A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a number that identifies the network card installed on your computer. It is made up of six pairs of characters separated by the ':' symbol. You may need to provide your MAC address in order to access a network with restrictive security policies. To find out your MAC address on any device that has a network connection keep reading this article.
Method 1 of 12: Windows 10

Step 1. Connect to a network
This method only works when you are connected to a network. Make sure you are connecting to the network with the network card you need to know the MAC address of. Use the Wi-Fi card if you need to know the MAC address of this device; alternatively, use the Ethernet network card.

Step 2. Click on the network icon
It is usually located on the right side of the Windows taskbar, next to the clock.

Step 3. Click Properties on your connection
This will open the network settings.

Step 4. Scroll down to the "Properties" section
This is the final section in the window.

Step 5. Find the MAC address value next to "Physical address (MAC)"
Method 2 of 12: Windows Vista, 7, or 8

Step 1. Connect to a network
This method only works when you are connected to a network. Make sure you are connecting to the network with the network card you need to know the MAC address of. Use the Wi-Fi card if you need to know the MAC address of this device; alternatively, use the Ethernet network card.

Step 2. Select the network icon located on the right side of the Windows taskbar, next to the clock
Depending on the type of connection it can look like a small bar graph, or a small computer screen (as in the case of the image). From the context menu that will appear, select the item 'Open Network and Sharing Center'.
In Windows 8, select the 'Desktop' application from the 'Start' menu. When the desktop appears, right-click on the network connection icon. From the context menu that will appear, select the item 'Open Network and Sharing Center'

Step 3. Search for your network name and select it
It should be on the right, next to the 'Connections:' label. This will give you access to the 'Wi-Fi Status' panel.

Step 4. Press the 'details' button
A list of parameters regarding your computer's network connection will appear, similar to what you would get with the 'ipconfig' command from the command prompt.

Step 5. Look for the property labeled 'Physical Address'
Its value will match your MAC address.
Method 3 of 12: Windows 98 and XP

Step 1. Connect to a network
This method only works when you are connected to a network. Make sure you are connecting with the network card you need to know the MAC address of. Use the Wi-Fi card if you need to know the MAC address of this device; alternatively, use the Ethernet network card.

Step 2. Open 'Network Connections'
If you don't find its icon on your desktop, you can look for the network connection icon on the right side of the Windows taskbar, next to the system clock. Select it with the mouse to open the panel relating to the status of the active network connection or, alternatively, to view the list of available networks nearby.
You can also access the 'Network Connections' panel by choosing the 'Control Panel' item from the 'Start' menu

Step 3. Right click on your active connection and select 'Status'

Step 4. Press the 'Details' button
Note that in some versions of Windows this button is located on the 'Support' tab. A list of parameters regarding your computer's network connection will appear, similar to what you would get with the 'ipconfig' command from the command prompt.

Step 5. Look for the property labeled 'Physical Address'
Its value will match your MAC address.
Method 4 of 12: Any other version of Windows

Step 1. Open the 'Command Prompt'
Press the key combination 'Windows + R' and type the command 'cmd' in the 'Open' field. Press 'Enter' and the command prompt window will appear on the screen.
In Windows 8, use the 'Windows + X' key combination to select the 'Command Prompt' item from the context menu that will appear

Step 2. Use the 'getmac' command
Inside the command prompt window type the following command 'getmac / v / fo list' and press 'Enter'. A list of information regarding your network connection will appear.

Step 3. Look for the parameter labeled 'Physical Address'
Its value will match your MAC address. Make sure you write down the MAC address of the active network card, because all the network interfaces available on your computer will appear in the list. Remember that your Wi-Fi network card has a different MAC address than the Ethernet network card.
Method 5 of 12: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Later

Step 1. Go to the 'System Preferences' panel
To do this, select the 'System Preferences' item from the 'Apple' menu that you can find in the upper left corner of the screen. Make sure you are connecting to the network with the network card you need to know the MAC address of.

Step 2. Select your connection
Select the 'Network' icon and then double-click the 'AirPort' or 'Ethernet' item, depending on the network connection currently active on your computer. The list of network connections is available in the left frame.
- In case of an 'Ethernet' connection, press the 'Advanced' button and then select the 'Ethernet' tab. At the top you will find the 'Ethernet ID' parameter which corresponds to the MAC address of the Ethernet card.
- In case of an 'AirPort' connection, press the 'Advanced' button. At the bottom of the page you will find the 'AirPort ID' parameter, which corresponds to the MAC address of the Wi-Fi network card.
Method 6 of 12: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) and Earlier Versions

Step 1. Go to the 'System Preferences' panel
To do this, select the 'System Preferences' item from the 'Apple' menu that you can find in the upper left corner of the screen. Make sure you are connecting to the network with the network card you need to know the MAC address of.

