How to make a wish come true overnight

How to make a wish come true overnight
How to make a wish come true overnight

Table of contents:


If you want your wish to come true overnight, you need to have a specific goal, a positive mindset and a little luck. Don't think that if you make a wish, the universe will automatically do its utmost to get you exactly what you want; you will have to visualize its fulfillment, also using the power of optimism. First write down your wish, reflect on it trying to make it as specific as possible, then repeat it out loud several times. Create a vision board or mantra to improve understanding of your desire. If possible, take action to make it happen, but keep in mind that there is no way to magically make something happen overnight.


Part 1 of 3: Expressing the Wish

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 1
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 1

Step 1. Be aware of the limits of desire

It is important to recognize that it is not enough to desire something for it to happen; however this does not mean that it is a useless or not very productive activity. Conceiving a desire and focusing on it can help you understand what you want, why you want it, and how to get it. Your experience will be more positive if you recognize that making a wish is more of a visualization technique than some kind of magical practice.

Consider what you can accomplish overnight and get to work on achieving it. Do everything you can to achieve your goal

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 2
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 2

Step 2. Think about what you want to happen

Start by asking yourself, "What do I want to happen?" Be specific and accurately imagine what you want to happen over the next 24 hours. If it's unrealistic to think that that wish could come true overnight, then turn it into a long-term goal.

  • For example, the fantasy "I want to graduate from a good school" cannot come true if exam day is not tomorrow and you have not successfully completed the last year. This is a type of desire that can only work in the long run.
  • If you don't know what wish to make, think about what would make you happy if it happened tomorrow. Try to imagine what would have to happen to make this happy scenario materialize; if in theory it is possible for it to take place tomorrow, then you can target it.
  • It takes a little luck for a wish to come true, so you can also wish for something you don't have complete control over.
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 3
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 3

Step 3. Be as specific as possible in defining your wish

As soon as you have a general idea of what you want to happen, try to narrow it down a bit. For example, if you want to have the boyfriend, try to add more details. Do you want your boyfriend to go to a certain school or have his hair a certain way? How will you meet? This kind of question will help you make your goal more specific.

If your wish is not well defined, it will be difficult to determine whether it has come true or not. For example, if you want good health and then catch a cold, does that mean your wish hasn't come true? The more specific you are, the better you can understand if it has come true or not

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 4
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 4

Step 4. Ask yourself why you want this wish to come true and redefine it

As the saying goes, "what you sow is reaped"; if your ambition is dictated by greed or self-centeredness, perhaps it would be better to redefine everything in more positive terms. When you understand the essence of your desire, ask yourself, "Why do I want this to happen?" and "Will it be better or worse for the world if it comes true?". The answers to these questions will tell you if you need to express it or not.

  • For example, if you are hoping for a report card with excellent grades, don't think, "I want excellent grades so my friends will consider me smart"; instead think: "I want good grades because it will mean that I am improving as a person."
  • Never wish anyone's evil.


do not make more than one wish at a time. If you divide your attention, you run the risk of none of them coming true.

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 5
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 5

Step 5. Write down your wish, meditate on it and stick it on the wall of your room

Write down your wish on a blank sheet of paper; stare at it for 1-2 minutes and repeat what you wrote aloud. Think about the words to use and try to think of a way to make them more specific or accurate. Evaluate whether your intentions are good or not. When you have established a single wish, rewrite it, or keep the first copy already written, and hang the paper somewhere in your room so you can look at it.

Being able to refer to the specific words of your desire is essential to staying focused on it. Displaying it where other people can also see it will encourage you to stay true to your purpose

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 6
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 6

Step 6. Create a vision board to help you conceptualize your desire

Take a sheet of styrofoam or cardboard that is large enough; choose from some magazine some images related to your desire (or download them from the internet). Cut them out and tape them to the sheet with glue or tape to create a vision board. Organize the board however you like! Arrange images and add illustrations to personalize the concept.

  • Vision boards help creators stay focused on their goal and visualize what it will look like once it is done. It could also be a therapeutic activity or creative fun.
  • For example, if your wish is "I want my first day of school to be productive, I also want to please other students", start cropping photos of friends getting along, teachers smiling at students, or close friends. hugging each other.

