How to Remove Mind Tattoos: 9 Steps

How to Remove Mind Tattoos: 9 Steps
How to Remove Mind Tattoos: 9 Steps

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"Mental tattoos" are mental imprints. They cloud and pollute your mind, and sometimes keep you from being happy. Even if they are not seen, they manifest in your actions, reactions, and thought processes, and very often they are a negative imprint. If body tattoos are displays, can we consider mental tattoos as inhibitions?

Even if you try to hide them with excuses, distractions, or overlaps, mental tattoos show and harm you with their persistence. However, you can take them out with a little effort and a lot of determination. Theory is easier than practice, but once you decide to get rid of mental tattoos and really put in the effort your life will get better.


Remove Mind Tattoos Step 1
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 1

Step 1. Use the simple move method

Mental tattoos and negative mental attitudes develop in a vacuum. Don't allow this emptiness to build up in your mind. Increase your curiosity for things around you and beyond, and allow yourself the privilege of marveling. Let the novelty of each moment tantalize your senses. Ask yourself questions, keep asking yourself the classic questions: what, why, when, where and how. A curious mind is an open mind, not an omniscient mind (which instead quickly leads to arrogance and closure towards novelty). Only an open mind can be creative. A knowing mind can never be creative.

Step 2. When you open your mind, it can be filled with creativity, positivity and novelty

Negative mental attitudes and mental tattoos can be moved and erased.

A curious attitude makes the mind sensitive in a very special way, enabling it to perceive things it would otherwise have ignored

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 2
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 2

Step 3. Stop blaming the blame

The most damaging tattoo is the tendency to seek and find the scapegoat for every circumstance. Free yourself from the tendency to not face problems and run away from responsibilities. Stop torturing yourself whenever a problem arises; Although it is fair to wish for a life without problems, in reality this is only possible if you commit yourself to making problems surmountable, thanks to an active attitude. This means that you have to roll up your sleeves every time a problem arises, and you have to face it in order to try to improve the quality of your life. Having a problem is never a problem. Once you have made problem solving an integral part of your life it will come naturally to you; you will feel stronger, more capable, and freer from negative mental tattoos.

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 3
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 3

Step 4. Open your mind to the ideas of friends, acquaintances, and even strangers

A tattooed mind is subject to preconceived ideas and closed to external suggestions. Open your thinking to the ideas, opinions and views of friends, colleagues and strangers. As you realize the value of these alternative ideas and viewpoints you will be able to start using this increased understanding and empathy to improve the quality of your thinking and decisions.

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 4
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 4

Step 5. Set achievable goals, and make sure you reach them

One of the main causes of negative thinking is personal or professional failure; Not just failure though - but the inability to learn from failure and grow, to accept it as part of the lessons that life gives us. Negative thinking can take hold in our mind when personal and professional goals are not adequate. A misunderstanding of one's strengths or weaknesses often leads to not establishing achievable goals, for which many excuses are sought to avoid creating a purpose in one's life. If you let others make the decisions and change the rules, you will drift instead of fulfilling yourself in life. Instead, try to get to know yourself, understand yourself and be yourself when setting goals. This way you can be successful and you can keep failure at bay. Also, don't be discouraged by failures but consider them a mix up that teaches you how to act best next time.

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 5
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 5

Step 6. Stop feeling unsatisfied all the time

Perennial dissatisfaction is a clear sign that you have a negative mental attitude; a positive person can spot you from a kilometer away and will do what they can to stay away from you (as a result you attract more negativity than positivity). It's okay to be aware of your dissatisfaction and unfulfilled desires, but this awareness shouldn't frustrate you or make you give up because things are always "too hard" or "over". Even if you feel frustrated, you don't have to show it in your attitude towards others. Indeed, you should use this awareness as a stimulus to try to make your dreams come true, and be grateful for what you have already achieved.

