When you meet people who seem to radiate happiness and positive energy, wouldn't you want to be like them? You may have wondered “Why do they have so many friends? Why are they so popular? What is it that makes them so… fantastic?”. What these people have is a "positive attitude". Having a positive attitude will help you get what you want out of life, having fun and laughing.

Step 1. Be enthusiastic about your life
Be glad you are exactly where you are. Live every moment as if it were your last. Live life to the fullest!

Step 2. Don't react, act
Be proactive and think ahead of time so that you have happy moments instead of waiting for the bad ones.

Step 3. Every moment is perfect, no matter what happens next
Even the worst moments are part of life and you don't have to let yourself get down. Things happen. Let them go.

Step 4. Be grateful
Gratitude is a simple way to make you appreciate life more. There is nothing wrong with having dreams or goals, but in the meantime enjoy what you have, even if it's not much.

Step 5. Take every opportunity you have instead of regretting it later
When you have a chance to improve or try something new, don't sit at home weighing the pros and cons. Go for it and do it! New experiences are a great way to help you enjoy life.

Step 6. Maintain a sense of humor
Learn to laugh and people will be grateful. Laughing creates positive energy within you and whoever listens to you. Don't take life too seriously. Admit that some moments are fun.

Step 7. Believe you can decide your destiny
No one can take your dreams away from you as long as you can breathe. If you have determination and willpower, you can do almost anything. Success is not an absolute concept, you determine it, so you have it at your fingertips. Even when you do nothing, you are still creating your life, so why not do something to remember?
- Keep a journal and at the end of the day write down the best things that have happened to you. Don't write down the details of your quarrel with your best friend, or how unfair your mother is. Write something good that happened to you or something you made, a poem or a quote that you found.
- Also think about a funny thing that happened during the day. Feel free to write it down in your journal, along with the good things that happened. This will help your sense of humor.
- Do something special for yourself and another person every day. This will help you feel good about yourself and give you something to desire when you get up in the morning.
- Get a camera. The world looks different through the lens of a camera and can help you find the right perspective. Take pictures of anything you want. You don't have to do them just with your friends. Your favorite special places, plants and flowers are a good start.
- Try this method: Collect a bunch of rocks large enough to write on and small enough to fit into a bowl or vase. Then take a permanent marker and write something you are grateful for on the first stone. For example, write "my family" or "my friends" or "my school". You can also be more specific. For example: "my mother" or "my teacher" or "my dance teacher" or "my coach". Place the stone in a bowl or vase. Then take another rock and write something else. Keep going until you run out of things to write. The next time you think of something to be grateful for, write it down on a rock and put it in the bowl. Every night take a rock, keep it and think about how grateful you were for that thing. For example: "Today I am grateful for my mother because she took me to the mall and even though it took me a long time to go out, she didn't say anything when she came to get me" or "I am grateful for my friends because today they helped when I needed it”. It is an activity that helps reinforce a positive attitude.
- We all have sad days. It's okay to be angry and sad. Being positive doesn't mean being perfectly happy. Just try to do the exercise with the stones, no matter what happens. Gratitude is always a form of positive activity.
- Don't be discouraged. Creating a positive attitude takes time, and if you try your hardest to be positive every day, you will eventually succeed.
- Don't judge others. You're not perfect, so why should others be?
- Try to stop having bad thoughts about yourself.