While annoying your teachers is not a good strategy for getting good grades, it can happen that you absolutely want to do it, so you need suitable methods. You can choose the creative, irritating or repetitive path. If you are determined to drive your professors crazy, you will succeed with the help of wikiHow no matter what path you take. However, don't expect to get good grades if you do this. Read on to learn more.
Part 1 of 2: What to Do

Step 1. Imitate your professor's behavior
This is the easiest way to annoy him. Most teachers have a certain way of expressing themselves: some utter extravagantly certain words, others have tics. Discreetly imitating them in front of them is sure to drive them crazy. The best way to do this is to act as discreetly as possible during the imitation, so it will take some time for them to understand what is going on. But your mates will quickly realize everything and start laughing!
When the professor gets angry, he plays silly. Ask “Why? What have I done?" until he lets go

Step 2. Make dubious noises
There are many noises you can make to interrupt a lesson. You can make the sound of a fart, make your shoes crawl on the floor, play incessantly with a pen, or clear your throat every two seconds. If these sounds make your mates laugh, then that's better. However, if you prefer to make softer, quieter and more repetitive sounds, this is still a nice idea, because the professor will be annoyed by it anyway. Here are the other noises that might get on your nerves:
- Tear off a sheet of paper one centimeter at a time. Do this only when the professor turns to the blackboard.
- Swipe your nails across your desk.
- Making the sucking noise when the professor is not looking.
- Continuously click the pen cap.
- Constantly dropping something.
- Repeatedly sniff your nose without blowing it.
- Noisily scratching your legs.
- Making inappropriate groans.
- Humming between you and you.
- Slap yourself on the legs. Try having your classmates do it too.
- Continuously tip the pencil.
- Drop the pencil multiple times.
- Move objects on the counter.
- Silently repeat what the professor says while taking notes.

Step 3. Sabotage the teacher's equipment
If he teaches his lessons using an instrument all the time, then this is the method for you. While watching a movie in class or using the projector, try to grab the remote control while the teacher is not watching (it would be better to replace the actual remote with one that doesn't work). Then, again when he's caught up in something else, turn off the television, pause or change the projector settings. This will annoy him a lot and ruin his lesson. However, you could get yourself in trouble.
You can use the remote control while your teammates are watching or sneak under the counter so that no one knows what you are doing and no one will be able to spy

Step 4. Sleep in class
This strategy works best if you sit towards the back of the classroom or watch a movie. All you have to do is rest your head on the counter and close your eyes. You will soon doze off. Nothing is more annoying or disrespectful than a pupil falling asleep while the teacher is talking. In case you can't sleep, you can pretend to, maybe even pretend to snore, or open your mouth and let the drool come out to make others laugh.
- You can also fold your arms over the desk to rest your head and have a big smile on your face so that other students feel inspired to sleep as you look so happy to do so.
- Another annoying behavior? Pretend to sleep for a while and then "wake up" and ask questions to the teacher, of course pick the ones he already answered while you were "sleeping".

Step 5. Throw items at the other students
Another thing you can try to make the professor go on a rampage is throwing things at other students when he's not looking. You should start with small items, such as erasers, crumpled paper, pencils, or chalks. You can up the ante by throwing a smaller book, an apple, a tennis ball, or even a shoe if you really want to drive him crazy. You should try it when she looks away and then assume an innocent look the moment she turns to you.
For this strategy to be more effective, you should let someone help you, like a student on the other side of the class who will throw things at you in turn. Otherwise, you will soon find yourself running out of stationery

Step 6. Throw paper balls
Use the inside of a pen to use it as a blowpipe, chew on some small pieces of paper, push the "bullet" in and blow to fire.

Step 7. Draw some scribbles
Who ever said that scribbling is an obsolete activity? If you really want to drive your professor crazy, start drawing what he is talking about. It must be obvious that you are doing this, it can be the best strategy if you are in the front row and see everything. It will be even better if you scribble but, in the meantime, you seem very interested in what he is saying, pretending to take notes when you are drawing instead. This will surely annoy the professor within seconds.
- If you really want to be even more annoying, you can also take some highlighters or colored pencils with you and use them. Create a masterpiece in 30 minutes.
- You can also show the drawing to other students to show that you don't really care what the teacher says or does.

