Testosterone cream, which actually has more consistency than gel, is used as a treatment for men whose body does not produce enough male hormone; this medical condition is called hypogonadism. Testosterone is the hormone that triggers the growth and development of male sex organs and keeps secondary sex characteristics constant, such as a deep voice, muscle mass and a relatively hairy body. The gel or cream that contains it is only available on prescription and you need to take some precautions while smearing it.
Part 1 of 2: Application

Step 1. Choose a product
Once your doctor has determined (thanks to blood tests) that your body is producing insufficient testosterone, you can discuss with him which product and dosage is most suitable for the situation. Some, such as Androgel, are available in single-dose sachets or in pressure packs; Tostrex, on the other hand, is sold in multidose dispensers.
- If you are using a dispenser for the first time, prepare it by measuring the first dosage. Hold the bottle over the sink and press the nozzle fully down at least three times if you are using Androgel; press it six times instead, if you are using the Tostrex.
- Single-dose sachets are more convenient because they contain the exact amount you need to spread - just take one and open it.

Step 2. Measure the correct dose
Once the dispenser is prepared, place the palm of your hand under the nozzle and push the nozzle down the number of times indicated by the doctor. The drug concentration and dosage are calculated by the endocrinologist based on your testosterone levels and build. If you are using a tube product, simply take the recommended amount, which is typically the size of a 50 cent coin.
- Androgel is available in two concentrations, 1% and 1.62%; they are both applied to the skin but in different quantities.
- The recommended starting dose for Androgel 1% is 50 mg per day.
- If you have opted for single-dose sachets, tear the perforated edge and squeeze the entire contents into the palm of your hand or directly on the application site suggested by the doctor.

Step 3. Smear the gel or cream
Place it on clean, dry skin anywhere on your shoulders, arms, or abdomen, unless your doctor has advised you otherwise. The more concentrated version of Androgel (the 1.62% one) is typically used only on the shoulders and upper arms. Application sites are chosen that can be easily covered to avoid accidental contact with children, women and animals.
- Some creams are applied to the front or inner thighs.
- Others, on the other hand, must be spread only on the shoulders or arms and never on the abdomen.
- Avoid the genital area (penis and scrotum), as well as areas where there are abrasions or cuts.

Step 4. Wash your hands before and after handling the product
As soon as you have finished spreading the cream on clean, dry skin, it is essential to wash your hands immediately with warm soapy water, to avoid the risk of inadvertently transferring the hormone to women, children or pets before it has been completely absorbed by the epidermis of the hands.
- Testosterone is beneficial for men (in reasonable doses), but it can upset the endocrine balance of children, women and animals such as dogs and cats.
- Do not touch people and animals immediately after using the cream; wash and dry your hands thoroughly before engaging in any other activity.

Step 5. Cover the application site with clothing
After getting rid of the cream residue from your hands, you need to put on your clothes. This precaution is to protect other people from accidental contact with the hormone. Give the product at least 10 minutes to soak into the skin before putting on a shirt, pants or shorts.
- Depending on the state of health and hydration of the epidermis, a shorter period may be sufficient or it may take up to 20 minutes.
- It is best to use breathable cotton clothing, so that the gel continues to penetrate the skin even after it is covered with fabrics.

Step 6. Do not shower for the next two hours (at least)
It is advisable not to expose the treated skin to water for at least two hours, to avoid washing off the drug. If you are using the Androgel 1.62%, this waiting period is imperative; if you have opted for the less concentrated version, you must wait at least five hours before washing, showering or swimming in the pool.
- You should also avoid vigorous physical activity for a few hours, as the movement can make you sweat a lot.
- Although the cream is very likely to be completely absorbed in about 10 minutes, it actually takes longer for it to pass through all skin layers and reach the bloodstream.
Part 2 of 2: Precautions

Step 1. Go to the doctor regularly
It is very important to schedule a series of checkups (every few months or so) to monitor improvements, do blood tests and evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. It may take 3-6 months of daily use of the cream before returning the hormone concentration to normal levels, in some cases it even takes longer.
- The signs and symptoms of hypotestosteronemia are: reduced libido, erection problems, hair loss, lack of energy, decreased muscle mass, increased fatty tissue and mood swings (depression).
- Testosterone cream should not be used to treat the physiological decline of the hormone due to age.

Step 2. Keep the drug out of the reach of women and children
Although it has numerous health benefits for men suffering from hypogonadism, it is dangerous for these categories of people. In women it can alter the hormonal balance of estrogen and trigger the development of secondary male sexual traits - deep voice, increased hair and so on. In children (boys) it can over-stimulate the development process and make sexual characteristics appear prematurely.
- Pregnant women who are exposed to the medicine can give birth to babies with birth defects.
- In reality, occasional contact with an area just treated with the cream is not particularly dangerous, but continued exposure certainly causes problems for women, fetuses, children and pets.
- These individuals should also avoid touching the unwashed clothing of a person using testosterone cream.

Step 3. Recognize the negative effects
Testosterone is a steroid hormone and its application to the skin for prolonged periods (many months or years) increases the risk of side effects; the most common are blood in the urine, difficulty urinating and frequent urination, as the drug stimulates the prostate. Inform your doctor immediately of any complaints.
- The other relatively common discomforts are: abdominal gas and swelling of the face, feet, hands, face and back acne, blurry vision, dizziness, redness of the face, headache, aggression, sweating, hair loss and tachycardia. If you have sleep apnea, the disorder may get worse and you should discuss the use of a C-PAP device with your doctor.
- Men who use testosterone cream are susceptible to deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism due to the increased number of red blood cells triggered by the therapy. You should speak to your doctor about scheduling screening tests for these conditions and be alert for any leg / calf pain or shortness of breath.
- Taking drugs that contain testosterone typically causes the volume of the testicles to shrink due to atrophy (the organs don't have to work to produce the natural hormone).
- The therapy instead increases the size of the penis in men and the clitoris in women.
- Testosterone gel is flammable until it has completely dried on the skin; therefore avoid spreading it when you are near heat sources, open flames or while smoking a cigarette.
- Store the product in a sealed container, at room temperature, away from sources of heat, humidity and direct light; never freeze it.
- If your skin starts to get irritated and itchy, change application sites, but remember to tell your doctor first.
- Try to alternate the areas of application; for example, one day put the gel on the right shoulder and the next day on the left.
- If you find that you have hypotesteronemia following a fracture, you need to have a bone density test every two years.
- You should have a blood test to find out the total volume of blood cells (hematocrit) before starting testosterone therapy.