How to Hang Colored Light Bulbs (with Pictures)

How to Hang Colored Light Bulbs (with Pictures)
How to Hang Colored Light Bulbs (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Colored light bulbs are strings of lights, like Christmas lights, that are used all year round to decorate the interior of houses and the garden. They can also refer to battery-powered LED fairy lights. Regardless of the type of lights you decide to use, there are several creative ways to hang them.


Part 1 of 4: Choosing and Hanging the Colored Light Bulbs

Hang Fairy Lights Step 1
Hang Fairy Lights Step 1

Step 1. Choose lights that are proportionate to the object you want to hang them on

Standard size light bulbs or Christmas bulbs may fit on a tree or a large wall, but would look too large on smaller items like a houseplant or small mirror. In these cases it would be better to use smaller lights.

  • Bulbs that plug into an electrical outlet are ideal for large spaces like a wall or a tree.
  • Those that run on battery are best suited for small items like mirrors.
  • Light nets generally come in standard sizes, so they work best on large spaces like the ceiling or a shrub.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 2
Hang Fairy Lights Step 2

Step 2. Match the thread color to the background if possible

Holiday lights usually have a green thread - they are perfect for a tree, but not so great for a wall or mirror. Instead, choose light bulbs that have the same color wire as the object on which you hang them: for example, if it is a white wall, choose those with white wire.

If you don't find any, try the ones that have silver or gold thread, avoiding those with green thread

Hang Fairy Lights Step 3
Hang Fairy Lights Step 3

Step 3. Use nails, thumbtacks or clear wall hooks to hang the light bulbs

What you choose will depend on the position of the lights. Use clear, self-adhesive wall hooks (e.g. Command) on walls, mirrors, shelves, and items you don't want to spoil. On the contrary, use nails or tacks for all other objects and also for the outside.

  • Match the color of the nail or pin to that of the thread.
  • Drive nails and tacks between the knotted threads, never through them.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 4
Hang Fairy Lights Step 4

Step 4. Place the power bulbs near an outlet

If there isn't one nearby, use an extension cord the same color as the wire, or buy light bulbs that run on battery power. You can find them in different sizes, standard or small.

Hang Fairy Lights Step 5
Hang Fairy Lights Step 5

Step 5. Get creative with hiding and connecting batteries

Do not let them dangle as they could tear the thread; rather, secure the power supply to the wall with Velcro tape. If you are going to use lights to decorate a shelf or mirror, you can hide the power supply behind an object on a shelf.

Hang Fairy Lights Step 6
Hang Fairy Lights Step 6

Step 6. Choose outdoor lights to decorate your porch or garden

Not all bulbs can withstand the elements. Even if you live in a dry climate where it rarely rains, it's best to opt for outdoor lights - many places are humid in the evening and early in the morning and this can cause a short circuit in regular light bulbs.

Part 2 of 4: Hang them on the Wall and Ceiling

Hang Fairy Lights Step 7
Hang Fairy Lights Step 7

Step 1. Attach some photographs to the string of light bulbs for a creative touch

Hang a long line of standard-size light bulbs on the wall by zigzagging them down, then attach the photos with small clothes pegs. If you want to hang a lot of them, you can also form several parallel rows of light bulbs, leaving enough space for photos in between.

It's a great way to share memories during a wedding, anniversary, or graduation

Hang Fairy Lights Step 8
Hang Fairy Lights Step 8

Step 2. If you want to decorate the wall, write a few words in italics

Use a pencil to write the word you are interested in, then secure the lights with nails or thumbtacks following the lines drawn earlier. Bring the nails together where there are sharp curves or loops.

  • You can use this method to make a simple shape, such as a heart.
  • For this purpose, you can use standard size bulbs or small ones.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 9
Hang Fairy Lights Step 9

Step 3. Combine the bulbs with a mirror decoration for a sparkling wall installation

Install a short curtain rod on the wall, then loosely wrap a row of standard-sized light bulbs around the rod so that they dangle like stalactites. finally wrap a mirror decoration in the same way. When you turn on the lights, the mirrors will sparkle and create reflections.

  • You can also use Christmas stalactites - you won't need to wrap them up because they already have the right shape.
  • A mirror decoration consists of a long thread to which circular or square mirrors are glued.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 10
Hang Fairy Lights Step 10

Step 4. Join several strands of light bulbs to frame a particular wall

Use nails, thumbtacks, or wall hooks to secure the lights along the perimeter of the wall in question. Pin them along the sides and top edge, but leave the bottom edge free.

This system is most effective with lights that need to be plugged into an outlet

Hang Fairy Lights Step 11
Hang Fairy Lights Step 11

Step 5. Twist a few strands of light bulbs along the ceiling of a corridor to illuminate it

Use nails or thumbtacks to fix the lights in a zigzag pattern the entire length of the hallway, going from one end to the other.