Step 8. Send cards
Here's another way you can annoy a teacher. You can pass them on to your friends or another classmate. It must be clear that you are writing a note: place a notebook on your legs and then fold the paper you have torn into a plane or ball it up before throwing it at someone. If you have to read one, open it in front of your face and laugh, making it clear that you are not following the lesson.
It can be particularly annoying if you make a sneaky grimace while the teacher is talking, so that they know you are writing a funny note to a friend. You can also make him imagine that you are talking about him

Step 9. Arrive late for class
Few things are hated by teachers more than late students. You should walk into the classroom a few minutes after starting with a shrug and a smirk. If you apologize, the professor will be less angry, but not if the apology actually seems insincere. Not only should you be late, you should also look exhausted, drop books, run, or spend a lifetime rummaging through your backpack to find the case and book. You can also enter as soon as the bell rings, so that the professor will not be able to say anything, even if he is annoyed.

Step 10. Distract other students
Another way to make a teacher angry is to distract as many students as possible. Ask a lot of questions to your classmates, make jokes, laugh coarse and for no reason and talk about personal facts while you should be doing a group work. The best thing you can do is to encourage a guy who has always been shy to talk all the time, making him one of the most annoying students. Distracting others can interrupt the whole lesson and, without a shadow of a doubt, will anger the teacher.
To do this, however, it is essential that the other students respect and respect you, only in this way will they be able to support your attempt. If they think you're a real pain in the ass and roll their eyes every time you open your mouth, then you won't be able to distract them

Step 11. Play with the phone
Take out your cell phone and text your friends, play Angry Birds or check it out from time to time and smile. You can also look up information on Wikipedia or try to disprove what the professor says. The teacher may kidnap it, but the game will be good while it lasts. You can also set the alarm at different times during the lesson, making sure it disturbs and distracts as much as possible. You will see that the whole class will hear it and laugh.
You can also irritate the professor by pretending to stealthily use the phone under the desk. Teachers hate this behavior and scold students for doing it. However, he won't be able to tell you anything once he finds out you weren't hiding anything

Step 12. Ignore the teacher's rules
All professors set certain norms. If you want to annoy, you should ignore them as much as possible, but don't get sent to the principal's office. Even breaking the seemingly silliest rules can be downright nasty. For example, you can badly structure essays or turn in one a day late, acting as if you are sure you have not made any mistakes. If the teacher has a certain rule regarding the use of the bathroom during the lesson, try to break it.
The moment he tells you that you have broken a rule, you should react as if you are surprised and say "But that rule doesn't make sense" or "The other professors aren't like that."

Step 13. Go to class without notebook or pencil case
Going to school without what you need is one of the most detestable things for a teacher. A teacher expects students to take notes, write homework, and use a pen or pencil in class, so going there empty-handed shows that you don't care. It will be particularly annoying if you say "Can someone lend me a pencil?" or "I don't have the notebook". You will interrupt the lesson while they lend you what you need.
You can also take the wrong book with you and laugh "I forgot the right book again!"

Step 14. Be especially annoying when the teacher is under observation
In the event that the principal or a major teacher is in the class, you should do your best to annoy like never before. This can mean talking when you shouldn't be, arriving late, or giving the general impression that the classroom is always chaotic. If you make a fool of him, you will succeed in your intent.

Step 15. Complain about all the answers you failed on a test
Once she reports the correct classwork, you should moan out loud and challenge every single question you got it wrong, even if you know it's pointless to object. If the questions are multiple choice or require you to choose between true or false (as in the case of a math test), you should persist for a long time, telling the teacher that he is wrong.
You can also try to waste time after class by asking him to review each test question with you

Step 16. Complete the tests too quickly
If you are given a long exam, noisily place the paper and pen on the counter after 10-15 minutes and then hand over the test, saying "Done!" or "It was easy!" to be particularly annoying. This will make other students nervous, who will wonder why it is taking so long; it will cause confusion and agitation. Of course your vote will be affected, so do so at your own risk.

Step 17. Make faces at the teacher
Teachers get very angry when you pretend to be completely uninterested.

Step 18. Learn the limits not to exceed
Try to disturb enough to annoy him, but not too much to punish yourself.
Part 2 of 2: What to Say

Step 1. Talk while the teacher explains something
Nothing irritates a professor faster than hearing a student speak while trying to explain or clarify a topic. You should either whisper something to your friends or speak openly with your desk mate. Act like you couldn't care less about the professor's job or like you haven't even noticed his presence. You can be even more annoying if you ask your classmate a question, when you should be asking the teacher instead. This will make him go on a rampage, but remember that such an attitude won't do you any good.
It can be particularly effective when you realize that the teacher is short on time and you know that you can make sure that he doesn't finish explaining

Step 2. Be a know-it-all
If you want to annoy the professor, then you should act like an expert on every topic he talks about, without having enough evidence to explain your alleged knowledge. Whatever topic the teacher is addressing, give the impression that you are skeptical, as if you know he is wrong, even if you are talking about an easy to understand and obvious topic. Make a face of disappointment as you stare at him, until he feels compelled to ask you if you have any questions. Constantly making him doubt will push him to lose his train of thought and he will soon be furious.
- Once the teacher is done explaining, or nearly so, you should ask "How can he be so sure?".
- If the professor misses your taunt and tries to explain his point of view to you better, you can say "Well, you may be right" or "I think we can agree to disagree."

