People who play the piano - whether they are beginners or professionals - always want to improve themselves. We are all ambitious, but we are often disappointed when we make progress at a snail's pace. This article teaches you the best ways to become a good pianist, and offers some tips to apply as you practice.

Step 1. Try to practice one hour a day, or half an hour, if you are busy or do not have enough time

Step 2. When you have more free time, practice more
For example, during the weekend you could practice for more than an hour, 2 or 3, or even more. This is very useful because it avoids creating a routine and gives you the ability to practice more and perfect the pieces you play.

Step 3. Listen to the songs or pieces you play
For example, if you go to a piano lesson and are about to start a new piece, search online for the video or audio of that piece and listen to it. This will help you understand how to play the song and make you recognize the emotions the piece conveys.

Step 4. Try not to look at the dynamics of a piece as rules that cannot be broken
For example, if the piece starts with a half flat it means the dynamics are moderately smooth and don't have precise volume levels. If you practice, you don't have to play exactly to the dynamics if you can't hear your music; only follow the dynamics when you play correctly.

Step 5. Play and don't worry about mistakes
This can help you because it's like going through a paragraph and looking at the photo. It helps you understand what the passage wants to communicate before you read it and know what comes next. As for the music, it can help you avoid mistakes.

Step 6. Pay close attention to your mistakes
Don't treat them as an obstacle, but as an incentive to avoid them in the future.

Step 7. Count as you play, following the tempo
For example, if the tempo is 4/4, count the notes in each beat you play. It will help you judge when slowly or quickly a note should be played. There is no need to count in a piece that you already know how to play well.

Step 8. Play in front of friends and family
It may be difficult at first, as some people are shy or unsure of themselves. However this will help you sound better and give you more confidence to play in front of an audience.

Step 9. Ask someone to play the piece you are practicing
For example, a professional pianist or a teacher can be of great help. When you play something, it may help you understand how to play a piece and how to play it better.

Step 10. Focus on playing the piece correctly
Many people believe that they are good when they play alone, but that they are not good when they play in public. Avoid playing too fast or too slow to impress others, even if you are alone. Keep a good time to help you focus and avoid mistakes. When you can play a piece well in a certain time then you can play it faster or slower.
- Try playing with your hands apart at first to become familiar with the notes and timing.
- Record yourself playing every now and then. It will be easier to hear mistakes. You may even be surprised at your talent!
- Try to play right. For example, if a piece is calm and melancholy from start to finish, don't play it oddly or too loud to change its effect. This way you will be more professional, especially in front of an audience.
- Try playing a piece correctly for the first time, as if you know it. It will be weird, but it will help you finalize your music.
- Try to "feel" the piece. Try to understand the emotions it communicates simply by reading the title, or the description (if any) or do a search on the song. It will help you play better because you will understand emotions and as you play you will be able to convey them.
- Never stop practicing! Whether it's ten minutes or 4 hours a day, it's the most important thing to be a good pianist.
- If you are not used to sheet music, use a piano music converter.