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 6
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 6

Step 7. Don't overestimate the effects of your level (or lack of) education

Thinking that you are ignorant or not educated enough is one of the most self-destructive tattoos you can have. However, even a high level of education can imprint negative tattoos: arrogance, excessive moralism, dissatisfaction with social position or sensitivity to past failures. Whatever your case, you need to understand that education received in school is different from education. Education comes from life experiences, the people you meet, the things you discover, and the environment in which you move and observe every day. Often people with little or no education are more knowledgeable about the facts of life. Less educated people are often very successful because their minds are free from the preconceptions that education can instill in us. Those who have attained a higher level of education and who therefore think they have a "high social status" may actually have a closed mind to new ideas and lack empathy towards others, consequently they may not be successful. Both of these types of people would be better off

  • Realize that universities and degrees do not determine the level of education and do not even determine a person's intelligence or his ability to cope with life.
  • Instead, try to understand what they have yet to learn and find the quickest way to learn it.
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 7
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 7

Step 8. Reframe your problem situation from other points of view

Often a situation seems hopeless and without solution. In many cases, this pessimism does not correspond to reality, especially when it is based on the fact that we believe ourselves to be victims and imagine things that do not exist. Try to reframe the situation differently until you find a point of view that makes it acceptable, and perhaps allows you to make the right decision.

Remove Mind Tattoos Step 8
Remove Mind Tattoos Step 8

Step 9. Get conscious and positive mental tattoos

What we get tattooed on the body, and what others can see, is not as important as what we tattoo on the mind. Much of what we have tattooed in our mind comes from the criticisms, expectations and limitations that have been imposed on us by other people; they are not tattoos that we have chosen or wanted, but they were born from a sense of duty, loyalty, misplaced trust, and an excessive desire to please others. Instead, positive, successful, and energetic tattoos are absolutely necessary to achieve success and are tattoos we can choose to have and thrive on. So you should consciously (and essentially unconsciously) make an effort to keep creating tattoos that are only about winning and living well. Imprint and nurture tattoos that reflect who you want to be, the goals you want to achieve, and the successes you want to achieve. Create and mentally choose what you want to achieve each day.

Concentration is not achieved without help. It requires effort and conscious attention. However, once you are focused you can fulfill many of your desires because you make a conscious effort to do the necessary, and channel your unconscious experience more effectively


  • As you go through this process of change, the people around you may be the biggest hindrance. Be patient with them and be determined to pursue your goal. Sometimes the fears and insecurities of others mean that they don't want us to change and improve: you can't carry their burdens, you can only choose to improve for yourself.
  • Being successful is better than winning at the expense of others. You will sleep better and have more resources in the future. If you take advantage of people or treat them badly on your climb to success, they will do it to you as well when the success fades, and they will remember well who you are.
  • Be very careful while removing negative tattoos. Feelings and impulses must be kept at bay.
  • Accept the advice and guidance of your peers and older people. While you don't have to do everything you are told, the experiences of others are important sources of information and guidance to get you on the right path, avoiding the mistakes that other people have already made. Remember that inventing something that already exists is just a waste of time: take advantage of the experience of the generations that preceded you.


  • Do not rush. If you expect to have big results too quickly, you may experience disappointment and frustration.
  • Your mental tattoos are well ingrained and will resist elimination at first. You need to be consistent and confident. You are able to get rid of it, and you will.
  • Proceed by trial and error and filter the advice you are given. Try something recommended, but if you don't get results, try to understand why. Some things may be suitable for other people but not for you. Sedentary people can feel bad because they don't exercise, but a disabled person may feel bad if they exercise. If those other people have the same mental tattoos as you, they will often only strengthen them - they weren't born alone. Don't let them feed you the same preconceptions, perhaps rationalized in some way. Your mind tattoos originated somewhere, so evaluate where they come from and weigh the ideas for what they're worth.
  • If both friends and enemies agree on something about you, then it's probably true or there's something about you that gives that image.
