When you feel like your life is all about complaining, gossiping, and finding the worst in others, chances are you don't feel so good about yourself. Time to get kinder and kinder; change will do you good and everyone will love your new ways!

Step 1. Stop using intimidation techniques
It is the most important rule. Bullies usually have no friends, and many are afraid of them. If you've been a bully in school, class, or even at home, individually apologize to whomever you've hurt. Don't you dare to do it? Then write letters expressing your displeasure. Make sure you let people know that you will do your best to be kinder and friendlier in the future.

Step 2. Don't be rude
There are a variety of things you can do to be rude, including skipping lines, being rude, disrespecting your partner, your parents, your friends, your teachers or even little brothers or sisters, ignoring people, speaking badly. of people and much more.

Step 3. Apologize
This is a very important step. Here's an example of an apology: “Honey, I'm sorry I treated you badly yesterday afternoon. I know this is a difficult time for you, and my behavior has been inappropriate. It will not be repeated”. Always include the person's name, what you did wrong, 'I'm sorry' and the intention to do your best not to repeat the mistake.

Step 4. Improve your approach to life
If you find that you have done something wrong, fix it. If you think others are luckier than you or better off than you, give yourself a wake up call; you have fallen into the trap of comparing yourself to others for no reason. Stop that!

Step 5. Make a commitment to be kinder
If you are tempted to do something cruel, stop and calm down.

Step 6. Find an outlet for your feelings
It can be anything from dance to writing.
Step 7. Have an ethics
Respect yourself and others will respect you in turn.
Step 8. Talk to new people
Don't hang out with your regular friends all the time - sure, that doesn't mean you have to completely abandon them. Saying goodbye and talking about this and that with someone will make you more friendly!

Step 9. Be helpful to others, sacrifice yourself and your time
People will appreciate you more if you are less selfish.

Step 10. Connect with those around you and remember that everyone has their own hidden problems
Who knows, you could make someone's day better with just a smile!

Step 11. Don't insult anyone
Step 12. If you are very envious of someone, try to be kinder to that person
If necessary, compare what you have with what she lacks, but don't judge people by what they have.