How to Be Honest: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Be Honest: 8 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be Honest: 8 Steps (with Pictures)

Sincerity and feelings, intentions and attitude reach everyone's heart. But what exactly is sincerity? And how to possess this quality? The only way to be honest is to be spontaneous and genuine, to have confidence in yourself and stop wanting to appear different from what you are.


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Step 1. Don't change your behavior when you are in front of others

Show yourself for who you are and people will welcome you warmly and trust you. If you try too hard to appear different you will not behave as a sincere person, and you will spend more time projecting an unreal image of yourself rather than your true personality. You will have to work hard otherwise you will turn out fake.

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Step 2. Choose to do things simply because you feel it

Don't expect any rewards from others, don't have ulterior motives. If you do good and hope for the boomerang effects of your actions, it means that everything you do is not only motivated by sincerity and is not a genuine expression of your participation. On the other hand, people who offer their heart and good will are clearly recognizable in the eyes of others, and deserving of esteem.

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Step 3. Sincerity comes from the heart

Whatever you do, or say, it is imperative that it depends on your belief and actually corresponds to what you think. You can't be honest if you say you love chocolate when you hate it. You can't even be if you pay a kind compliment to a person you hate, or if you apologize just for looking better in front of the person who offended you (meditating on future revenge). You will only be sincere when you learn to be honest with yourself.

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Step 4. Don't say, or do anything, that doesn't come from your heart

If you find yourself in a situation where you have to compliment, or express your opinion using "lies for a good purpose", there is a solution, choose only the expressions that reflect reality. For example, if you have to talk about a person who is a bit extravagant, look for their positive characteristics and focus on them. List at least three and try to make a speech based on these factors, you will be effective but also genuine and sincere.

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Step 5. Sincerity makes you more vulnerable to attack

Opening up to others without a mask, demonstrating one's feelings, motivations and aspirations, could cause opposite attitudes in others. Realize that you may be disappointed and suffer from it. If you are not prepared for such reactions, you may feel even more angry and shocked. Stay calm and avoid any kind of confrontation when these situations arise. There will certainly be reasons, for example insecurity and anger, behind the inability of people who are unable to relate to sincerity, and who will not appreciate you.

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Step 6. Use positive affirmations

Always try to bring out the best in yourself, others and every situation. Try to put yourself in others' shoes and understand their point of view. As negative affirmations rise, use more positive elements to counter them and try to find the best side of everything. Sincerity will make you make some effort, but in the right direction.

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Step 7. Don't think too much and don't seek perfection

Sincerity equals spontaneity, immediacy and everything that comes from the heart and is an authentic expression of oneself. If you try to correct yourself and refine yourself too much (for example by writing an email, a speech or a letter) you will only remove the freshness and authenticity of your words, suffocating them with an excess of complacency and rationality. The one who receives the message will have very clear your intentions, so this is a choice that can move you away, or on the contrary, approach you, to a possible job, or to something you would like to achieve, for example extending a deadline, if you feel you can't. to complete your commitments by the set date.

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Step 8. Be hospitable and don't show yourself materialistic

Sincerity will allow you to let other people into your life, and will help you avoid comparing yourself to others. Materialism is the enemy of sincerity because it pushes you and wanting to protect the things you own, or hope to accumulate, rather than opening yourself to the outside world and living human relationships with more participation and authenticity. Learn to strip yourself of your materialism and try to show yourself available to others. In this way, sincerity will become part of yourself.


  • Smile is a universal language.
  • Ask yourself if you really feel what you are doing, or if you are just trying to get noticed.
  • Don't worry if you are in trouble at first. Sincerity takes time to grow.
  • You smile. Smiling requires less physical effort than sulking. A smile will be enough to show others your intentions and feelings.
  • Focus on the people you like and steer clear of those you don't get along well with. Don't leave friendships in limbo, you will hurt yourself and others.
  • Try to get involved in voluntary activities and contribute as much as you can to the good of the community.
  • Ask yourself how many times do you happen to say, or do, something that perplexes you, and that doesn't really convince you.
