Femininity means a lot of different things to many different people. Traditional (and outdated) gender roles emphasize the "doll" image and the dependence of women on men. However, it is a matter that is more exquisitely concerned with attitude, self-confidence and personal style than the concept of adapting one's life to someone else's ideas. Getting in touch with one's "feminine side" is a search aimed at finding inspiration from within rather than following an external orientation. Regardless of who you are, you can reap the greatest benefits by getting in touch with the most incredible and essential part of your femininity.
Part 1 of 3: Clothing

Step 1. Wear dresses and skirts following women's fashion
Almost everywhere long dresses and skirts are symbolic of femininity. Currently, fashion has made it possible to wear a long dress or skirt on any occasion, from elegant black cocktail dresses to light floral-print skirts for the summer. The choice of clothes is completely personal: do you feel comfortable, beautiful and feminine? If so, there is a good chance that other people will find these characteristics in you as well.

Step 2. Emphasize the curves and shapes of your body
The natural softness of the curves is a feminine gift. Accentuate and make the most of your body by enhancing your attractiveness as a woman. It often means wearing clothes that highlight the breasts and waistline. But the easiest way to bring out your curves is to wear clothes that fit your figure. The clothes must be tight enough to let you imagine the silhouette. The figure of a woman is distinctly different from that of a man and, by drawing attention to your shapes, you will naturally look more feminine.
- If you feel feminine and comfortable wearing a certain type of clothing, then you will certainly enhance your femininity.
- You don't need to wear skimpy clothes to look feminine.
- Try wearing push-up bras and dresses that flatter your shape.

Step 3. Discover traditionally feminine models and styles
There are trends that, despite being followed by men and women, are predominantly feminine. Generally, delicate or softer fabrics and more eye-catching patterns are considered feminine. Keep in mind a few things to include in your wardrobe, such as:
- Lace, silk or velvet;
- Floreal patterns;
- Polka dots.

Step 4. Make the most of colors
Again, although not strictly necessary, there is usually a lot of reliance on vivid colors to bring out the vitality and effervescence of the female universe. Try combining bolder colors or enriching a rather sober outfit with a pair of colorful shoes or bright makeup.
Accessories like scarves, bags and hats are all details that can make your outfit more feminine

Step 5. Wear some fine jewelry
Normally used by women, jewelry has been socially cleared in many corners of the world, becoming affordable for everyone. A little flashy necklace can make you feel confident, attractive and interesting, increasing your femininity. Usually, jewelry with precious stones, such as diamonds and rubies (fake or real), are considered more feminine than simpler rings and necklaces.
- Bring pinky or thumb rings.
- Put on a nice necklace.
- Make holes in the earlobes.

Step 6. Wear undergarments that make you feel sexy
Nobody has to see what you wear under your clothes to make a difference. Remember that femininity starts from within, so if you feel it, others will feel it too. Try tucking into something slightly flirty and see if you feel more feminine.

Step 7. Know that your confidence and attitude affect the way you look and dress
Basically, if you don't behave feminine, your look will only be effective up to a certain point. If you feel comfortable in your own skin, love the person you are and enjoy life, you will release femininity whenever you want. If you feel feminine, you have a good chance that other people will notice.

Step 8. Realize that there is a social and cultural image of femininity
Even if there is no single and right way to "be feminine", fashion dictates criteria of femininity. Showing one's feminine nature, however, does not mean submitting to traditional gender roles. Rather, it is a stylistic choice that accentuates many classic sides of femininity, such as grace, dignity, mischief and sensuality.
- Anyone can add feminine style items to their wardrobe regardless of gender or sexual identity.
- Think of the "classic" examples of female beauty, such as Halle Berry, Marilyn Monroe and Nicole Kidman. What makes them feminine in your eyes?
- Anyone - men, women, transgender, etc. - can be feminine in appearance and in the way they dress. Being female is different from "female"; it is a social concept and not a biological one.
Part 2 of 3: Appearance

Step 1. Use a mild fragrance to smell good
Spray your favorite perfume before you leave the house in the morning. One or two drops usually suffice. Smell is one of the most powerful senses for attraction, so good smell has long been a staple of the female image.

Step 2. Put on your makeup with simplicity.
Makeup is one of the few areas of almost exclusively women's fashion. Men rarely wear makeup, although they can use eye shadows and eyeliner for a more feminine look, as many rock stars like Morrissey or Marilyn Manson regularly do.
- Use nail polish, experiment with new types of makeup, or model celebrities who have a look you like.
- You don't need to wear makeup to look more feminine.

