Creating an imaginary relationship can be helpful if you want to divert attention from the fact that you are single. It can also be used to hide a relationship that you don't want to go public, for example because you are gay and live in a conservative culture. That said, however, creating an imaginary partner isn't easy. It takes a lot of effort, as if it were a real relationship.
Part 1 of 3: Creating a Character

Step 1. Choose a name and age
To create an imaginary guy, you need to think about the details in advance. Find a name that's not too unusual but not too common.
- A smart strategy is to choose a common name and an unusual last name, or vice versa. For example, Marco Rossi is too simple a name, while Kevin Strambelli might sound too strange. You can mix them for better results: Marco Strambelli or Kevin Rossi.
- Choose the age you prefer. Use this information to lend credibility to your fictional boyfriend's story. For example, you might make up an older guy who is "often out of town on business".

Step 2. Make up a past for your boyfriend
You will need at least some basic information. Choose a profession, for example. Also think of a hometown and high school or college he attended. Remember, though, not to over-complicate the story. If you did, your story would be less credible.
- You can take inspiration from the life of someone you knew in the past to make your story more believable.
- Make sure you change some details. Thanks to social networks, if you told a story identical to that of another person, you would be discovered in a short time.

Step 3. Build a personality
When you create a fictional guy, you have to decide what kind of personality he will have, because you will have to write messages or SMS in his name. For example, is he outgoing and affable or more reserved and shy?
- Think of your ideal boyfriend, to create your imaginary boyfriend's personality. What traits would you like in a mate?
- To build your fictional boyfriend's personality, you can think of one of your favorite characters from a book, movie, or TV show. Think about the characteristics it possesses and use them to create your "boyfriend" personality.
- Don't forget to think about what they like and what they don't like, such as favorite books and foods, or movies they hate. This way, you can add details to his profile.
- Make sure you memorize these details so you can quote them when you need them.

Step 4. Choose a photo
You need an image of your fake boyfriend, especially in the age of social networks. This is a key element in giving credibility to your story.
- Finding a photo can be difficult. The image you choose will have to look authentic, but you won't be able to use one of a friend's, because if you don't make him a part of your staging, anyone with access to his Facebook profile would discover the truth.
- You can do a search on the internet, to find images that are not protected by copyright. If, however, another person sees your "boyfriend" photo, your lie could be exposed. Plus, you'll need more than one photo to make an imaginary person's account look believable.
- If you are very ambitious, you can hire a model to take pictures for you. Try using public classifieds sites. Be sure to arrange the meeting in a public place and bring a friend with you, for your safety and for taking pictures.

Step 5. Don't make a perfect guy
Everyone has flaws. If you choose an imaginary boyfriend with a model body and a wonderful personality, your story will not be believable. Choose someone of average beauty and don't forget to include flaws and quirks in your story.
Part 2 of 3: Giving Your Imaginary Boy "Life" on Social Networks

Step 1. Start with an email address
Almost all social networks require an email. Accordingly, choose a free email service and create an account for your fake boyfriend.
- You need to enter the person's name and some basic information, such as date of birth, username and password.
- If you can't come up with a convincing username, try using the fake name you created, such as "Kevinilmigliore" or "Strambelli333".

Step 2. Create social media profiles
To do this, you will need to enter basic information, such as email address, name and date of birth. You can also enter details in the "Information" section, respecting the story you created.
- Complete the profile with the things she loves and hates, photos, and biographical information.
- Choose one or two platforms and use only those. If you open too many profiles, you will not be able to keep them updated.
- Be aware that the creation of fictitious accounts constitutes a violation of the terms of use of social networks. If you're not engaging in any illegal activity, such as a for-profit scam, you probably won't have a problem with the law. However, if the site believes that your account is fake, it may delete it.

Step 3. Update your profiles regularly
You will need to post on your imaginary boyfriend's wall at regular intervals. The posts will have to respect his personality and bring out a coherent mindset. Get inspiration from the updates people post, ranging from bragging about a new job, to news of the passing of a loved one, to mundane states about food, television, and movies.
- For example, you might post: "I got a new job today! I'm so excited about working at…", and, "Try this new restaurant in town. I ate there yesterday. Yummy!".
- If you've hired a model, it may be helpful to post pictures on a regular basis. Try to request the services of the same model after a few months and take pictures of them in different places in the city.
- If you are using photos you found yourself, perfect your photo montage skills.
- Ask other people to befriend your fake boyfriend's account, because an account with no friends looks suspicious.

Step 4. Set the profile as private
Only allow friends to see posts and images. This way, ordinary people looking for information will see nothing but a blocked account and not notice anything suspicious.
- On almost all social networks, you can choose what content is viewed by other users. In some, however, the posts are visible to all.
- To change your account display settings, go to your profile page. In your account settings, look for "Privacy". Change the options to decide which content to share with other users.

Step 5. Use the account
Now that you have created the account, you can use it to give credibility to your imaginary relationship. Create the basis of your report on social networks.
- Set both profiles to "In a Relationship" with the other person.
- Write comments on his page from your profile. Log in to their profile to reply.
- Post cute pictures and videos on both boards.
Part 3 of 3: Pretending Realistic Communications

Step 1. Make your fake boyfriend real
To create an imaginary boyfriend, one of the main strategies is to talk to him as if he were real. For example, you could mention the dates you've been on lately, or mention that he's gone on a business trip.
- For example, you might say, "My boyfriend and I had a wonderful weekend. We went to see the latest superhero movie. Have you seen it?"
- You can also talk about him by saying, "My boyfriend is out of town for the weekend. He has to travel frequently for work."
- Don't forget that relationships have ups and downs. For example, one day you might write about how excited you are about the flowers you got from your boyfriend, while the following week you might fake a fight.
- Brag about him. Don't be afraid to let everyone see her photo, to make it look more real.

Step 2. Prepare to answer the questions
If you say you have a boyfriend, many people will be happy to ask you questions. Make sure you are ready to respond.
- For example, you will need to answer questions such as "How long have you been dating?" and "What does it look like?".
- If you don't know how to answer a question, change the subject. You might say "We've talked enough about my boyfriend, what about yours?".

Step 3. Ask a friend for help
If in a particular situation you want to give the impression that you are texting your boyfriend, ask a friend to send you messages. You can save his contact with your boyfriend's name.
- To make your fiction more believable, you can also simulate phone conversations. Make sure you ask a male friend for help so that the person you are with doesn't get suspicious when hearing a female voice.
- These conversations don't have to be processed. For example, you could talk for 5 minutes to organize the evening's program or to decide who will go shopping.

Step 4. Try an app
You can use online or mobile services to make your fiction more believable. For example, there are services that can send messages to your phone, leave messages on the answering machine and even send you postcards. These are, of course, paid services, but they can help you a lot.
- You can take advantage of options that allow you to receive messages on your phone at random times. When you hear the ringtone, you can say, "Oh, it's just my boyfriend texting me. I'm sorry, I have to answer!".
- These applications are available for iPhone and Android devices.
- Keep in mind that by inventing a fictional guy, you will greatly reduce the chances of finding a real one. If someone wanted to ask you out, they would change their mind once they find out that you are "busy".
- Try not to extend your fake relationship too long, as it will become easier and easier to make a mistake over time.