3 Ways to Make a Cake Without Using the Oven

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Make a Cake Without Using the Oven
3 Ways to Make a Cake Without Using the Oven

If you don't have access to an oven or just don't want to turn it on during the warm months, you can still enjoy a homemade cake using a different cooking technique. Some of the simpler methods are steaming, slow cooker and microwave use.


Steamed Marbled Cake

For 8 servings

  • 180 g of self-raising flour
  • 30 g of cocoa powder
  • 7-8 ml of vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 110 g of butter or margarine

Chocolate Lava Cake Cooked in the Slow Cooker

For 6 servings

  • 200 g of flour 00
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 10 and 20 g of cocoa powder divided
  • 7 g of yeast
  • A pinch of salt
  • 120 ml of milk
  • 30 ml of seed oil
  • 5 ml of vanilla extract
  • 150 g of brown sugar
  • 375 ml of very hot water

Microwave Cooked Chocolate Chip Cake

For 1 serving

  • 50 g of powdered cake mix
  • 40 ml of milk
  • 15 g of granulated sugar
  • 25 g of small chocolate chips


Method 1 of 3: Steamed Marble Cake

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 1
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the steamer

Pour 5-8 cm of water into a large pot and bring it to a boil over high heat; reduce the heat to medium and place the steamer basket in the pan.

  • The basket should not directly touch the boiling water.
  • After reducing the heat, the water should continue to simmer; cover the pot to prevent it from evaporating completely as you prepare the batter.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 2
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 2

Step 2. Grease the pan

Cover an 8-inch round pan with vegetable oil or butter, sprinkle a light layer of flour on the sides and bottom.

Alternatively, after greasing the surface, line it with baking paper

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 3
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 3

Step 3. Cream the butter with the sugar

Put both ingredients in a large bowl and work them for several minutes with an electric mixer at maximum speed; you need to get a light and creamy mixture.

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 4
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 4

Step 4. Add the eggs

Pour them one at a time into the butter and sugar mixture, continuing to beat with the whisk until well incorporated.

  • Make sure each egg is completely absorbed into the mixture before adding the next.
  • If the eggs are small, use three instead of two.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 5
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 5

Step 5. Add the flour alternating it with the milk

Pour a third of the flour into the batter and work it with the whisk until it is completely absorbed; add half of the milk and continue stirring until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Repeat the sequence until all the flour and milk are used up. Incorporate a third of flour, mix then pour in the remaining milk; when finished, add the last third of flour

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 6
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 6

Step 6. Add the vanilla

Pour the extract into the batter and continue to knead it at high speed until it is completely absorbed.

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 7
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 7

Step 7. Separate the batter

Put a quarter in a small bowl and leave the rest aside for now.

Flavor the small portion of batter with cocoa, the larger one remains vanilla flavored

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 8
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 8

Step 8. Pour the cocoa into the small bowl

Thoroughly mix the batter by hand or with the electric mixer set on low speed.

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 9
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 9

Step 9. Combine the two batters in the pan you prepared earlier

Pour the vanilla one first and then sprinkle the chocolate one.

Use a knife to carefully turn the two compounds without homogenizing them, in this way you will get a marbled effect

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 10
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 10

Step 10. Cover the pan

Seal it with aluminum foil by folding it under the pan to keep it snug.

The top of the pan must be closed almost hermetically, otherwise the moisture released by the steamer can penetrate the mixture and ruin the cake

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 11
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 11

Step 11. Steam for 30-45 minutes

Place the cake pan in the center of the hot basket, cover the pot and cook for 30-45 minutes or until a toothpick stuck in the cake comes out clean.

Keep the heat at medium level and do not lift the lid while cooking; every time you open the pot you let the heat escape, increasing the preparation time

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 12
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 12

Step 12. Let cool before serving

Remove the cake from the steamer and allow it to cool in the pan before turning it upside down on a tray. Decorate it as you like and enjoy it!

