How to Make a Wish: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Make a Wish: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Make a Wish: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


There are many ways to make a wish. You can throw a dime into a fountain, stare at the summer sky for a shooting star, think of something you want as you blow out the candles on your birthday. There are even wishing wells, which are said to make expressed dreams come true in exchange for a small donation. If you want to open your mind to the possibility that there is a magical universe, finding a place in the middle of nature away from light pollution where being able to see shooting stars is a great way to give a hand to your desires.


Part 1 of 3: Identifying the Right Star

Wish on a Star Step 1
Wish on a Star Step 1

Step 1. Scan the calendar for the next meteor shower

In reality, shooting stars have nothing to do with real stars, instead they are meteors, made up of pieces of interplanetary rocks or debris. When they enter the Earth's atmosphere, these particles incinerate, illuminating the night sky. Look for the next meteor shower on an astronomical calendar, then go to an isolated place in the middle of nature, away from the light pollution of built-up areas.

In fact, it is possible to see a shooting star on any day of the year, but the odds increase dramatically during meteor showers. Search online, many sites and blogs, for example this one, offer a list of the main astronomical events of the current year

Wish on a Star Step 2
Wish on a Star Step 2

Step 2. Go out of town

If you want to see a shooting star, it is essential to be able to see the stars clearly. Due to light pollution, it is almost impossible to see them in towns and cities.

Drive to a scenic spot in nature. You can choose to go to the mountains, in the countryside or on the shores of a lake away from the inhabited centers. It is much easier to be able to see a shooting star while being in the middle of nature

Wish on a Star Step 3
Wish on a Star Step 3

Step 3. Choose an observation point

Once you have reached the desired location, choose a place that seems dark and comfortable enough to camp. Lie down on the ground or sit down, looking up at the starry sky. Make sure nothing obstructs your view.

Organize yourself as if you were going on a picnic. Bring a folding chair, warm clothes to cover yourself with, water and lots of good things to eat

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Wishes

Wish on a Star Step 4
Wish on a Star Step 4

Step 1. Think about all the things you want

You probably won't see an abundant number of shooting stars, which is why you need to make a selection in advance. Reflect on the things you've always wanted: a million euros, a house, a giant-sized vanilla smoothie; there are no limits to the things you can desire. Let your imagination run free.

Wish on a Star Step 5
Wish on a Star Step 5

Step 2. Write down your wishes

If you have a hard time deciding between one fantasy and another, make a written list of all the dreams that have accompanied you since childhood, then make an effort to choose just a few through a selection process.

Some people believe that writing their wishes on post-its can help make them come true. The "creative visualization" technique can help you better understand your dreams and goals

Wish on a Star Step 6
Wish on a Star Step 6

Step 3. When you write it or say it aloud, make the wish as if it has already come true

Many believe that this simple technique helps to manifest what is desired. Believing in yourself and your dreams increases the chances of them coming true.

Instead of saying "I want to have a better job," try phrasing the sentence like this: "I am a hard worker, intelligent and perfectly capable of getting a better job." This way of expressing yourself is positive, affirmative and can reinforce desires

Wish on a Star Step 7
Wish on a Star Step 7

Step 4. Don't want to change others

It is not possible to control or change another person. Imagine if someone expressed a desire to make you fall in love with him or to make you more beautiful or successful. As you can well understand, you are the only one who can control these elements in your life.

  • However, you can make a wish "on behalf" of another person. For example, you can say "I would like Matthew to be called for a second interview".
  • Formulating a wish such as the following "I want Matteo to smile more and not watch football games so often" is of no use.

Part 3 of 3: Expressing the Wish

Wish on a Star Step 8
Wish on a Star Step 8

Step 1. Look for a shooting star

After positioning yourself in a spot that gives you an excellent view of the sky, with your desire clear in mind, you need to keep your eyes open to be able to spot a shooting star. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position while staring at the sky with the wish you want to make in your head.

Don't stare at the sky for too long. Take a break every half hour to allow your eyes to get used to the dark again

Wish on a Star Step 9
Wish on a Star Step 9

Step 2. Close your eyes while making the wish

If you've been lucky enough to see a shooting star, close your eyes before making your request. Now repeat these words: "Stella, my beautiful star, I wish that …". It is said that this ancient rhyme can help make wishes come true.

Wish on a Star Step 10
Wish on a Star Step 10

Step 3. Don't share your wish with anyone

Otherwise you risk decreasing the chances of it happening. If you saw a shooting star while you were with a friend, make your wish in your mind so that no one can hear you. If you are alone, you can say it aloud, but make sure that no one is around.

Wish on a Star Step 11
Wish on a Star Step 11

Step 4. If you can't see a shooting star, look for a very bright star

If you had no luck and couldn't see a shooting star, decide which star is the brightest in the sky. While they aren't quite as famous as shooting stars in making wishes come true, they are worth a try.

Wish on a Star Step 12
Wish on a Star Step 12

Step 5. Trust your desire

Wishes only come true if you think it is possible! Keep thinking about what you want to happen even after you have formulated your request. The more positive energy you are able to convey to the desire, the more likely it is to come true.


  • Don't expect it to be enough to make a wish after seeing a shooting star for it to come true immediately. You have to keep doing your best to make it achievable.
  • Once it has come true, you can tell your wish to whoever you want.


  • Be careful what you wish for!
  • Try to select your wishes carefully as you may not be able to see many shooting stars.
