Being sensual means getting pleasure from the material world, and letting go of perceptions. Although you think that being sensual has a sexual connotation, it doesn't have to be that way; Taking the time to appreciate freshly baked croissants filled with cream in the middle of a busy morning can be as sensual as a massage from your partner after work. The important thing is to relax and enjoy the physical sensations that surround us, rather than being nervous about the current day. If you want to know how to be more sensual, move on to the first point.
Part 1 of 3: Getting into the Right Optics

Step 1. Don't confuse sensuality and sexuality
Although sensuality can enhance sexuality, it can also be non-sexual. Stop thinking of sensuality as connected only to sex and consider all opportunities to be sensual; stand in the middle of a thunderstorm, dip strawberries in chocolate, or close your eyes listening to your favorite piece. Once you get rid of your preconceptions about sensuality, you can feel freer about your personal exploration.
Being sensual is not at all about what goes on in the bedroom. However, being sensual in your daily life and taking the time to enjoy the world around you can definitely make you feel better in bed too
Step 2. Enjoy your body
No, it doesn't mean THAT - it just means that if you want to be a sexy person, you must first and foremost be comfortable in your own skin. If you are not happy with who you are or how you look, then it will be much more difficult for you to let go and allow your body to enjoy the world around you, whether you are kissing your partner or sunbathing on the beach. Try to increase your confidence and self-esteem, and you will soon find that you are much more open to the pleasure and joy of everyday gestures.
It doesn't mean you have to be a supermodel, or even think you are. It simply means that you have to love your body and be open to the sensations the world offers.
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Being comfortable with your body is not something that happens overnight. But you can make a real effort to feel better about who you are by doing things you love, by surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good, and by improving on whatever you want to improve.
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Step 3. Slow down
If you really want to be sensual, then you have to stop moving from one task to another without stopping to breathe - or to appreciate a rainbow. There is a reason why they tell you that you should "stop and smell the daisies". Life goes by in a flash, and it's important to take a moment to recognize our surroundings. Go out in the morning a quarter of an hour earlier to go calmly and notice the world around you. Take a walk and look around instead of texting or always being on the phone. If your friend goes to the bathroom while you are in a bar, check out the other patrons rather than checking Facebook. You will see the difference in your ability to enjoy the world around you.
Part of the reason you may have a hard time relaxing is because your days are so busy that you don't give yourself time to breathe. See what you can avoid doing to free up time in your days. If this sounds ridiculous to you, make slightly more concrete plans; decide to watch the sunset, enjoy a bottle of wine with a friend, go to an outdoor concert

Step 4. Look for new ways to indulge yourself
Sensual people are always looking for new interesting things. Don't just try to appreciate the same things over and over, but find new ways to use your senses and perceive the world. Take a long walk and stop to admire the flora and fauna, take a tasting tour with your partner, or prepare a hearty and tasty breakfast instead of the usual yogurt in a hurry. Think of something you've always wanted to do, whether it's mountain biking or photographing the roses in the botanical garden, and don't keep putting it off.
It doesn't mean you should get stressed out by the millions of ways to be sexy. However, it does mean that you should always be open to new sensory experiences

Step 5. Live in the present
If you want to be sensual, then you have to learn to seize the moment and live for the day. Don't spend all day worrying about something that's going to happen in 3 months or regretting something you said a week ago. It's not worth it and nothing will change. Rather, enjoy this moment, look around, get some fresh air, and even appreciate the daily conversations you might have with your colleagues. Learn to live in the present and you will be able to take the time to experience sensory pleasure.
Whether you are taking the bus to go home or sitting at work, notice the world around you. What's the weather like? What do you see from the window? What do you smell? What do your ears hear? How many details can you write down about this moment? Getting into the habit of focusing on these details can help you live in the present

Step 6. Spend more time doing what excites you
Don't feel guilty by doing things that make you feel good and happy. It can mean having sex with your partner more often, preparing a delicious meal even with limited time, or listening to your favorite album in the morning as soon as you wake up. You won't hurt anyone by spending more time enjoying the pleasures of life, and in the meantime you become more sensual.
Think about a typical week in your life. Are there things you could cut down on, like watching poor programs, to do something you really love, like a yoga class or painting outdoors near your home?
Part 2 of 3: Letting go of the senses

Step 1. Play with your hair more
Spend more time combing your hair, loosening your hair, touching it, and appreciating the sensation it gives you on your head. When you're in the shower, take the time to massage the shampoo and conditioner into your scalp and enjoy the sensation of your fingers running through your strands. This will help you indulge in one of the best parts of your body. And if you have a partner, playing with her hair will add a touch of sensuality to the relationship.

Step 2. Spend more time in the shower
Exactly. The shower should not be perceived as a run. Although it is right to be ecological and save water, throw yourself into the tub or simply spend time soaping your body, appreciating the feeling of cleanliness and feeling the water flow along the skin. Sing if you want. Spend time appreciating cleanliness rather than trying to end the day as soon as possible.

Step 3. Use a cream
Take a scented cream and massage your skin. It will help you spend more time with your perceptions, both for touch and smell. Your body will also feel softer and you will love to touch and feel it for the rest of the day. The cream must not have an exaggerated scent; just a touch of juniper or lilac can make you feel happier all day.

