3 Ways to Know if Someone Really Loves You

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3 Ways to Know if Someone Really Loves You
3 Ways to Know if Someone Really Loves You

There is no foolproof way to know if someone is truly in love with you, but there are several ways to figure out what's on their mind. Does the person you love madly reciprocate with equal passion? To find the answer, you need to analyze his attitude, his words and his actions when you are together. Of course, not everyone defines love in the same way, but it is possible to examine someone's feelings and distinguish between crush, love, admiration, exploitation, or momentary infatuation. Just follow these steps to find out how to do it.


Method 1 of 3: Analyze how it behaves

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 16
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 16

Step 1. See if she can truly be herself when you are together

Being in love also means opening up completely to the person you love. If in intimacy you discover attitudes that you never expected, it is probably love. For example, your girlfriend in public is quite serious and polite. When you are together, on the other hand, he lets his clumsier and more clumsy side emerge completely. This means that he has no problem showing you his true nature and that he loves you.

  • If he shares his deepest emotions with you and does it naturally, it is love.
  • If she has no problem looking imperfect, unkempt, or with food stuck between her teeth when she's with you, then she's willing to show you every single side of herself.
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 17
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 17

Step 2. Find out if they enjoy your company, even on a bad day

If he's had a bad day but lights up as soon as he sees you, that's a sign that he loves you. When you are in love, the sight or sound of your sweet half's voice is enough to immediately feel better, at least a little: we guarantee it.

When he's in a bad mood or has had a bad day, see how he reacts to you

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 18
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 18

Step 3. Does he have heart-shaped eyes when he looks at you?

As silly as it may sound, just look at your partner's face when she looks at you. Does he do it in a clumsy, deep and adorable way? In short, does he have a languid look? You can only realize this by observing it. And it won't be a constant expression either: you can notice it after a night spent together or a romantic dinner.

You may also be able to catch this expression when she stares at you

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 19
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 19

Step 4. Find out if they tend to be frivolous in your presence

Love makes you feel light, makes you want to laugh for no reason. If you realize that she does this when you are together, then it could be love. Does she seem hyperactive, excited and on the verge of laughing at a trifle when she's around you? If so, it may be love.

  • If you've made a comment that can barely be considered funny and she's laughing out loud anyway, she's probably in love.
  • If she seems to have nervous energy or plays with objects a lot when she is with you, your presence is likely to excite her.
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 20
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 20

Step 5. Find out if he is sick when you have a problem

If you are going through great emotional pain or feel like a rag because you have a fever, your condition also affects the person who loves you. In fact, if he really cares about you, he absorbs at least some of your negative emotions and suffers because he wants to see you smile again as soon as possible.

She doesn't have to feel exactly like you, but your condition should have some impact on her, because all she wants is to see you happy

Method 2 of 3: Analyze What It Says

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 1
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 1

Step 1. According to what your partner says, do you take a future together for granted?

If she truly loves you, she absolutely can't imagine a future without you, and the couple's fate doesn't even cause her feelings of uncertainty or anxiety. Do you often talk about your tomorrow and what your lives will be like in one, two or even 10 years? Then she is almost certainly in love with you.

  • Taking a commitment seriously means imagining yourself together with a person forever. If he talks about the future and includes you on time, then there's a good chance it's about deep love.
  • Other signs to tell if she loves you: Talk about what your children will be like, where you will move to when you retire or about your honeymoon.
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 2
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 2

Step 2. Are the compliments he gives you significant?

There is a big difference between saying “Nice haircut” and “You always make me feel better”. If this person abounds with praise that affectionately emphasizes the most important aspects of your character and personality, they probably really love you.

He doesn't have to compliment you every single moment: it's the quality that counts, not the quantity

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 3
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 3

Step 3. See if he seriously tells you he loves you

Remember that you have to distinguish between an "I love you" said because you did her a favor and an "I love you" expressed with the heart, an end in itself. If this person really loves you and repeats it often looking you in the eye, sincerely and without expecting anything in return, chances are that they really think so.

If he truly loves you, then he will tell you for no reason. She won't use these words when she needs a favor or because she thinks she has to

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 4
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 4

Step 4. See if he really opens up to you

A person truly loves someone only if they fully expose themselves and tell them what they think, feel, fear or want. When she has no problem talking about topics such as childhood, remorse, painful moments or romantic dreams for the future, she almost certainly feels a deep love, and telling her other half about everything puts her at ease.

If he says to you “I've never told anyone before…”, then there's a good chance that he really loves and trusts you

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 5
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 5

Step 5. When you haven't seen each other for some time, does he tell you he missed you?

Sometimes you have to be away from your loved one for a week or a month. However, if she texts you, calls you or emails you to remind you that she misses you, that means she can't imagine her life without you. If you go on vacation for three weeks and he doesn't make himself heard, it's hardly love.

She doesn't have to call you constantly to remind you that she misses you

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 6
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 6

Step 6. Does he point out your mistakes or does he prefer the quiet life?

If this person really loves you, then they don't have an idealized image of you. When it's true love, reporting mistakes, illogical talk, or negative behavior to your partner isn't a problem. Of course, he shouldn't be criticizing you all the time. Dissent when necessary, showing you where you went wrong, makes you understand that this person knows you thoroughly and, in addition to your best qualities, also accepts your flaws.