Method 2 of 3: Chocolate Lava Cake Cooked in the Slow Cooker

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 13
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 13

Step 1. Grease the slow cooker

Coat the inside walls and bottom with seed oil.

  • You could also use specific coatings for this appliance, which also make cleaning easier.
  • Remember that for this recipe you need a slow cooker with a capacity of 2-4 liters; if you use a larger or smaller one, change the doses of the ingredients respecting the proportions.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 14
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 14

Step 2. Combine the powdered ingredients

Pour flour, granulated sugar, 10 g of cocoa, baking powder and salt into a medium-sized bowl; mix the ingredients to combine them evenly.

This compound is the basis of the batter

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 15
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 15

Step 3. Add the liquids

Pour the milk, oil and vanilla extract into the dry mixture, stirring until you get a uniform mixture.

  • The batter may contain a few small lumps, but use a wooden spoon to break up and dissolve the larger, more obvious ones.
  • Keep stirring until you see no more traces of dry ingredients.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 16
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 16

Step 4. Prepare the "lava"

In a separate bowl, combine the brown sugar with 20 g of cocoa powder and add the very hot water.

  • Make sure that the two dry ingredients are well blended before pouring in the hot liquid.
  • Keep stirring until the mixture is smooth and all lumps have disappeared.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 17
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 17

Step 5. Transfer the batter to the slow cooker

Then pour the liquid mixture of sugar and cocoa without stirring.

  • Since the dough is thick, you have to distribute it on the bottom of the appliance with a spatula or the convex part of the spoon; proceed to this operation before adding the "lava".
  • Try to pour the chocolate mixture as evenly as possible.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 18
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 18

Step 6. Cook at maximum temperature

Close the slow cooker and turn it on by setting the maximum power. Continue cooking for 2-2, 5 hours or until a toothpick stuck in the center of the cake comes out clean.

Do not remove the lid while cooking, otherwise you will let out too much heat and extend the preparation time

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 19
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 19

Step 7. Wait for the cake to cool down a bit before serving

Turn off the appliance after cooking, remove the lid and let the cake rest for 30-40 minutes before serving.

  • Instead of cutting it into slices, you have to transfer spoonfuls of dessert to plates.
  • You can enjoy it as it is or accompany it with an ice cream or a dessert sauce.

Method 3 of 3: Microwave Baked Chocolate Chip Cake

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 20
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 20

Step 1. Combine the cake mix with milk and sugar

Put the ingredients directly into a microwave safe cup and mix them with a fork to make a homogeneous mixture.

  • Not all cups are suitable for this appliance, so you should check yours. Alternatively, you can use a 250ml baking cup for this preparation, but make sure it is microwave safe.
  • Try to break up all the lumps as you mix; a few small ones may remain, but try to get the batter as homogeneous as possible.
  • Ideally, you should leave 2-3 cm of space between the level of the compost and the rim of the container; if there is too much batter, consider transferring half of it to another cup.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 21
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 21

Step 2. Add some chocolate chips

Sprinkle them in the mixture and mix to distribute them evenly.

If you prefer a simple cake, you can skip this step or add different ingredients, such as dried fruit or sugar sprinkles, but respecting the correct proportions

Make Cake Without an Oven Step 22
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 22

Step 3. Microwave the mixture on full power for one minute

Cover the cup with cling film and place it in the appliance for at least 60 seconds or until the center of the cake hardens.

  • It may be necessary to continue cooking for another 40 seconds with a low-powered microwave. If the center of the patty is not firm after the first minute, continue baking it at 10-second intervals until ready.
  • By inserting a toothpick in the center of the cake, you should take it out clean when the batter has hardened.
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 23
Make Cake Without an Oven Step 23

Step 4. Enjoy the dessert immediately

Remove the cling film and decorate the cake with whipped cream, chocolate syrup or icing sugar, according to your preferences; eat the dessert straight from the cup.