  • The closer they are to each other, the brighter the ceiling will be.
  • Save time by using a light net by making sure its width matches that of your porch or ceiling.
  • You can use this system outside under the porch roof - make sure the bulbs are for outdoor use.

Part 3 of 4: Lighting the Furniture

Hang Fairy Lights Step 12
Hang Fairy Lights Step 12

Step 1. Frame a wall mirror if you want to add light and a touch of style

Use nails or thumbtacks to attach the lights to the wall around the mirror - you can keep them taut for a brighter result or let them spiral into spirals for a full effect. If you can't find lights with white wire to match the wall, buy them with silver wire to match the mirror.

Alternatively, you can also attach them to the frame of a full-wall mirror. Use nails or thumbtacks for wooden frames or wall hooks for plastic or metal ones

Hang Fairy Lights Step 13
Hang Fairy Lights Step 13

Step 2. Place a light net behind a bookcase for extra lighting

First remove the back of the cabinet, then get a light net and place it in place of this behind the shelves, fixing it to the wall with a few nails.

  • If some lights protrude from the sides, hide them behind the cabinet.
  • First, use a hammer to pull out the nails from the back of the cabinet, then remove it.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 14
Hang Fairy Lights Step 14

Step 3. Arrange the light bulbs around the shelves if you want to light up the room

Use transparent hooks or nails to fix the lights to the edges of the shelf: if you want to decorate a whole piece of furniture, fix them on the top and on the sides; if it is single wall shelves, fix them on the front and on the sides.

  • Connect several wall shelves by attaching the wire to the back wall, making sure to drive the nails between the wrapped wires, not through them.
  • If you are using battery powered lights, hide it behind an object placed on a shelf.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 15
Hang Fairy Lights Step 15

Step 4. Hang the lights from a chandelier for a whimsical touch

Purchase or make a simple circular chandelier and hang it from the ceiling. Loosely wrap several strands of standard or small size light bulbs around the chandelier - battery-powered ones are better for this purpose, unless there is a socket in the ceiling to plug them into.

  • Make a simple chandelier by painting a hula hoop black or white, then hang it using 3/4 rings and a large ceiling hook.
  • If there is a battery power supply, hide it between the chandelier lights.
  • Add decorations of moss and faux flowers to make a floral chandelier.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 16
Hang Fairy Lights Step 16

Step 5. Decorate the bed with colored light bulbs as an alternative to the night light

You have several possibilities: if the bed has a wrought iron headboard, you can wrap them around the scrolls and the railing. If you have a canopy one, you can try alternatively with the following tips:

  • Wrap long strands of lights around the bed posts;
  • Arrange a light net on the top of the canopy;
  • Wrap the lights around the structure, letting them hang from the curtains.

Part 4 of 4: Hanging the Colored Bulbs Outside

Hang Fairy Lights Step 17
Hang Fairy Lights Step 17

Step 1. Wrap them around the trunk of some trees or some large plants to light up the garden

Colored bulbs are not only suitable for the Christmas period: they can also be used to illuminate outdoor plants. Choose them with the golden thread and wrap them around the trunk, or with the green thread for other plants and shrubs.

Wrap small, muted bulbs around indoor plants and saplings such as ficus

Hang Fairy Lights Step 18
Hang Fairy Lights Step 18

Step 2. Hang a string of bulbs between two trees to form an arch

Use nails and a hammer to attach one end to the first tree and the other to the second, hanging them high enough to walk under. You can use standard or ornamental garden bulbs.

This system works best with trees that are close to each other: if you need to join two or more wires together it means that the trees are too far apart

Hang Fairy Lights Step 19
Hang Fairy Lights Step 19

Step 3. Wrap them around a pergola or garden arch for a magical touch

Choose bulbs with wire of the same color as the arch or pergola and wrap them on top, securing them with a few nails at either end.

  • Use lights with a silver or white thread if the arch or pergola is white, golden if they are brown (unpainted wood).
  • If the bow is curved rather than square, you can wrap them around the sides as well.
Hang Fairy Lights Step 20
Hang Fairy Lights Step 20

Step 4. Combine ornamental lights and standard lights to create an artistic effect on the wall

Purchase two strands of regular light bulbs and two strands of ornamental lights and hang them on the outside wall in rows, alternating between one type and another. You can hold the strands taut to create straight lines or leave them loose for a draped effect.

  • Examples of ornamental lights are globes, bells, lanterns, pine cones and other particular shapes.
  • Standard colored bulbs are incandescent ones that look like Christmas lights.


  • LED bulbs are generally safer because they don't heat up like incandescent ones.
  • You can find colored light bulbs at craft, hardware, and garden tools stores.
  • In some cases it is possible to fix them to the wall or to other objects with the rubber bread: it works only in the case of small and light bulbs.
  • Look at some photos and online catalogs to get some ideas.
  • For a delicate and magical look use small bulbs that have equally fine and delicate threads.
