While silencing someone is considered rude, there are times when the best way to resolve a conflict is to end a conversation. If someone is rude, aggressively pushy, or annoying you, there are many ways to silence someone. Here are some of them.
Method 1 of 3: Sending Signs of Disinterest

Step 1. Use uninvolved body language before the conversation begins
While it may seem rude to you, turning your body, holding headphones, and avoiding eye contact is a sign that you are not in the mood to talk. This can save you from having to tell someone to shut up later.
- Continue the activities you were doing when you were interrupted.
- Get up and move, be active and find small tasks to do instead of listening.

Step 2. Interrupt the person as soon as you can
Saying things like "I'd like to add something" or "If I can interrupt you for just a moment" will often make the other person realize that they are talking too much. Even if a person speaks quickly, you can break the one-sided flow of discussion by taking a breath or a short moment of silence.
- Signal that you want to speak by raising your hand, opening your mouth, or clapping your hands. Anything that can break the other person's chain of thoughts and give you a chance to talk will be fine.
- If the other person asks you to be able to finish their thoughts, don't let them continue to dominate the conversation; interrupt it once the sentence is finished.

Step 3. Lead the conversation
This is especially useful if you are dealing with a person you talk to often. Let the person know that you have listened to them and guide the discussion in another direction.

Step 4. Say you don't have much time to talk
Phrases such as "I would love to talk, but I am overwhelmed with work right now", "Today is not a good day to talk, I have so many things to do" and "Unfortunately I can't give you all my attention now", will allow you to easily avoid a conversation.
- If you don't want to talk, use a generic excuse like "Let's hear from you at another time" or "I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry. See you later!"
- If the other person is always talking over you, you will need to be more direct.
Method 2 of 3: Abruptly Ending Conversations

Step 1. Respect and protect your borders
Telling someone to "shut up", even in a polite way, is difficult for people who are generally friendly and kind. However, if someone offends you, is aggressive or wastes your time, you will have to defend yourself.
- Ending a conversation doesn't mean ending a friendship, so don't be afraid.
- Talking too much means having no respect for yourself or your time, and if you let the other person talk, you may be encouraging that behavior.

Step 2. Use a firm tone
Be direct and straight to the point and avoid asking questions or leaving room for interpretations with ambiguous language. Don't say "Do you mind if I get back to work?" Say "I'll get back to work."
- Speak clearly and make eye contact. Raise your voice if you need to be heard, but try to keep your tone steady.
- Use declarative sentences ("I am") instead of conditional questions or sentences ("If you").
- Example: DON'T SAY "Well, I'm pretty busy right now." USE INSTEAD "I have a lot to do and unfortunately I don't have time to talk".

Step 3. Tell the other person that they have crossed the line if they offend you
When someone hurts you and is rude, tell them you prefer not to talk and have a good day. Giving cheer to someone who speaks aggressively will only increase that person's anger and loudness, so be mature and walk away.
- Example: "Enough. I don't tolerate this language."
- Ignore other comments.
- Learn to recognize the line between conversation and harassment and ask for help if you feel threatened.

Step 4. Announce that the conversation is over
If someone keeps talking, let them know you need to go and walk away. Be polite but firm and don't dwell on if they have to say "one last thing". You've done everything you can to end the conversation peacefully, so don't feel sorry if the other person doesn't respect your time anyway.
Example: "It was nice talking to you, but I'm going now."
Method 3 of 3: Silencing People You See Often

Step 1. Listen for a reasonable time
Listening actively will help you understand not only what a person is talking about, but potentially "why" they talk so much. While some people talk a lot because of their ego or because they are aggressive, others do it because they are nervous, want your friendship, or want to get a weight off their stomach. Understanding why someone isn't silent will help you end the conversation in the kindest way.
Ignoring people, creating conflict, or feigning interest will lead to longer conversations. Being polite but honest is usually the best choice

Step 2. Set a time limit for the conversation
If you know someone talks a lot, and it will be hard to stop them, say right away that you have a commitment.
Example: "Glad to see you, but I only have a few minutes to talk."

Step 3. Learn how to get a colleague to stop talking
When you are at work you will often have the opportunity to remain at peace and quiet. Saying that you "have a deadline to meet", that you are "trying to focus more on work", or that "I'd rather not talk about these things in the office" can easily avoid long or awkward conversations.
- If someone has a habit of annoying you, talk to HR or a supervisor.
- Example: "Glad to see you, but I only have 5 minutes!"
- Example: "I have to go get the children soon, so I have to escape."

Step 4. Learn to silence a friend or partner
When you spend a lot of your time with the same person, there will inevitably be times when you don't want to hear their voice. They will probably think the same thing too. Find activities to do together, such as reading, watching a movie, or meditating, that require silence.
- "I need some time to relax and think, let's talk in an hour." Spending time alone will allow both of you to focus on what's important and talk about it later.
- Example: "Today was a very tiring day! I need a few minutes of peace and quiet."

Step 5. Learn to silence your parents
We all love our parents, but they often have the ability to exasperate us with their talk. While you should always be respectful, there are a few ways to get rid of them without causing family drama. Writing letters or emails and inviting them to do the same will help keep you in touch with your times.
- Don't talk too much about problems or stress, as many parents want to know everything that is wrong with their children's lives.
- Don't be too stiff - give them details. If you are reserved and quiet, many parents will keep talking to figure out what the problem is.
- Communicate with them regularly. It might seem counterproductive to you, but giving them regular updates can avoid the information overload that can occur if you speak once a month or a year.
- Example: "I'm so happy with the opportunity to hear from you mom, but I have to go. I'll call you soon!"

Step 6. Learn to silence a bully
Getting a bully to leave you alone can be difficult, but removing their ammo often makes them shut up. Laugh at his insults, ignore them and resist the temptation to play who screams the loudest.
Being reserved or sarcastic will surprise them. "Would your poor mother approve of this language?" "Has anyone watched too many Restricted Movies" or "Hey, you must have had a difficult childhood?" they are sarcastic answers, but avoid being too hostile
- While it may give you satisfaction, telling someone to "shut up" is often counterproductive and only serves to escalate the conversation.
- A passive aggressive attitude leads people to compensate and talk more.
- Avoid spending too much time with people who talk a lot.
- Don't be rude. Be polite and sincere, but state your reasons clearly.