There are many physical, social and behavioral differences that distinguish men and women. Some are biological (for example, differences in body size), while others are learned or chosen. You can act like a guy by adopting some attitudes generally associated with men. There are many reasons why a girl may decide to behave more like a man, but it doesn't matter which ones they are, as long as you are happy and respect your personality.
Part 1 of 2: Behaving Like a Boy

Step 1. Be confident
A common trait for many guys is a tendency to appear confident and confident in all circumstances, even when they pretend. To seem more confident:
- Keep your back straight, head and chin up, look forward and not at the ground.
- Look people in the eye.
- Speak slowly and clearly.
- Don't fidget nervously.
- Keep your arms at your sides and don't cross them in front of you.
- At work, don't be afraid to talk when you have a good idea. Practice being confident when talking to colleagues and bosses.

Step 2. Exercise
Guys usually play a sport, so imitate them by doing the same. Some of the activities considered typically masculine include:
- Fish.
- Watch sports.
- Cycling.
- Go camping and hiking.

Step 3. Take risks
It seems men are more willing to take risks when it comes to gambling and recreation, so in order to behave like a guy, you need to learn to appreciate risk more than you normally do. Try following these tips:
- Do something that you know could make your parents angry, such as a benevolent joke on friends and family. Be careful not to commit any wrongdoing, as these are not risks you should take.
- Do activities where you could non-lethally injure yourself, such as skateboarding, mountain biking, or trying new, unusual foods.

Step 4. Clearly communicate your needs
Don't be afraid to ask for something you want or need and try to be specific. You can do this without being overbearing or rude, by using politeness and saying "Please" and "Thank you". Try these tips:
- When in a restaurant, don't let someone else order for you and specifically explain what you want. For example, if you want your food to be prepared a certain way, you can say, "I'd like a vegan burger, no mayonnaise and a side of salad with toppings on the side. Thank you."
- When working on a project with other people, if you know some tasks need to be completed, don't be afraid to delegate tasks to friends, colleagues, or classmates. Just make sure you do your share of the work! For example, you can say, "We'll finish sooner if we split the tasks. I'll take care of preparing the food. Laura, can you think of the guest list? Andrea, can you set up the decorations? Thank you all!".
- Clearly communicating your needs in a relationship means asking for help when you need it and explaining to friends and partners how they can support you. For example, if you feel that your partner is not doing enough housework, you can say, "I seem to take care of most of the housework and I need your help. I have made a list and divided the tasks.; I would appreciate it very much if you could take care of the tasks I have indicated to you ".

Step 5. Be assertive
Being assertive means taking others into consideration when expressing your opinion. It's an alternative to passivity, where you allow others to tell you what to do, and aggression, where you give the orders.
- You can be assertive by clearly communicating your feelings, beliefs, and opinions to other people, without specifying whether they are right or wrong. For example, during a discussion at school, you can say to a classmate: "I understand your opinion, but I believe that global warming is a real man-made problem, because scientific research supports this thesis."
- Be assertive in all aspects of life, such as at work, with friends and family, in romantic relationships, and when dealing with strangers. For example, if a friend does something you don't appreciate, you can say, "We are friends and I respect you and our friendship. I would like you to do the same and stop calling me by that name, because it's rude and offensive."
- To be assertive you need to be able to say "No" when you disagree and stand up for the positions you believe in. If someone tries to persuade you to do something you don't want, just say, "I think everyone has the right to join this nation, so I'm not going to participate in your protest."
Part 2 of 2: Adopting Masculine Attitudes

Step 1. Walk like a boy
Men and women have a tendency to walk differently due to biological, psychological and social differences. To walk like a boy, try:
- Swing your hips less and your shoulders more.
- Walk with your legs slightly more apart than you usually do.
- Keep the elbows slightly open outwards.
- Project your head and chest slightly forward to lead the step with your upper body.

Step 2. Squeeze your hand firmly
It's always good manners to have a firm squeeze, but some people find it even more important to boys. To make sure you have a firm grip, don't keep your hand soft, but tight and strong.
- Don't forget to look the other person in the eye when you shake their hand as a sign of safety and respect.
- A firm handshake is important when someone is introduced to you, when you greet or congratulate.

Step 3. Sit differently
Again due to biological and social differences, men and women usually sit differently, on chairs, armchairs, seats and on the floor.
- When crossing your legs, don't bring one completely over the other. On the contrary, spread your knees slightly and cross your ankles.
- If you don't want to cross your legs, keep your feet flat on the ground, with your knees and feet slightly apart.
- When you sit down, place your hands on your knees or armrests.
- Many men place their ankles on their knees when sitting down, as an alternative to crossing their legs.