Queen Elizabeth II has been one of the most important heads of state in the world for more than 60 years. Whether you live in England or any other country, you can write her a polite and reverent letter to show your respect for her. To write to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, be sure to follow all relevant protocols, even if they are not mandatory rules.
Method 1 of 3: Contact Her Majesty for a greeting

Step 1. Prepare a draft
Write a draft of the topics you would like to cover in your letter so you can better organize them. Include information about the purpose of the correspondence so as not to go off topic. For each point, create sub-points that further clarify what you want to write.
Make sure you divide your thoughts with different types of bulleted lists, such as Roman numerals, lowercase letters, and Arabic numerals

Step 2. Address the queen in the right way
Preferable terms are Your Majesty (Her Majesty) or May it please Your Majesty (with Her Majesty's permission). It may be more appropriate to address the letter to Her Majesty's private secretary or her lady-in-waiting, however you can write directly to the queen if you prefer.
- The royal family also accepts the less formal term Madam.
If your correspondence is with an assistant, follow these rules:
- The first reference to the queen must be Her Majesty The Queen (Her Majesty the Queen).
- For all other references use The Queen.
- You must replace the third person pronouns with Her Majesty (His Majesty).
Step 3. Contact the queen via the internet
Even though Her Majesty has an email address, the authorities have not made it public. Imagine how many messages it would receive if it were! To send a short message to the royal family, you can write to the royal family's official Twitter account, (@RoyalFamily). It seems that His Majesty is using this account and no longer his personal one, which has been inactive for some time.
Step 4. Don't have too many expectations
The queen receives a lot of letters, so it is not reasonable to assume that all of them can be answered. Asking for a reply would not be appropriate, so don't expect one from Her Majesty. If you are lucky enough to be contacted, the correspondence would bear the signature of the queen's lady-in-waiting or official writer.
Method 2 of 3: Write the Text of the Letter
Write to HM Queen Elizabeth II Step 5 Step 1. Create a draft of the letter text
Present your argument briefly, in a polite and formal tone. The rules of etiquette require you to briefly inform the reader of the general purpose of the communication, to continue with a more detailed explanation, and to conclude with a summary or final request. However, be careful what you write. The queen is the head of a constitutional monarchy, so letters asking for her personal or political support are inappropriate.
- Appropriate tone: "I would like to inform you of an important event that I believe deserves your attention."
- Inappropriate tone: "I expect my local football association to be recognized!"
Write to HM Queen Elizabeth II Step 3 Step 2. Write a test letter
Complete all the text and carefully review its structure, smoothness and check that your intentions are clearly communicated. After the check is complete, try reading the confusing parts aloud to see if they can fit.
- Try reading the letter to a friend or relative. They can help you find mistakes or present your ideas more effectively.
- A possible introduction: I would like to inform you of an important event that I believe deserves your attention. Recently, excellent service has been performed for our nation and I believe that His Majesty is ready to acknowledge the goodness of the work of a truly worthy fellow citizen of ours.
Step 3. Make sure the letter is legible
If your message is well written, it will be much easier to understand and the queen may even decide to read it herself. Try to use the best handwriting possible so that you understand how much you care about your letter. Follow some of these tips:
- Don't use a bizarre or hard-to-read font. Avoid even those that are too compact.
- Prefer black or blue ink. Lighter colors are more difficult to read.
- Use punctuation, grammar, and capitalization correctly. Avoid typical web habits (for example, all capitalized words to imitate a scream, abbreviations such as "LOL" and emoticons).
Step 4. Reread the letter for errors
You need to be sure that the text does not contain any typos, grammar or style errors. Once you have completed the letter, wait some time before re-reading it, because if the content is too fresh in your mind, you may overlook some detail. Read one line at a time. Try to hide the following ones from view so that your eyes can focus on any mistakes.
If you're typing on a computer and not by hand, check your spelling
Method 3 of 3: Close and Mail the Letter
Write to HM Queen Elizabeth II Step 4 Step 1. Conclude the letter correctly
Briefly summarize your request (e.g. Thank you for considering my request to honor such a deserving citizen). Finally, if you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, close with I have the honor to remain, Madam, Her Majesty's humblest and most obedient subject. If you are not a citizen of the United Kingdom, conclude with respect, following one of these examples:
- Yours truly is a perfect phrase, often used to write a letter to an important figure.
- Yours sincerely is also an acceptable alternative.
Step 2. Write the address on the envelope
Write your name and address in the upper left corner. You may receive an answer directly from the Queen, or from Her Majesty's lady-in-waiting. The recipient's address is as follows:
Her Majesty The Queen
Buckingham Palace
London SW1A 1AA.
Write to HM Queen Elizabeth II Step 7 Step 3. Send the letter
Fold it into three equal parts. For such an important communication, it might be worth measuring the folds before enveloping the sheet. Use the envelope as a guide for measuring thirds. Once the paper is folded, put it in the envelope and mail it to the queen.
- Get the necessary stamps. Depending on your geographic location and the weight of the envelope, the cost of shipping to London could be quite high.
- If you decide to include something in the envelope, be sure to comply with the list of materials that are eligible for mailing under the laws of Great Britain.
- Even if you decide to write the letter on the computer, you should still sign it by hand.
- Make sure you write in straight lines.
- Be sure your handwriting is flawless; if not, write the letter to the computer.
- Make sure the envelope and letter are the same color.