This article explains how to optimize a Mac's RAM memory usage without restarting the computer. The "purge" command will help you improve the performance of a Mac by removing all the data from the RAM memory that is still present but is no longer needed.

Step 1. Open a Finder window by clicking on the icon
It is located on the System Dock which is normally displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Step 2. Click on the Go menu
It is displayed on the menu bar, docked at the top of the screen.

Step 3. Click on the Utility item
A window with a list of applications will appear.

Step 4. Scroll down the list and double click on the Terminal app icon
It is characterized by a black square, inside which the white characters "> _" are visible.

Step 5. Type the command sudo purge inside the "Terminal" window
This is the command that allows you to delete all data that is no longer needed from the RAM memory and the hard disk cache.
By doing so, none of your personal files will be deleted from the Mac

Step 6. Press the Enter key
You will be asked to enter your password.

Step 7. Type your user account password and press the Enter key
At this point, the RAM memory and hard drive cache will be optimized for use.