Step 3. Walk like a woman
The "feminine gait" is intended to highlight the figure and show curves. Try to walk from your lower body, without "dragging" yourself forward, letting your feet reach you. The first step is to have good posture: spine straight, shoulders aligned with hips, chin parallel to the ground, but there are other tricks that can make the gait even more feminine.
- Keep your shoulders back, with your chest open.
- Swing your hips slightly with each step (swing to the left as you step forward with your left foot).
- Walk slowly, as if you are never in a hurry.

Step 4. Grow your hair
It is not necessary to flaunt your femininity, as many beautiful women are fond of pointing out. However, long hair is a traditionally feminine symbol, so consider growing it over the shoulders. Take care of them by brushing them regularly and using the conditioner once a day.
Many traditional hairstyles, such as the ponytail and braid, require long hair

Step 5. Take care of your hair removal
This is another legacy that comes from the traditional view of the female body. However, many women consider the absence of unwanted hair as a sign of femininity. Eliminate all visible body hair, on the legs, underarms and on the mustache area.
Pull your eyebrows to prevent them from becoming bushy. Often and willingly they are not pleasant when they come together in the center

Step 6. Smile often
Smiles promote happiness and show a radiant and open personality. Femininity, in fact, revolves around the concepts of openness, availability and concern, so a simple smile is often all you need to show your feminine side. Try to help yourself by becoming a happier and healthier person. Make it easier for people to like you by smiling more often.
Smiling has been shown to increase your happiness as well, so make it an integral part of your interactions
Part 3 of 3: Behavior

Step 1. Spend time with other women
Which women do you admire? What attracts you to them? How do you personally define the term "feminine?" However, we can learn and unlearn these concepts to become more feminine. Many societies associate "femininity" with the following characteristics:
- Being in harmony with the emotions, both one's own and others;
- Caring and compassion;
- Sensitivity;
- Be loving in caring;
- Tenderness, beauty, delicacy, etc.

Step 2. Try to have faith in your charm and abilities
Regardless of what your definition of femininity is, you own it. Your personality is so unique and incredible that you should never hide it. Being more feminine doesn't mean learning to play a part or conform to a role, but being happy in your own skin and accentuating the qualities we most appreciate about ourselves.
- Remind yourself that no one has a monopoly on womanhood - you can determine for yourself what it means as much as anyone else.
- Femininity means freedom to be yourself, to love your body, life and others.

Step 3. Make a commitment to be thoughtful and attentive
Just as you don't expect others to judge your womanhood, neither should you judge people. Historically, it is a concept rooted in the image of understanding, wisdom and caring. This is why some consider female behavior to be weak or vulnerable, as it is not related to selfishness. However, the ability to be flexible and to give care and attention is important for everyone, and it also fosters a sense of solidarity and belonging to a community because it helps solve the most difficult problems.
- Be respectful and kind, even when you are wrong. Choosing the noblest path not only honors, but often solves a problem before it occurs.
- Avoid unnecessary conflicts whenever you can by distancing yourself from the most reprehensible confrontations.

Step 4. Think about other people, not just yourself
Empathy is one of the keys to increasing one's femininity and to which all people, men and women, can resort. It's about trying to put yourself in the other person's shoes to understand how they feel. This propensity allows you to better manage conflicts, help friends in times of need, and build a strong and lasting friendship.
- Before you get angry, ask yourself what his side of the story is.
- Reflect on problems by looking at them from the perspective of others, not just your own.
- Recognize that the fault rarely lies with just one person: in the lives of others, as in yours, there are a lot of factors that affect people.

Step 5. Be open to the world around you, for better or for worse
Many people interpret feminine words like "docile" or "receptive" in a traditional or negative way. However, they are incredibly powerful concepts that can help you be more at peace with life, open up to change, and welcome love into your heart. Although masculine ideas often clash on this level, because they prefer the image of command and power, the truth is that no one completely controls their life. Therefore, it is essential to learn to accept with grace and humility the things that cannot be changed in order to approach your feminine side and, consequently, be happier.
Recognizing that you do not have the power to change everything does not mean "giving up". It means identifying what can be changed and focusing on that

Step 6. Realize that increasing your femininity does not hinder success or personal fulfillment
It doesn't mean you can't be an intelligent, authoritative, or purposeful person. All people, men and women, have a feminine and a masculine part: no one is 100% made up of just one aspect. This is good news, as both sides are important in order to live a satisfying and balanced life.
- Being proud of your physical appearance doesn't mean you don't have enough brains to fill a job or pursue a professional career.
- Having "baby doll" tastes, for example preferring the color pink, doesn't mean you can't be taken seriously.
- Don't give up on the dreams, goals or projects you crave, just because they don't conform to externally imposed female standards.
- Stay healthy and be happy.
- Strive to maintain good posture, whether sitting or standing.