Treating a woman well requires an uncommon combination of courtesy, love and kindness. By following these instructions, your partner will quickly realize that you are a good guy.
Method 1 of 4: Part 1: Being a Good Communicator

Step 1. Talk about your feelings
Some men underestimate the importance of explaining to their partner what they are feeling. In many cases, men prefer to act rather than talk. If you identify with this category, then know that women need to be told "I love you" every now and then, so learn to express this feeling. If you have trouble saying it, try writing it down on a piece of paper or buy her a note to let her know.
- Good news: apparently it is the men who first declare that they love their partner. Research found that men only need 88 days to tell their partner they love him (134 women) while according to another study, men say "I love you" first 70% of the time.
- Watch the timing. Women like to hear "I love you" after having sex rather than before. In this case, in fact, they might consider these words a simple means to an end.

Step 2. Be a good listener
Everyone - not just women - likes to be heard. If you are good at this, your partner will appreciate it enormously and the bond between you will become stronger. Try these tips to learn how to be a good listener.
- Avoid distractions. This can mean turning off the TV if there is a match or ignoring the text message just received. Try not to have interruptions unless it is a matter of vital importance. Focusing completely on your partner will show her how important she is to you, how interested you are in what she has to tell you.
- Read the non-verbal cues. Gestures, facial expressions, looks are all important factors. Listen not only with your ears but also with your eyes so you can get a clearer idea of what she is feeling.
- Look at things from his point of view. Your girlfriend (or wife) may be worried about something that wouldn't bother you, or she may be describing a situation where you struggle to imagine - but you have to try. Put yourself in his shoes to try to better understand what he wants to tell you. Even if you don't agree with her reaction or opinion, be open-minded and let her know that in any situation, you are always on her side.
Avoid solving the problem. When a woman talks about a problem she is facing, a man's first reaction is usually to step in to fix it. As much as the impulse comes from a good intention, it is not what a woman wants. She is simply trying to let off steam, so avoid being the savior of the situation. If she asks your opinion on how she should act, feel free to give her suggestions, but don't be offended if she chooses to do something else instead.
Treat a Woman Step 4

Step 3. Ask her what she is feeling
In many cases you will already know, but sometimes, especially at the beginning of a relationship, you will have to ask them. Researchers from a study published in the scientific journal PLOS showed some men images of eyes that belonged to both women and men, finding it was twice as difficult for men to interpret female feelings as it was for men. Also, it took them longer to try to understand them from a woman's eyes.

Step 4. Fight on equal terms
Even the closest couple will quarrel; what matters is how you talk to your partner during your discussions. Don't scream at her, don't threaten her or physically intimidate her. When the discussion ends do not continue to hurt his feelings but meet him halfway to reconciliation.
Method 2 of 4: Part 2: Show Respect

Step 1. Behave like a gentleman
April the door, give her your hand to help her get out of the car, take her coat, etc. Some of these behaviors may be labeled as "unfashionable" or looked bad in the workplace, but if your partner feels comfortable like this, you can also give her some extra courtesies that will make her feel even better, making it easier.

Step 2. Be polite
Women like to hear "please" and "thank you." Even if you've been dating for a while or been married for ages, don't break your manners. Show her the same attention you would give to someone else.
Avoid vulgarity. Never swear or use offensive jargon to refer to your partner, even if you are joking. If you care about her, make sure your language also understands her

Step 3. Don't change or hijack plans
If it is an emergency or the change is absolutely inevitable, you can obviously cancel the appointment but try to notify her as soon as possible, giving her a great explanation and your apologies.

Step 4. Be on time
In case of delay, notify her immediately. Time is important to everyone and being there when you say you will be there is a sign of courtesy. Resist the urge to put off the call because you fear she will get angry. He may already be, but the chances of him becoming furious if you are silent on your part are even greater.

Step 5. Treat his family well
Even if he tells you that he is not on good terms with family members, always be respectful and avoid criticizing them. Family ties can be strong, parents and siblings can influence her choice to date or leave you alone.
If the woman has children, be friendly to them and do your best to get to know them. Women are quick to dump a man who doesn't treat their children well. Don't cross your boundaries by trying to parent or discipline the children - leave it to the mother

Step 6. Avoid jealousy
If you are jealous of a friend, colleague, or ex for no good reason, she will think you see her as dishonest and of poor morality. It's certainly not the ideal message for someone you care about.

Step 7. Help out around the house
If you live together, contribute to the housework. You are both responsible for the housework. Don't expect her to always think about it for you. One of the surest ways to get to a woman's heart is to have a vacuum cleaner in one hand and a box of laundry soap in the other.
Method 3 of 4: Part 3: Make Her Feel Special

Step 1. Remember special occasions
Don't forget the card and gift for her birthday, Christmas or Valentine's Day. Emphasizing these and other occasions with gestures of love and appreciation are a great way to make your girlfriend feel special. Also remember that sooner or later family and friends will ask her what you gave her or how you celebrated. Don't embarrass her by forcing her to lie or admit you forgot.

Step 2. Celebrate your anniversary
Anniversaries are small time machines, they allow both of you to relive an important event (your wedding, the first date, etc.). They give you a chance to experience the same emotions again. Show the woman in your life that that occasion, like everything that has happened since then, is of great importance by doing something special for your anniversary. If you can afford it and if you think she would like it, go for something extravagant. However, the things that will have the most meaning may be a note or a reminder of the good times and the evolution of your happiness together.

