How to tell a girl that you find her beautiful

How to tell a girl that you find her beautiful
How to tell a girl that you find her beautiful

Table of contents:


Telling a girl that she's beautiful is a great compliment, and it could help you deepen your acquaintance with her or set the stage for a relationship. There is no recipe for this, but there are methods by which this compliment can be expressed in the best possible way.


Part 1 of 2: Set the scene

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 1
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 1

Step 1. Choose the right medium

There are many different ways to tell a girl that she is beautiful, and those words could have a much deeper meaning than just a compliment. Anyone can say those three words. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you have to try to be original.

Choose how you want the compliment to arrive. Would you like to talk to the girl in person, or would you rather do something like write her a letter to tell her how beautiful she is? A letter is fun and looks very vintage. It is something that very few people do nowadays. Surely, she will not forget a letter in which it is written that she is beautiful

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 2
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 2

Step 2. Link it to an action

Instead of just telling her you find her beautiful, accompany the compliment with an action. This could be something as simple as giving her a flower or a small personalized gift when you compliment her.

You could give her a small item and say, "I just wanted to make sure you know how beautiful you are."

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 3
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 3

Step 3. Try to justify your compliment

By telling a girl she is beautiful, you would be too vague. What is it that you like about her? Do you have gorgeous green eyes or curly, long and voluminous hair?

Also take into account the inner beauty, as well as the outer one. Instead of complimenting her on her looks, say something like, "I love how you can light up an entire room just by being yourself."

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 4
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 4

Step 4. Choose the right time

Blathering at a girl "you are beautiful" will probably have no effect on her, especially if, when you tell her, one of you is drunk. If you are trying to do it right, you need to choose the right timing.

Try to do this at an unusual time. Many girls are told that they are beautiful when they are dressed for a night out. Try telling her she looks good when she's back from the gym, or when she's completely removed. You will look more sincere and it will have more effect

Part 2 of 2: Get to the Point

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 5
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 5

Step 1. Be sure of yourself

Instead of thinking that you are putting yourself on the line, try to think of it as a time when you will make a person happy. This will make you feel more relaxed and it will be easier for you to tell the girl that you find her beautiful.

If you are a little nervous, that's fine anyway. You could also say to her, "I would really like to tell you how beautiful you are, but you make me feel really nervous."

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 6
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 6

Step 2. Be honest

When you tell her you think she looks beautiful, be honest about it. Focus on what you find truly beautiful about her, in terms of her looks but also her personality.

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 7
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 7

Step 3. Use more original words

Words like "beautiful", "pretty" and "sexy" have been used to exhaustion and have lost much of their meaning. Try to find words that can enhance her individual beauty or that can communicate to her how beautiful she is in your eyes.

To name a few of the funniest and most original: "radiant", "breathtaking", "elegant", "compelling" or "dazzling"

Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 8
Tell a Girl She's Beautiful Step 8

Step 4. Go beyond the compliment

Telling a girl that you find her beautiful can be a way to let her know that you'd like to learn more and build a more meaningful relationship with her. Tell the girl that you like being in her company, that you find her beautiful and that her presence makes you happy.
