
Like all games, the goal of pinball is to have fun. In some cases, you may forget it. Pinball is a lot of fun when you play well. When you're not playing well, or when you're out of luck, pinball can be very frustrating. Learn early to spot bad luck and understand when to continue or retire because it's not your day.
- Don't be afraid to be a beginner among the experts. Everyone started from scratch, and being able to help a player improve is considered a privilege. Most players know that their sport needs as many new recruits as possible. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
- You won't be able to become a pinball master without training a lot. If you don't practice, it would be like trying to learn to swim by reading a book and not entering the water. So try as much as possible.
- If you want to take your game to the next level, try activating multiple game modes at the same time. Many games have modes that can be "overlapped". Study the rules carefully and experiment.