Step 3. Think carefully about gifts
A gift made with the heart is one of the most appreciated. Spend some time thinking about choosing what your girlfriend would like or do something yourself. Knowing that you have invested time and energy into a perfect gift will touch her deeply.

Step 4. Bring the flowers
Not all women are crazy about flowers but most appreciate them, especially if they come for no real reason. Bring them to your next appointment, have them delivered to your home or work if possible. A note that simply says "I think of you" is enough to make her smile.

Step 5. Tell your friends about her
If it matters to you, your friends need to know. This does not mean that you have to fill them in with details (never, never tell what happens in the bedroom), but making them participate in what she means to you will make her feel special rather than one to keep hidden.
Method 4 of 4: Part 4: Make Romance Bloom

Step 1. Remember that the little things mean a lot
While the big romantic gestures take their place, it's the little things that show a woman how much she means to you. Cute gestures like bringing her coffee in the morning or pumping up her car wheels are concrete ways of saying "I love you" without opening your mouth. Be consistent. Show her every day that you think about her and that you try in every way to make her life easier and happier.

Step 2. Send her messages
Write her, send her a text message or an email to let her know you think. If she has a special day planned - an interview, a presentation at work - send her a message of encouragement or support.

Step 3. Compliment her
You may never find yourself having to answer the question, "Are these pants making my butt fat?" if you are not stingy with compliments towards your her appearance. Dispel any insecurities of hers by saying nice things about those parts of her body that she feels less comfortable with and don't forget to point out what you find most attractive in her. Don't underestimate the impact of a mundane "You are beautiful" - which, on the contrary, says it all.
- If you are faced with the question "Do these pants make my butt fat?" the right answer is always "No."
- Everyone likes to be appreciated for what makes us special, so give your girlfriend the importance she deserves. Is it creative, charming, fun? Do you admire his achievements and his way of dealing with life? Tell him! And make sure you look her straight in the eye when you do.

Step 4. Indulge her
In the beginning, leave it to her to dictate the course of your physical relationship. No woman wants pressure when it comes to sex if she isn't ready and each has her own timing. Tell her how you feel but don't insist (and don't frown) if she wants to wait.

Step 5. Adopt foreplay
Experts agree that foreplay is a physiologically important part of a couple's sexual dynamics. In fact, an Australian study found that most women are more aroused by the idea of foreplay than sex itself. Squeeze, touch and fondle your partner, play and be verbally explicit. If you're not sure if she likes it, just ask her. And do it outside the bedroom. It's easier to have this kind of conversation if you're not about to make love.

Step 6. Offer her the proposal
If you love her, you're ready to settle down, and you know she's the one, then commit. If you really want to ask her to marry you, be sure you are convinced. Buy her a ring, get on your knees and tell her you can't imagine life without her, asking her for the honor of becoming your wife.
- Give it credit when it's elegant. Tell her she is beautiful.
- Don't make promises that you will break. (Never tell a woman that the marriage is over just because you are trying to matter. Trust me: this is not a good idea.)
- Don't belittle or insult her.
- Always support it.
- Let her know how happy you are that your girlfriend is and that you don't want to be with anyone else (and if you have to lie to say that, then you don't really love her.)
- Be honest and he will respect you more.
- Make an effort to keep your appearance well-groomed.
- Make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
- Take it away for a romantic getaway, in a place that is truly special for you, or for a special evening if you are just starting out.
- Constantly tell her how beautiful, unique and important she is to you.
- Don't skip steps on the romance ladder. Some of the best moments are the ones that will lead to sex.
- Make her feel special always.
- Buy her little thoughts that you know will please her (don't wait for a special occasion).
- Help her with her plans, whether she reciprocates or not! But remember that no one likes a selfish girl - if you go out of your way to support her, expect the same in return. She will be happy to do whatever she can for you.
- Tell her you love her. Don't expect him to make the move first
- Don't criticize her (unless she's hurting you). Always look for the bright side.
- Tell her that sure, she will always be daddy's princess, but that she is a queen to you.
- Try to involve her in tasks that may be difficult for her alone such as repairing the stereo, fixing and washing the car, etc. This will give her the feeling that she is also a good friend of yours.
- Don't take her or her family badly.
- Don't go overboard with compliments and try not to want to spend all your time with her all the time or she'll think you're bogus. Likewise, don't deny yourself too often or you might run into someone else. A woman needs to feel wanted.
- Treating her well is one thing. Sacrificing respect for yourself and your dignity, another. You will certainly not diminish yourself if you talk to her about dignity and respect for you. Those who respect themselves are more attractive.
- Don't lie to her. You will lose her trust and she will no longer know what to believe.
- Do not make promises you can not keep. You may end up losing it.
- Remember that all women are different. Never, never say things, "I bought you flowers. You should like them. You're a woman!" or "You better like it. I paid a fortune for it."
- Don't be obsessive and don't be on her twenty-four hours a day. Women need their space.
- When she is upset, cheer her up and be sincere.
- Men get stuck in front of the price of engagement rings but remember: it is a symbol of your love, something she will wear for the rest of her life, the most important jewel she will receive and wear with pride, which she will boast about with her friends !! You don't have to spend € 40,000 on solitaire, but you can get an idea by asking: every woman has talked about the ring she wants with her friends!