Step 3. Tell him that other people know the subject better than he does
If being a know-it-all isn't enough, you can drive the professor crazy by saying "I talked to my dad, and he told me something else." You can also say that your old teacher or that of another subject does everything differently, this to make him understand that there are people more experienced than him. It will be particularly annoying if he is a young teacher and is trying to make a name for himself.
You could also refer to TV shows or books to argue that there are other scientists and educators who know more about the subject than he does. You can say "A program I saw on the Discovery Channel claimed that…"

Step 4. Ask questions incessantly
Usually asking questions isn't a problem, but it's disheartening that you don't understand a math equation after it's been explained to you 10 times. This also works with less important questions, such as "What color was George Washington's hair?". Try to actually sound interested when asking these questions so the teacher won't know if you are joking or not. In case you think you are serious, they will go out of their way to give you an answer.
This can be particularly annoying when you ask questions that the professor has answered millions of times in the past. If he does point this out to you, you can ask "Did we really talk about it before? I guess I wasn't careful enough then."

Step 5. Interrupt the teacher as much as possible
Nothing can be more annoying, especially when he's explaining something important. When the teacher starts talking about a fundamental topic, raise his hand to say something that has nothing to do with the topic, or ask questions that will make everything more confusing. Such an attitude is very rude and unpleasant. It can become even more so if you raise your hand (to give the impression that you are interrupting "politely") and the teacher keeps telling you to wait.
Talking when you shouldn't, especially when you just want to make a joke or distract the class, is annoying under all circumstances

Step 6. Speak up when you should answer a simple question
If your professor asks a trivial question, such as what is the capital of France or what is the 10 x 15 result, you should raise your hand and talk nonstop about the trip your family has organized to France or the fact that you think that 10 is the perfect number. Once the professor has taken on a demoralized and confused look, speak even more slowly, so it will take you longer to finish.
Behave as naturally as possible, giving the impression that you don't think you've done something wrong

Step 7. Read the chapter that will be discussed before the lesson and then ask questions
You can also annoy the professor by reading a chapter long in advance (for example a week before) and express a lot of doubts about it. The teacher will say "We're not there yet" or "I'll explain it another time". But you should be persistent, until you end up confusing all your classmates.
It can work especially well during a literature class. For example, you can read a book and tell how it ends before other students know about it

Step 8. Call the people passing by in the corridor
This is another annoying move. If a friend of yours or someone you don't know walks past your classroom after the bell rings, you say "How are you?" or "I'll text you in a minute!". You will prove that you have your head elsewhere. Eventually this attitude will annoy the professor, because you will make him understand that you have absolutely no respect for his rules.

Step 9. Speak very slowly
You should raise your hand and answer a question, but murmur, add different fillers, like "er" or "uhm", act like you have gaps in your memory and it takes you hours to complete a sentence. Speaking as slow as possible, without giving the idea of doing it on purpose, will certainly annoy your teacher.
If it tells you to read, you should do it very slowly
- Another good way to annoy a teacher is to constantly hum songs while working or talking. It works even better if you know this professor hates a certain genre of music. Hum these kinds of songs and he'll go on a rampage!
- Never cover your mouth or rest your head on the counter to hide after a misdemeanor. Probably the professor will understand that it was you, act as if nothing had happened.
- Don't do it all by yourself. Create a team with friends or classmates, annoy the teacher in unison. It will be much harder for him to figure out who started it and put you in detention.
- Make sure the classroom is large and there are enough students. Your chances of not getting caught doing something covert will be much higher.
- Try making noise with the proper objects. This will annoy the professor a lot. Make sure she doesn't know who exactly is the cause of the chaos, it will be even more interesting and fun.
- Your peers should be loyal, not spying, even if the whole class gets into trouble.
- Don't overdo it, or you will find yourself facing serious consequences. Well, even without exaggerating you run this risk. Do not follow this guide if you are not ready to be reprimanded or grounded by the teacher or principal.
- If they catch you red-handed, do what you are told (get out of class, go to the principal, etc.), but try to sound rather amused. Don't try to act rude or arrogant though. An annoyed professor will not hesitate to take even stricter measures.
- Never let someone become a scapegoat if it's your fault, not even that mate you can't stand. If things get out of hand, stand up and admit your guilt.
- If you don't have the guts to suffer any repercussions from your behavior, don't even try to annoy the professor.