If this person never contradicts you or never criticizes you, then be careful. You need to be sure that you truly love you, not an idealized version of who you are

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 7
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 7

Step 7. See if he really cares about your opinions

If this person really loves you, then they will consider what you think is important, whether it is your opinion on a new pair of shoes or the political situation in your country. If he truly loves you, he will ask you for advice and ideas on both frivolous and profound topics. He may feel uncomfortable, but he will do it because he loves you.

Obviously, he doesn't have to ask you for your opinion on everything, this would indicate deep insecurity

Method 3 of 3: Analyze what it does

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 8
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 8

Step 1. Does he always listen to you when you speak?

If he truly loves you, then not only will he open up to you, he will also listen to everything you have to say, even though he has heard it many times in the past. While he may not always agree with you, he will give importance to your ideas, respond sensibly, will not interrupt you, and will not go out of the blue to a topic that he finds more interesting.

Being in love also means knowing how to listen, not just talk

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 9
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 9

Step 2. See if this person is always there for you, even in adversity

Of course, when you want to go for a drink or eat out, it never fails, but what happens when you need a lift from the airport? Do you take your dog out when you have the flu? If he truly loves you, he will be there in both good and bad times.

  • If this person only makes themselves felt when you are happy, carefree, or in a good mood, but runs away as soon as they see you sad or short-tempered, then it is not love.
  • To love means to be present for a person, at any cost. To truly love someone means to accept them for better or for worse, to be present both when they are happy and when they are on the ground.
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 10
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 10

Step 3. See if he does something nice for you

If this person really loves you, they are inherently caring about you: they fill up your car when you can't go to the gas station, go grocery shopping, and bring you some broth when you have a fever. These favors don't have to be constant or ostentatious, as long as they help you, especially in times of need. If he truly cares about you, he will do anything to see you smile and make your life easier.

  • True love is based on giving and receiving: it doesn't work if you grab everything you can without giving anything in return.
  • If he really loves you, he'll do lots of nice things for you without you even having to ask him. It implies that sometimes you need a favor. If you have to be the one to point it out every single time, it's hardly love.
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 11

Step 4. Does he always want to be with you?

Being in love also means never having enough of the person you love, although it is not practical to be glued 24/7. If he truly loves you, he will never want to give up on your company. It does not mean that he wants to be constantly on his heels, but he will try to take every opportunity he has to see you.

We repeat: his desire is not to be with you 24 hours a day. However, if he can only find time to see you once or twice a month, it is unlikely that it will be love

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 12
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 12

Step 5. Does he know when to give you space?

If she truly loves you, then not only will she avoid being clingy, she will also know when to give you the space to devote yourself to your life. If he wants to be with you always, it's not love, it's infatuation, or he doesn't trust you. Love matures, and in a stable couple one realizes that it is necessary to have separate spaces to preserve one's identity.

If he wants to be with you every single moment, this need denotes a whole series of personal insecurities. What he feels is not true love

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 13
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 13

Step 6. See if he fully understands you

True love is synonymous with deep understanding. It will sound cloying, but the truth is that a person has to understand you in order to love you. If he foresees your mood swings, he knows you better than you know yourself, he knows what you want, what you hate and what makes you happy, chances are it's true love.

Don't worry if part of you gets shrouded in mystery. He doesn't have to know you 100%. However, try to figure out if in most cases he can read you inside

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 14
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 14

Step 7. Find out if she wants the best for you, even if it doesn't have to be the best for her

When a person truly loves, he understands that his partner has to do things that will not suit him or that will lead him to drift away for some time. If he truly loves you, he will understand that you will spend the entire summer on a remote island because it will help you pursue that much-coveted career in marine biology. She'll understand that you need to get home early to sleep for the next day's test instead of spending the night with her.

If this person always and only wants the best for both of you, he doesn't consider you a unique individual, who has his own needs and desires

Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 15
Know if That Person Truly Loves You Step 15

Step 8. Find out if he really supports you

If he truly loves you, he will not only be there in good times, he will also be there to help you achieve your goals and move forward in life. He will go and cheer when you take the field, he will be there when you take the thesis and he will offer to give you a lift the day you have to take a job interview. And it will be there whenever you want to talk about a topic that you particularly care about.

If he truly loves you, he will support you to fulfill your wishes or pursue your interests, even if they have nothing to do with his own


  • Don't take a person's feelings for granted.
  • If a person feels attracted to you, you realize that he looks at you differently and smiles a lot in your presence.
  • Protect his feelings. When someone likes you, your actions mean a lot to them. Be gentle.
  • If someone doesn't talk to you, they don't necessarily dislike you, maybe they're just shy.
  • Be careful not to get confused: a sociable person doesn't automatically flirt with everyone. Don't make this mistake, or you could go wrong.
  • If you think someone likes you, don't ask them directly to get rid of the doubt. Maybe she will withdraw into herself and never try to invite you to go out with her. Proceed with caution.
  • Never give it much more space than necessary - you may lose it.