Step 2. Select 'Network'

Step 3. Select the active network connection from the 'Show' drop-down menu
In this menu you will find the list of all devices for network connection. Select the 'AirPort' or 'Ethernet' connection.

Step 4. After choosing the active network connection, select the 'AirPort' or 'Ethernet' tab
Within the selected tab you will find the MAC address of the active network connection, represented by the value associated with the 'ID Airport' or 'Ethernet ID' parameter.
Method 7 of 12: Linux

Step 1. Open a 'Terminal' window
Depending on the Linux distribution you are using, this tool will be called 'Terminal', 'Xterm', 'Shell', 'Command Prompt', or similar. Normally you will find the icon in the 'Accessories' section of the 'Applications' menu (or in the equivalent path of your distribution).

Step 2. Open the configuration interface
Type 'ifconfig -a' and press 'Enter'. If you are denied access, type 'sudo ifconfig -a' and when prompted, enter your password.

Step 3. Scroll through the list of information until you find the network connection you are using
Normally the 'Ethernet' connection is identified by the label 'eth0'. Look for the 'HWaddr' parameter. This is your MAC address.
Method 8 of 12: iOS

Step 1. From the 'Home' of your device, select the 'Settings' icon to access the relevant panel, then press the 'General' item

Step 2. Select the 'Info' item
A list of information about your device will appear. Scroll down the list until you find the 'Wi-Fi address' parameter, the value of which represents the MAC address.
This procedure works for all iOS devices: iPhone, iPod and iPad

Step 3. Look for the 'Bluetooth' parameter if you need to know the physical address of this connection
It is located immediately after the 'Wi-Fi address' parameter.
Method 9 of 12: Android

Step 1. From the 'Home' of your device, select the button to access the main menu and choose the 'Settings' item
Alternatively, you can select the 'Settings' icon from the 'Applications' panel.

Step 2. Scroll through the list of settings until you find, and select, the 'About device' item
This is usually the last item on the list. Select the 'Status' option.

Step 3. Scroll through the list of parameters until you find 'Wi-Fi MAC Address', which represents the MAC address of the wireless network connection

Step 4. Look for the 'Bluetooth address' parameter, if you need to know the physical address of this connection
It is located immediately after the 'Wi-Fi MAC address' parameter. To correctly display the MAC address, the bluetooth service must be active.
Method 10 of 12: Windows Phone 7 or Later

Step 1. From your device's 'Home', access the 'Settings' by swiping your finger to the right
Scroll down the list that appears, until you find the 'Settings' item.

Step 2. Scroll through the list of settings until you find the 'About' item
Within the 'About' panel, press the 'More information' button. The MAC address of your device will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Method 11 of 12: Chrome OS

Step 1. Select the 'Network' icon located in the lower right corner of the screen, displayed with 4 curved waves

Step 2. From the menu that will appear, select the network status by pressing the 'i' icon located in the lower right corner
A message will appear indicating the MAC address of your device.
Method 12 of 12: Video game console

Step 1. MAC address on Playstation 3
Select the 'Settings' item from the PS3 main menu. Scroll the list of options to the left and select the 'System Settings' item.
Select the 'System Information' item and scroll through the list until you find the 'MAC Address' parameter immediately after the IP address

Step 2. MAC address on Xbox 360
From the console dashboard, select the 'Settings' tab and then 'System'. Select the 'Network Settings' option and choose the type of connection between 'Wired Network' and 'Wireless Network'. After that, choose the 'Configure Network' option.
- Select the 'Other Settings' tab and then 'Advanced Settings'.
- The MAC address of the console will appear in the lower left of the window. The separator symbol ':' will not be used for the MAC address display.

Step 3. MAC address on the Wii
From the console's 'Wii Channels' menu, select 'Wii Console Settings'. Select the 'Internet' option found on the second page of the menu. Now choose the 'Wii console info' option. The MAC address of the console will be the first value in the list.
- A MAC address is a code consisting of 6 pairs of characters (numbers and / or letters) separated by dashes.
- Your MAC address can also be found using third party network utilities, or by checking the properties of the network card through 'Device Manager'.
- On Mac OS X you can use the Linux method, which uses the 'Terminal' window. This procedure works because the Mac OS X operating system uses the Darwin kernel (based on BSD).