Step 4. Enjoy the fabrics
Wear a nice silk dressing gown. Spend time under your favorite comfy blanket. Get a new pillow that fantastically supports your head. Take the time to appreciate the feeling of a nice piece of fabric or dress between your fingers or on the body, and you will have a more sensual experience.

Step 5. Go to the market
Markets are the perfect place to use all your senses. Go to the nearest market and try out all the freebies and testers on offer. Feel the weight and composition of the different fruits and vegetables in your hands. Stop to smell the fresh coriander, parsley, dill and other herbs you see. Take the time to enjoy a pleasant conversation with the vendors and take home at least some fresh fruit and a bouquet of flowers. You don't have to be a star chef to appreciate this sensory - and sensual - experience.

Step 6. Enjoy a delicious homemade meal
Preparing a simple meal at home can awaken your senses and make you feel much more sensual by cooking and eating. You don't have to be Carlo Cracco to make baked chicken, a delicious cheese and beetroot salad, and grill some fantastic polenta for a side dish. The act of taking the time to prepare food, especially if you are with a friend and if there is no lack of wine, can take the sensory experience of food to a whole other level.

Step 7. Go for a tasting
Organize a tasting trip with your sweetheart or a group of friends. Not only is such an experience a perfect awakening of the senses, but the wine landscape is almost always beautiful, whether it is Piedmont or Tuscany, and you will awaken taste, smell and sight in a single wonderful adventure.

Step 8. Listen to your favorite music
Whether you love Queen or Lady Gaga, there's nothing wrong with hearing your favorite music at full volume when you want (as long as you don't drive everyone crazy). Wake up to your favorite songs, listen to them while you drive, or dance while you cook on your own. You can also go dancing with friends, or to a concert. Music awakens the senses and invigorates body and soul.

Step 9. Dwell on nature
Whether it means going for a walk, walking in a forest or simply sunbathing on the beach with the sounds of the sea in your ears, take the time to make nature a big part of your life and you won't regret it. The more time you spend outdoors, breathing fresh air and enjoying the natural world, the more sensual you will feel. Being surrounded by nature also helps you learn to live in the present and appreciate what you have, which are also fundamental elements for being sensual.

Step 10. Visit a museum
Whether you like modern art or you prefer the Renaissance, visit any museum and immerse yourself in the contemplative silence that fills every room, while you and other visitors appreciate the masterpieces around you. Stand in front of a painting without judging, without trying to analyze it or read its description, but just thinking about how it makes you feel. Spend at least 2 hours there without a cell phone or without saying a word, and you will see how awakened your sight will be.
Part 3 of 3: Being More Sensual with Your Partner

Step 1. Hold hands more
Being sensual with your partner isn't just about taking off your clothes. In fact, holding your hand, scratching and feeling the weight of his hand in yours can be one of the most sensual experiences you can have. Hold hands more, whether you're taking a moonlit stroll, sitting down to dinner or watching TV. You will be surprised how much the bond can intensify this way.

Step 2. Dwell on kissing
Don't see your kissing as mere foreplay or a superficial way of greeting your partner. Rather, take the time to truly appreciate kissing for no reason behind it. Kiss each other at least 6 seconds a day, and sit side by side and kiss; it can lead to a great feeling, no matter how long you've been together.

Step 3. Massage each other
Massages are certainly among the most sensual experiences, and you can definitely take the relationship to new levels of sensuality if you and your partner massage each other. You can take turns, or you can just focus on your partner (or the other way around) for one night and see what it's like to get back, shoulder, arm and body massages after a long day or give your partner the same pleasure. partner. You can even increase the sensation with massage oil.

Step 4. Hug and pamper yourself more
Although hugs and cuddles are considered only cute gestures, they are actually part of an important sensory experience. Gently approaching your partner and feeling their respective bodies become one can be a very sensual experience, whether it leads to something else or not. Spend more time on hugs, whether they are in bed or watching TV. Connecting bodies in this way can lead to a more sensual relationship.

Step 5. Write love letters
Who says love letters have gone out of fashion? Try writing a love letter to your loved one just to tell him how fantastic he is. You don't have to write one for a particular occasion, and the thought will be even more precious if you send or deliver the love letter on any Tuesday. You can hide the sweet message for your partner to find, and you will soon notice that the relationship has reached a new level of sensuality.

Step 6. Increase eye contact
Really look your sweetie in the eye when they enter a room, when you talk to each other, or even when you cross the hall. There is something very sensual in the game of glances with someone you love, and you should get in the habit of doing it more often, even if during a simple conversation. More eye contact with your partner will increase your attachment to each other and make the relationship much more sensual.

Step 7. Tickle yourself
That's right. You're never too old to tickle yourself, and doing it with your partner can lead to more sensory pleasure. Even just laughing and acting silly, your senses will be more stimulated, and you will abandon yourself to the sensation of lightness in the feet, neck or hips. Tickling your feet can also be very sensual, especially with a feather.

Step 8. Spend more time in the bedroom
It does not mean making love longer, but that you should be more attentive and present when you come into physical contact with your partner, whether you are kissing or doing something more. Invest more time in keeping your love relationship burning and strong, not just because you think you have to make love a certain number of times a week. By focusing more on that connection, you will awaken your sensuality.