Part 2 of 3: Infusing Positive Energy into Desire

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 7
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 7

Step 1. Visualize your wish come true

Don't let anxiety or fear take over. Imagine everything you want to happen: literally draw it in your mind, predicting the best outcome; keep doing this even as you get ready for bed, putting everything back on a vision board or recording it on your phone. Keep thinking positive thoughts to convince yourself that your project will have a great result!

  • If you have trouble staying positive, try to identify the source of your negative thoughts and address them in your mind.
  • For example, if you're worried that you won't get what you want for Christmas, try to figure out what exactly is bothering you. If you fear that your family (or Santa Claus) is forgetting about you, fight this thought by recalling all the reasons why you deserve to be remembered!
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 8
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 8

Step 2. Meditate to calm down and come to terms with your desire

To meditate, sit in a chair with your back straight or on the floor in the lotus position; turn off the lights and eliminate all distractions. Close your eyes, try to control your breathing by counting every time you inhale and exhale. When you are completely relaxed, start reflecting on your desire, let your mind wander and explore different paths and lines of thought.


meditating is a good way to think about your desire by analyzing all the implications and the different elements that concern it. For example, when analyzing a desire about your best friend, you might think about how nice it would be to keep dating until both of you are old.

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 9
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 9

Step 3. Repeatedly write your wish to compose a mantra

A mantra is a phrase, or a slogan, repeated over and over again; the goal is to focus on this sentence until visualizing it and in this way help its realization. Sit down with a blank sheet of paper; starting at the top of the page, write down your wish in full. Write it again on the next line, repeating the exact same words. Keep doing this until you've covered the entire page.

Let your mind wander while you do it; think about every word you are typing and evaluate your body's responses

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 10
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 10

Step 4. Recognize the limits of wanting, but don't be discouraged

You may find that there are some obstacles to your dream. If at any point you discover that there are problems, correct the wish accordingly. You must also keep in mind that wishing is not a scientific way to achieve something, but it is a simple tool to help you access the best part of your dreams and charge it with positive energy.

  • Desire is not a science. There is no foolproof method to make it happen.
  • The most common limitations relate to the need to make other people behave in a certain way. For example, you might think, "I want my dad to buy me a new video game tomorrow," but that requires your dad to do something beyond your control. Try thinking instead: "Tomorrow I want to get a new game".
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 11
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 11

Step 5. Avoid using spells, sorceries or other such tricks to make your fantasy come true

Spells, sorceries, tricks, and spells will accomplish nothing; it may be okay to use them as a visualization tool or as a channel for meditation, but they will in no way help to turn the desire into reality.

You will be very upset if you put all your trust in some sort of spell or sorcery that will lead to nothing concrete

Part 3 of 3: Take action

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 12
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 12

Step 1. Consider what you can reasonably achieve overnight

If there is anything that can be done to achieve your goal, do it. For example, if you want your exam to go well, study and review all your notes the night before! If your fantasy is about love, call the boy or girl of your dreams and make a date!

You can't sit back and hope your wildest dreams come true without doing anything to get what you want


you are not interfering with your wish by acting on it, you are just helping to make it come true!

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 13
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 13

Step 2. Discuss your goals with a friend or family member to see if you can get help

If your wish can enlist the help of others, see if your closest friend or family member is willing to help you out. State your desire and explain what you want to achieve for the next day. Even if they won't give you their help directly, it is possible that they will suggest some advice to get you closer to your goal.

Say, "I hope to make something happen tonight, do you have a minute to talk about it?"

Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 14
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 14

Step 3. Make a to-do list to define the actions required to achieve your goal

Before going to sleep, sit down, grab a blank sheet of paper and a pen or pencil; write down every possible action to take over the next two days to make your wish come true. Keep the to-do list in a visible place in your room and work from top to bottom. Erase each step once you've completed it.

  • For example, if you want to graduate from a good school, add things like "Find a good school I can afford", "Understand how to apply for entry" and "Visit potential schools during the summer".
  • Put the simpler things at the top of your list for a couple of easy wins; this will help you break the ice and gain you confidence.
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 15
Make a Wish Come True Overnight Step 15

Step 4. Put your wish under your pillow before going to sleep

Take the original sheet where you wrote your goal, fold it and put it under your pillow, then go to sleep thinking about it coming true. You will sleep better at night knowing that the desired destination is safe under your pillow, and holding it so close to your head will help you focus your thoughts while you sleep!
